I fucked a starfish once
I haven't ejaculated in 63 days
and how did that make you feel, user?
So many where to start
>I spy on our guest bathroom have seen all sorts of fun bits
>I knocked up my friends wife
> I won big in Vegas and never told anyone I don’t have to work if I don’t have to
>also I have a substance abuse problem and I’ve never gave anyone around me an idea that I’m a chronic user
When I was 15 me and my brother were sleeping over at my sisters and we were both horny and jacking off a bit talking about sex and then he wanted to suck my cock so he sucked me off and then I sucked his rather thick rod
It was salty and I didnt like it but I sucked my big brother off and then when I felt I had done enough I rolled over
Her kept wanking and felt my arse while I tried to crash out
I still get horny thinking about it
Me? Pretty good. The starfish on the other hand don't fare to well.
*didn't fare to well*
ur sleeping at ur sisters but u fucked ur brother instead... fuck user.. ur a fag
The starfish fucking died user, don't laugh.
I realised that
Everytime I watch my wife suck cock I just want to wrap my lips around it and grab it
I got angry at my job so I stayed late, waited until everyone left, rolled back the carpet in the meeting room, shit rolled the carpet back and stomped it flat.
It still smells in there and no one knows why.
i snuck out of the house last night to get sucked off by a tranny. grindr works but holy shit am i not doing that again.
Theres this girl streamer i like and i tried flirting with her and eventually i got rejected.
So i made a catfish account with a hot dude as my pic and now she fell for it and fell in love with me and is my cumslut and does whatever i say. even had her drink her piss and eat her shit for me.
Used to have sex with my sis while we were teenagers. We knew it was wrong and we did stop after a few years but sometimes i really do miss it
We had a tanning bed at our house when I was growing up and I would peep on my mom through the opening whenever she would use it
Lied to a junkie patient and she gave me a blow job in my ambulance. Told her I would give her morphine and gave her saline as we pulled up to ER.
I'm obsessed with my own dick. I jerk off four or five times a day and always eat my cum. Currently I'm jerking off to the idea of me riding a dildo in the shower.
Not gay, btw. Guys in general are pretty disgusting. I just love giving myself love.
Tricked a junkie and she gave me a blow job in my ambulance. Told her I would give her morphine and gave her saline as we pulled up to ER. Also felt up several intubation sedated hot patients when we had some acute transfers.
Share details of touching them...
you should step back from the ledge and cut ties with all the lies you've been living in
why not?
any pics? ive taught mine how to play with herself - she paid me back few years later with a blowjob that has never been topped.
hooked up last night with the wife of a guy i work with. he thinks they are gonna work it out but she's already swallowing cum in another man's car so i doubt it.
i almost feel bad but he's a lazy piece of shit at work.
How’d you meet her?
I have fucked multiple members of my family of age and not starting at 13 up until now. The list as of now is
My friends wife sucked my dick while he was passed out in the same room
i've gone out with them in the past when i was dating someone as like a double date so we've known each other for a while. just ran into her a while ago out at a bar (before the panic really set in) with her girlfriends. she told me about them getting divorced and i played the "if you need to talk" card.
she said she wanted to talk to a guy about the divorce a few nights ago and we talked on the phone a while, texts started getting flirty and then last night she asked if i could pick her up and take her to her mom's to drop some stuff off. i was paid with head in her driveway before her husband got home from work.
Hot. Did she swallow?
yes she did
My old EMS company would run acute emergency transfers. Person would have stroke or something similar and would need to be taken from hospital A to hospital B. Most of the time the transfer would be 20-30 minutes. Mostly get old fucks not worthy of the money that the transfer cost. Occasionally get a few really hot mid 30s females. She was intubated and on sedation meds. My old ambulance was positioned where my partner could only see the far left of the back of the ambulance, not the stretcher or the seat I was in at all. Patient was in gown and I would have to be next to them anyways to kept an eye out on equipment. She had big fake tits and was either freshly waxed or had her vag hair lasered off. The whole ride I squeezed her tits, fingered her vag and ass. Pulled my dick out and had her hand jack me off. Only had 2 of those patients in 2 and half years.
