Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking cigarettes?

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You should aim for 100 a day.

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I quit back in like 2013 from being a pack to two pack a day smoker.

ugh I bet even smokers would look at you and think you're retarded.......there's not enough time to smoke that many unless ur unemployed all day, which means you live with your parents still...which means you have no gf or wife, LOL

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Just smoke weed, you fucking idiots. What the fuck.

"Tfw when I'm dying and drowning to death in air because my lungs are covered in cancer" - fixed that for you op

75 a day.are you stupid.3 an hour is ok but if you sleep. The number is unrealistic and you must smell like a monkeys balls

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all smoking is degenerate, you must be a brainlet nigger

I don't know why people say it's hard to quit smoking, I've quit like six times

because you're a quitter irl

I quit two years lung feel great but I cant see my feet or dick because of the 60lbs I've I'll have stroke instead of cancer.hooray

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I did 3 years ago, wasn't smoking as much as you but had been smoking for 7 years or so. Vaping is what did it for me. Inb4 hurr durr faggot, it got me off cigarettes I don't give a fuck if people think I'm a faggot for it

Not true.a nice smoked salmon is a wonder for the genitals

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I managed to quit smoking cigarettes when i start loosing weight. You just have to stop. You do not have to go for the faggotry of "oh look i will smoke less today, and less tomorrow and so on". no. fuck you, just stop smoking.
I used to smoke at least 1 pack a day (easily 20 cigarettes). Yea sure, you will be hating everyone in the first 2 weeks, but it will be better, do stuff to keep your mind away from it, do some sports, whatever floats your boat.
Also, smoking is the worst of the vices. It costs a lot and it doesn't bring anything to the table at all. with money you spend on cigarettes you could easily buy some weed and you will feel much better.

Wrong actually. I'm to be married this August in a relationship for the last 7 years. My fiance lives with me in the basement of my mother's house. It's fully furnished with everything except our own kitchen. We have a dedicated games room, a separate laundry room, a living room, a bedroom and a bathroom.

We've chosen not to move out for a while because of a few reasons. Save money, we have nicer shit here than if we moved out, we get our laundry done for us for free, we get food cooked for us more often than not, we live in a better neighborhood than we could afford otherwise at the moment and one more time we save 1500/mo by living essentially in the downstairs apartment than by "having my own place hrrrrrr".

Shits not worth it. Not right now at least. I'll wait for the market to crash a bit more and consider signing a fixed lease for a townhouse or something but if rent and utilities totals more than 1200 I'm out.

How much would you save a month if you didn’t smoke?

i smoke 30 a day, and i'm 59. still alive and kicking. i smoke since i was 17.

justify all you want faggot, you're still gonna die in your mom's basement hahahaha

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you probably sound like someone rubbing sandpaper on a chalkboard

About 100$ regrettably. I didn't mention smoking though because I don't want to argue about it. I enjoy smoking. I quit multiple times for over a year at a time and I always start back because I miss inhaling that sweet smooth tobacco.

I just enjoy a good smoke. Not some over the counter poopy ass cigarettes, though I do smoke those I don't enjoy them at all. I prefer pipe and cigar of basically any kind as long as it's fresh.

Then I die with a loving wife and tendies made fresh on my last day by the person who loves me most in the world?

Wow that sounds like the worst thing I could ever imagine.

i smoke 20 and its ruining my life

Yes well done you won the cancer lottery, but you can't breathe for shit and are basically black inside now, it's nothing to brag about.

Smoked for 12 years and just quit cold turkey one day, because I realized I was retarded for smoking.

>75 ciggs per day
>$100 per month

Do you mean per day?

I don't smoke 75 cigs a day. I probably smoke a quarter pack. Like 5 maybe more on the weekend.

I quit 12 months ago after doing an audio book plan. Smoked 30+ a day for 25 years and gave up in 4 days. I think you really need to want to quit or it just doesn't stick.

I gave up smoking 2 years ago. I couldn't understand how I managed to do it, because all my attempts failed before it. Since then I haven't smoked any cigarette.

yeah, just don't smoke lol

Protip for all you hurr-durr faggots: You're ALL going to die. Cancer is just one way to die, and you can get cancer from anything or nothing.

