How often on average do you femanons rub your shit?
How often on average do you femanons rub your shit?
Great pic
My wife goes a few times a day if she can... I love watching her
More pics of sluts rubbing themselves like this??
2-3 times a week personally. Relationship or not, same. Dunno just a way for me relax by myself that I need.
Once a day
You're definitely fat
Judging by the amount of girls I fap with on cam sites, I'd say about the same as guys.
2-4 times a day
Not sure I would count myself as fat, but I'm not skinny tho. Small but robust if you ask me. :P 5,1 153 lbs.
let it snow
sorry meant le tits now
Fucking get
wow a shit get on Yas Forums who would’ve thought. congrats nigger
wow my first major win ever
not a nigger but absolutely undeserving
show bobs and vagene
been a while since I saw such a retarded get
Human waste is unsanitary and gross, OP!
Tits or never get checked ever again
deus vult
Wow le go fuck yourself
is it just nostalgia or in the old Yas Forums back in the mid 2000's we would already have several of her pics?
All night long I'll be waaaarm
Moar attention whores in '03 '04 (my sister would post her tits n puss for ego points back then)
Women rubbing off is a little different than jerking it
Most women probably do it at most once or twice a week
Most men it’s once or twice a day
That’s because Yas Forums had actual content instead of tranny porn and shouldn’t share threads so it actually had female traffic
did you fap to them?
This guy is using a hack to get checked. He's been doing this with the same post in every thread.
nah, my roommate was having problems with her boyfriend at the time and was going as far as three times a day.
Once a week, maybe every other week, regardless of being in a relationship. I like to deprive myself for extended periods of time though, once went a month and half without an orgasm.
Fuck the haters this is phenomenal get
He has spoken
Whores deserve bullets
By your own omission that was an anomaly so get wreked
definitely didnt hack fag
better than the YuGiOh fag
Was always treated like her shota fanfic as a little brother but she was the one to introduce me to Yas Forums and Yas Forums
You’re a saint. I hate how iPhone doesn’t play webm
My Asian gf was 5’1”, 100lbs. You must have some big knockers.
I'm always doing it. Especially with lockdown, basically constantly when I'm home.
It's gone mostly to my ass I'm afriad lol.
Lol that thread was comical, what a retard
Do femanons actually put things in them and walk around with them in them?
Aside from tampons, no.
What is this even called??
quads, qunits, now sexts?
and can someone calculate the odds of this even happening?
moar panty masturbation
>Cotton penis
I go 3-5 times every day. It's my fav way to pass some time.
My wife uses her vibe in the shower most mornings. 4 -5 times a week maybe. When we moved in she told me she jerks off almost everymorning. I laughed. Said whatever. 6 years later
What does this feel like?
Do you rub against stuff?
Have you got caught?
Is there a good way to do stuff for you?
My wife used to with her fuckbuddy in Florida. She ended up just doing it because of the constant pressure on her sphincter. (A sphincter says what) I even do it sometimes. Try it once.
show asshole
I mean these aren't random numbers so someone had to get it. It's just funny that guy asking for tits on Yas Forums got it.
Show yours.
Just past the anoos
congrats on that get but jesus that was such a fucking waste
a hack? you sure know your way around the internet son. what an amazing hack program he has to make 7's.
My Exwife would flick that bean 2x a day, almost exactly the sametimes every weekday. Kids at schhol so home alone. Would get kids out, get herself off about 9am. then again at 1pm or so. LIke all the time. I knew if I came home early, Id be interrupting her. Then she's get off on my mouth and cock a couple times. It was exhausting sometimes. Crazy bitch, but a ton of fun in bed.
>Do you rub against stuff?
Sometimes yeah
>Have you got caught?
Not for a long time. When I was younger, yeah.
>Is there a good way to do stuff for you?
It's all about the clit! Just be gentle with it
someone needs to show tits!
10 times out of 1 million …. based on my poverty education