I have a message to all you American rednecks...

I have a message to all you American rednecks, stop calling the virus the "China virus" and admit it originated from America unless you want the Peoples Liberation Army to be knocking at your footstep while you all suffocate on your own blood.

America has been brought to its knees and you should worship us for letting us continue to live instead of invading your backwater nation while you are vulnerable.

You have been warned. CHINA FOREVER!

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Fuck the chinks bunch of pussies

Them American rednecks have more firepower than the PLA. They will be fine.

If they honestly try. Welcome to the corn fields, motherfucker.

Good luck doing anything with your shitty chabaduo equipment

I know this is a trolling post but the PLA hasn't fought a war since the late 70s. They tried to invade Vietnam and lost. Before that it was Korea. There is literally no one in their entire army who has done anything other than some firefights in south sudan as part of a peacekeeping mission.

They're a large army but their gear is out dated and they have no experience in combat what so ever.


Fuckin come at me bro

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Fuck you stupid chink. All of china should burn. Disgusting pig land.

China can't do shit to America unless they want their stupid ass chink country to go up in flames.
Also, it's 2020, learn some proper English, cunt.

fuck you china man,go back to your bat poop soup

america is a fucking joke,you have a draft dodger as your commander in chief

literally the only people who think the military is strong in america are americans


Itt: larping

China is a third world shit hole.

fuck u chinks

get reked faggot, I only rape Chinese bitches.

>Knocking at your footstep?

Somebody doesn't understand why American policy is having a military as big as the next ten combined.


thats leader is a draft dodger.you were saying patriot boy?

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There's a reason it's called Kung flu

>Somebody doesn't understand why American policy is having a military as big as the next ten combined.

The American Air Force is the largest, most advance and best equipped in the world. The next largest air force in the world is owned by the American Navy. Who controls those GPS satellites up there? America does. Who has both more carriers and more nuclear armed submarines than China? America.

Besides, in order to control territory, you need boots on the ground. China does have the boots but they're going to be facing a guerilla resistance who thinks Red Dawn really was a documentary. Every redneck with his durr rifle. Every kid with his .22 plinker. Yeah, ain't gonna work.

Please land an invasion here. I would love to steal a nice ZTZ-99 and add it to my forearms collection

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Ah so aahhhh so

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the only people who think the us military is the best are americans.everyone else thinks they are a joke and they even more of a joke now with trump leading it

what the fuck is a footstep?

also,who makes 99 percent of the products you use,including the technology you are posting this on? china

if a nuclear war wont fuck america up.the economic consequences will

Imagine these little chinks coming face to face with a group of Navy SEALS. Get fucked ching chong

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America would get fucked so hard if it came down to war. China probably has spyware installed on every iphone, laptop, desktop, electronic devic manufactured in China


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Lol isnt everyone in China 4 foot 4

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What are you, 12?

Basically everyone in the Chinese army are the leftover men from the one-child policy who failed to find a partner. They have that virgin rage with them.

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check em

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JK, check em now

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Trump already explained the virus is a hoax by the democrats, to show how terrible he is at handling a crisis. All americans who got sick are crisis actors, according to Trump

imagine being this delusional. It has to b bait

Every country in the world has been defeated except for the two super powers. America and Russia. Ching chung chinks are only good for making shoes and viruses.. fuck off and eat some bat shit soup...
UK got there ass handed to them by the Americans as well... so they can be the penis smoochers that every one knows.. God save the don't fuckin care idiots

What does it matter if he did? The current military would still wipe the floor with the PLA.

Chung ching cajie wobo. Ching Chang dun...
I like to see my asian goddess suck off American rednecks

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You stupid Americans are as dumb as the stupid Gen Z'ers who continue to party and say "if i get it, i get it, yolo". You won't be scared until the Chinese army are marching through the streets of Time Square, with American blood flowing through the streets. You'd rather call it the China Virus and risk war than to take the high road.

Okay can’t wait for Mulan to come attack us. Can’t wait get some of that pussy. China ain’t gonna do shit!!!!! Pussy

If you think Trump leads the military you're an idiot. Technically, yes, he's in charge. He knows he's not a general, he doesn't do shit. He's only "in charge" for the sake of *Salute* GOOD MORNING Mr. PRESIDENT."

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Nope. It's Kung Flu. Lung Pao Sicken. Wu-Flu.

Fuck you squinty eyes.

I'd also argue that Vietnam and the current war on terrorism could count as losses. Whether or not the vietnam campaign had any amount of success doesn't even matter because it was just ended and communism won. The war on terror has been going on for 20 years and we get nowhere. Killing terrorists makes more terrorists.

Russia got their ass kicked by Japan

Nice Haka .. but why the target on the hats ?
Also Chinese virus Wuhan virus Chinese virus Wuhan virus Chinese virus Wuhan virus Chinese virus Wuhan virus Chinese virus Wuhan virus

Angry looking lean and screaming gooks in uniform is literally nightmare fuel for the yankee giving him shivers and cold sweat







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GOD BLESS AMERICA! China ain’t got shit on us. Are you gonna defeat our military. Cough on us? Keep eating your bat soup dumb ass

>Red Dawn really was a documentary.
God I love you.

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You think your ships would even come close to American soil? You may just be bat shit soup crazy.

Never thought id see a Russian larping as a Chinese but I guess we live in that kind od d world now. Right Vlad?

will they bring their north Korean allies ?

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Good fuckin you uncivilized chink. Our military outpaced you 10/10 times. You seriously think you could even compete, good fuckin luck. A fucking island on the opposite end of the world whooped your ads twice, what do you think we can do?