All were willing? What was the age range?
the whole time i was thinking that this wasn't a girl sucking my cock... i mean i finished but i had to do that myself and then just ran out of place as fast as i could
I got my first bj when I was 12 from my male cousin
I used to get head from people I met on the internet. Not single anymore so no more but I do miss it.
>all were willing?
all of them were willing one of them happened when I was coerced into
>14-57 I believe could be older but my memories failing me on a timeline
i was the reason my mom and dad dinner I joked about my mom cheating and my dad went apeshit.
Yeah, I like trap porn but have always thought that's what it'd feel like doing it with one.
my girlfriend gives me small penis humiliation both when we’re having sex and out in public
How was it to finger them? We’re they wet? Tight?
How did you meet them? Men or women?
Is she sucking off other guys?
She was surprisingly tight and we have lube on the ambulance so used that in her ass. Her body naturally got more wet the longer I rubbed.
Both. Most of them by adultfriendfinder. I was young and have a nice cock so I stood out. Met a lot of cuckhold couples on there but a few single women who were size queens would gravitate to me.
they can still work it out, a little cum doesn't have to hurt a relationship. can help!
Me, my 11 year old cousin and my 14 year old cousin were all spending the night at our grandparents house. It was nighttime and we were all three laying on the pullout bed when the oldest one brought up getting blowjobs. One thing led to another and he had convinced the younger cousin to suck both our dicks in exchange for him getting his dick sucked by me
Think she noticed when she woke up?
Nice... how big are you?
What we’re the cuckhold couples into?
No she was on propofol, it sedates patients that are intubated. 0% chances, always wanted to find a way to fuck one of them in the back but the logistics would of been too difficult. Had a few junkies offer to fuck me and partner most where really gross and didn’t want risk narcotics going missing as they got more strict on logging them. But the couples BJs where really nice.
7in not huge but enough above average to stand out.
Half of them was just me playing with the wife and he watched. The other half the guy would do things eating the wife out after I came in her, suck me off to get their wife pussy juice off my cock, lick my balls while I fucked the wife.
I’d love to hear more... wanna kik?
Don’t have kik email is [email protected]
Emails too hard to go back and forth. Kik is very easy to get with an email if you’d consider it?
Is kik phone only? I don’t like typing out long stories and such on a phone. Rather use a keyboard.
Ah I see. You can talk into it too... but whatever works for you I suppose... I’d just like to hear more and keep in contact for advice
Can do, just hit me up
I'm really fucking tired. Nearly delusional. I know I haven't been thinking clearly for some time and honestly I don't know where to go forward.
The thing is I get two points in any given day to even attempting to relax. 7:00AM to 8:00AM and 7:00PM to 10:00PM. My guess is because my 5yo son is quite autistic, currently non-verbal, and has quite possibly a fucking scat fetish - while I took the role of stay at home father.
> son wakes up between 3:00AM-5:00AM most days (that's just how he is and it's fucking random)
> get up, check his pull-up and room
> usually get him a dry snack and some water to keep him appeased
> wake up myself again about 6:00AM
> check the camera again, if he's good - get a shower
> grab him a dry breakfast like waffles or some shit
> he can't be trusted with anything wet besides water
> go sit at my PC for a bit
> think about escaping, but i can't deny my life as a parent
> try to keep an eye on the camera at all times
> just want an hour or so before i let the beast out of his domain
> in the span of a literal fucking 1 minute I get too distracted
> takes his pull-up off, craps in the floor
> smears a little, starts flinging it into the air
> i have to spend the next half hour scrubbing shit off the ceiling
By the time his bedtime arrives, my personal time that is, I'm just too fucking tired from the day to really figure anything out or do anything.
There's no doubt that this kid was a factor in the failing aspect of my relationship last year. I don't doubt my wife feels that as well, but she would never be bold n' cold enough to admit it.
It's not like I want to admit that though.