Hunger Games, first 24 are in. School shooting code

Hunger Games, first 24 are in. School shooting code.

How to play: all you need to do is post an image and a name and let the RNG battle sim do the rest.

Attached: 1.jpg (728x486, 32.98K)


Attached: Utharu.png (81x109, 6.31K)

Pantaloon Steve

Attached: PikaChuSafteySexSuit.jpg (1920x2826, 373.88K)


Attached: 61.jpg (932x1182, 135.9K)

Catvine Div

Attached: 129.jpg (576x768, 126.78K)

Bullied Bulin

Attached: Universal.Bullin.(Azur.Lane).full.2229360.jpg (613x775, 258.41K)


Attached: 169.jpg (1110x1498, 169.8K)


Attached: 1492487071835.png (400x640, 203.71K)

Average White American Male Forgotten By Society

Attached: 1585309565984.jpg (582x582, 39.97K)


Attached: 1582760135318.jpg (640x632, 59.05K)


Kizuna AI

Attached: tumblr_ooh4a5VDTD1twq4xao1_1280.png (1280x1688, 1.04M)

Fido The Flipper Offer

Attached: 1585314637013.gif (500x228, 1.95M)

No, I don't know who that is.

Attached: Limit Break 2.png (280x280, 177.75K)

proper lads

Attached: EISQxmlWoAE59qC.jpg (750x562, 63.74K)

Big Red

Attached: binx.jpg (600x589, 40.79K)

Fox Mulder

Attached: 97acc2d1848b98468277cdb2e35a47c6.jpg (1754x2560, 727.24K)

The Arbiter

Attached: engel.png (822x462, 832.29K)

Billy the Kid

Attached: 2465624572452.png (1000x677, 218.99K)

hey this isn't the wild west code

all you need to shot up a school is a gun, and billy's got that.


Attached: 1551651883841.png (251x307, 41.62K)

16 tributes as of now, right?

looking good, we got 8 more tributes to fill so feel free to samefag.

Attached: holy fuck this thing is green.jpg (1024x1024, 81.97K)

my bad 7.


Attached: Feyo.jpg (1000x1280, 62.67K)

unwilling tribute

Attached: 07879797.jpg (578x400, 183.63K)

Richard Rawlings

Attached: 519sNaqbQLL._SX385_.jpg (385x481, 24.14K)


Attached: 1456796839734.jpg (1200x1028, 199.63K)

wheres the old man


Attached: 400 (1).jpg (298x400, 162.56K)


Attached: 0013.png (180x180, 61.15K)

where am i

>wheres the old man?

I have been summoned!

Chester A Arthur

Attached: chester_arthur.jpg (260x320, 22.94K)


Attached: hal-9000-3d-model-fbx-ma-mb.jpg (676x466, 40.96K)

While OP does the thing, here's the special Wincard for the winners of the drunk hostathon games

Attached: Host Party #2 - Drunk Party - March 2020.jpg (1920x1080, 1.28M)

Any changes?

Attached: roster.png (1298x990, 474.02K)


>not a new IP
oh shit Rawlings and Chester = same person?

Attached: fig.jpg (1000x800, 84.77K)

looks good

Let's roll

Attached: Kick.gif (78x76, 6.87K)

I fixed chester's name.

Attached: like look how green it is.jpg (800x600, 141.64K)

Go team go~

Attached: 742353.jpg (305x442, 34.91K)

Holy freaking based batman


Attached: Screenshot_20200323-164536_YouTube.jpg (2280x1080, 141.11K)

See a lot of looting, but not a lot of shooting.

be careful Chinatsu that man is known for bullet hell.

all the encouragement I needed.

Attached: 1.png (1298x3439, 610.88K)


Attached: db2.jpg (491x450, 20.95K)


Attached: 1458655843256.png (1556x875, 2M)

bring it on

Attached: 55.jpg (640x480, 122.62K)

Attached: 312x2YUqjsL._AC_SY400_.jpg (109x400, 7.13K)

Yeah no shit he has a gun

Attached: Feyo Big.png (576x576, 13.31K)


A collateral on day 1? I see you have been practicing.

Billy werent you supposed to be accurate or something

bro you got a missed call, you going to return that?

Attached: 2.png (1298x2247, 549.3K)

goodnight day oners.

Attached: f.png (1298x990, 79.43K)

Next time..

Attached: Screenshot_20200209-213241.png (1280x720, 665.57K)

damn it

Attached: Feyo chills out.png (1497x1360, 409K)

Stop watching all those videos and pick up the phone son

Attached: 216eaca56dda461fb341b60657911b88_xl.jpg (1200x900, 169.23K)

Bad DOG Fido! BAD DOG! Fucking school shooting and he just starts trashing the place like he was left home alone.

Sad I missed the opening of this thread.

Attached: Nyto 27.jpg (1024x1024, 592.21K)

Near sighted?

Good riddance Mister Rawlings, old man indeed!

Attached: Chinese-immigration-President-Chester-Arthur-United-States-Western-vote-Puck-May-17-1882.jpg (1600x1410, 836K)

Dogs do be wild

Can I get you a drink?

Attached: 3d27a2f99feb9aedb6cd69379c240f81.jpg (640x640, 65.89K)

double barrel, one for each kill Kizuna?

Attached: 3.png (1298x1969, 494.81K)

Its cozy on the sidelines~

Attached: 38276.png (450x402, 6.72K)

Gravel, I think its time to scrap the whole bomb plan.

Pantaloon Steve acts half as menacing as he looks.

Attached: 4.png (1298x1806, 435.43K)


Attached: 1432453675252.gif (500x281, 1.08M)

Yes, I suppose it is.

Attached: Nyto 12.png (1536x2048, 1.53M)

Hell yeah

Attached: Rider.jpg (2214x3012, 848.87K)

Are the sidelines different from being dead?

Attached: cilantropotatosalad.jpg (533x560, 208.47K)

well at least you didnt die on day 1.

Attached: f1.png (1298x1143, 135.21K)

So this is how it feels to be Miss Megumi

Attached: 250px-Arthur_NYcustoms_house_cartoon.jpg (250x202, 15.74K)

That's the spirit~

Attached: k083.jpg (685x964, 107.22K)

At least Steve is wearing the appropriate attire for head explosions.

Your grave will be overflowing with flowers!~

Attached: 477552.png (500x517, 329.15K)

I outlasted Mister Rawlings, which makes me feel as though I have won

Attached: s-l300.jpg (197x300, 10.97K)

Aren't you the same person?


continuing the tradition of bullying Ft. fire extinguisher.

The proper lads attempt to show off who the real alpha male is here.

Attached: 6.png (1298x1528, 364.13K)

>tfw dissociating

Attached: 49393.png (214x605, 107.16K)

Imagine seeing those 3 walking down a hallway.

Attached: 7.png (1298x1218, 297.79K)


And you just know Fido was flipping Kizuna AI off the whole time.