Enough Porn threads! Post your favorite anime now

Enough Porn threads! Post your favorite anime now

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Pingu in the city



Vinland saga

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Bible black


Jojo's bizarre adventure parts 1, 2, 3, and 5. DiU was fucking insufferable after Kira stole that guy's identity until the Bites The Dust arc. For all the shit part 3 gets for its villain of the week format, I cant help but think that Part 4s was way worse because half of the enemies they encounter are just random people with no significance to the plot. Half the season is dedicated to Koichi's beta cuck mary sue bullshit while more likeable characters like Okuyasu dont even get their own arcs. I would gave loved to see more Josuke & Joseph episodes or even episodes revolving around Jotaro trying to help Okuyasu become a better fighter, but no lets dedicate several episodes to Koichi dating some annoying bitch. Really wish Kira killed Yukako at some point because Koichi would have actually had a character motivation aside from Jotaro uncharacteristically licking his midget asshole all the time. Fuck Part 4 and the faggots that champion it over part 3.

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Death Note

Durarara is love durarara is life. 2hu unrelated

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Black Lagoon.

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What's that?

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Devil is a Part Timer is a super fun watch
Black Butler Book of Circus was really really good. Like way better than most of season 1 and 100000x better than any of season 2

I have only ever heard the name and genre, care to tell me why is it good?

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It looks like "your lie in april" but i'm not sure

Shinsekai Yori

yu yu hakusho

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It's so good in so many levels that i don't think i will be able to write everything in here, but i will try at least. First of all it has some really great moments, i would say one per arc, that really hit you in the feels, the stories within the story make you care deeply for the characters and the emotional payoff in that "great moment" hits really hard. It has a lot of topics which a lot of people can relate to and every character in the pirate crew has a fucked up past in some way and yet all of them have found a way to fight for their dreams within the crew. It's really light compared to other mangas/anime, it has no gore and it never shows hard themes explicitly and yet it touches topics like sexual slavery implicitly. The world is so full of color, the characters are very weird and unique and their design is just glorious, additionally the world building is just amazing. Oda is an amazing writer and has great attention to detail and consistency throughout the story, so there are things that are set in motion earlier and then later, way way later have a huge, satisfactory payoff.

Hell yea brother

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Joke answer, Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
Real answer, probably Neon Genesis Evangelion or Death Note.

Since Im here longer than I expected:
Durarara is little bit like monogatari but it feels like it actually exists. I mean it blends reality and fanatsy together really well, has really great cast, good story. And the constant feeling that shit is going to get more out of hand every fucking second. It tells the story from multiple people's viewpoints. It's amazing to see how things/actions affect each other.
Really recommend you guys watch thid

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Thanks for the effort, I'll watch it when I finish my current plate of anime ^V^

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Made in Abyss
Elfien Lied
Angel Beats
13 the beginning
Royal Space Force
Th ancient magus bride
Rising of the shield hero
Death parade
Black Bullet
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
Assassination Classroom
Shumatzu no Izetta
Guilty Crown
Seraph of the End


Oh i forgot Stein Gates

You will not regret

The Vision of Escaflowne has always held a special place in my heart since i was young

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Nobody likes cowboy bebop?

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ill drop a couple

queens blade
phi brain
serial expirements lain
Brynhildr in the Darkness

Never heard, I'll give it a try if you give me some briefing

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bodacious space pirates
ikki tousen

gay as fuck, could never get through it

It's like a genre of its own. It has the best music and great animation. It's a sci-fi bounty hunter deal and lemme tell you. It's THE coolest anime you can watch.

Wtf what was wrong with it?

Indeed i like that one, list too long

Shinsekai Yori
Cowboy Bebop
Paranoia Agent
Seto no Hanayome

I am a specialist in enjoying shitty shows. Of course even I have a limit. And I appreciate good shows as well

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Thanks. I’m here all week.

The opening at least looks interesting, I'll give that one a go as well

Thinking of decent shows, I really enjoyed grisaia series. It's half decent anime, I probably loved the series because I had read all of the vns before. It's really fucking cool, and ero

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Devil is a part timer is a mystery. It ended on a cliff hanger (in the anime anyways) and never had more made, despite being popular, highly rated, making a profit, and the mangaka wanting more to be adapted. Hopefully some studio picks it up someday, I’d love to see the rest animated

Obligatory slice of life poster

Watch Nichijou

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Elfen Lied

Hell ye, dude, I just started rewatching Your Lie in April today. Pic related is my fav

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Space dandy or air gear


Elfen lied of course

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detroit metal city

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Cro-High. One of the few anime that's great both dubbed and subbed.

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>Leave porn on the porn boards!
>posts anime outside of Yas Forums

This anime was so great, it had an anime within itself.

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Sailor Moon

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Started watching High School DxD for the memes

>it's actually not bad
>I'm already in the second season


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Wolf's Rain


R.O.D The TV

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HxH for the Yorknew arc and Chimera Ants. The rest, while still being an interesting deconstruction of the genre, didn't manage to impress me that much.

Space Dandy is great and so is Redline

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