Smoke, don't smoke, whatever. Enjoy every day until you actually DIE. Which you most certainly WILL do, no matter what kind of lifestyle you live.

No one gets out alive.

>inb4 hurr durr I live healthy and die really easy wit no pain

I take vyvanse as prescribed and literally can't stop using my vuse Alto. I swear amphetamines and nicotine make it impossible to survive without one another.. a few years ago I went on an all out amphetamine binge and 75 wasnt uncommon

>Smoke, don't smoke, whatever. Enjoy every day until you actually DIE. Which you most certainly WILL do, no matter what kind of lifestyle you live.
Faggot I quit because getting winded going up 3 flights of stairs at 23 is a terrible sign.

Smoke like a faggot if you want some of us want(ed) out.

Yes, quit in 2012 .. used nicotine gum to ease me through it .. smoked 1-2 packs a day. One of my better decisions...

Did quitting solve your problem? Define getting winded.

Even when I was working out 6 days a week, training to fight, and doing cardio, and not smoking, I would stick get "winded" by doing a quit trot up two sets of stairs(one flight for a hospital).

But my definition of winded is that my breathing has increased significantly. Noticeably shorter sentences. I could run 2 miles(not jog) and fight for 15+ minutes without a break. I noticed for me that any kind of physical activity activates some kind of automatic respiratory response that makes me breath harder. I can do that for a long time. But it makes me insecure about my stamina when it looks like I have a hard time going up stairs.

Anybody have that issue?

I smoked for 25 years, did every kind of athletic thing you can think of. If you're getting winded at 23 then you must be a fat fuck, or have bad heart valves to begin with.

I quit smoking because at $8 a pack, it was costing me $300 a month just to fucking smoke, which I realized is a stupid waste of my money.

I find it interesting that people went all crazy about smoking, only to then promote smoking dope, and then getting all mad at people vaping. Human beings like ingesting amphetamine like substances (nicotine, caffeine), and also substances that bring us down (alcohol, weed). That just seems to be the nature of things, and I find that people who fight against that are hypocritical assholes on the whole.

It's been almost a year since I smoked. It was easy for me to quit because i wasnt a heavy smoker, just did it out of boredom.

Heart valves. You need your ejection fraction measured.

I quit and i was up close to you with 3 packs a day.
Will be 2 years this fall

You also ought to get checked for a PFO. Google it. more common that you think, but can be fixed pretty easily.

Fuck man, I’m right at 25 years. Quit yesterday. I just threw away all the half smoked butts laying around my place because I’ll smoke them in a moment of weakness.

I’m so fucking sick of smoking

I smoked for over 20 years, if you smoke 75 cigarettes a day you’re a fuckin idiot with no self control. If you have no self control, you’ll never find a way to quit. I vaped for awhile before I quit. You’ll probably end up replacing 75 cigs a day with 75 juul pods a day. Cigs aren’t your problem.

>serious advice here.
I switched from smoking to snus, and it managed to fully substitute the habit. Snus are Swedish 'tea-bag' like products filled with dried tobacco. You put them underneath your upperlip and can wear it for hours.

-can do it inside
-can do it at work
-no faggots looking down at you for smoking
-no lung problems

-can be a tad strong at first
-itll turn your upper teeth brown as fuck
-still chance to develop mouth/throat cancer

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If you really suck a cig down and if it's a cheapo brand one cigarette will only last like 5 minutes.
Really not hard at all to smoke upwards of 4 packs a day if you chain-smoke em

I quit. Shit feels bretty gud.

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tried that

BoomerFag checking in: Grew up when everyone smoked everywhere - libraries, hospitals, you-name-it.

The thing I miss about smoking is the mental/physical break that it gave me during the day. If I had to think about a problem, I'd reach for my pack of smokes, pull one out, light it up and sit back and think about the issue at hand.

Once smoking was banned inside offices, walking outside with co-workers to have a drag promoted discussions that sometimes resulted in better actions in the job.

There is a social function to smoking that has been lost by the zoomers and doomer generation.

Today I'm old enough to not give a fuck what zoomers do. I'm living off my pension and real estate investments made while men were still men, and you could grab the secretary's ass then light up a smoke in your office and pour a small shot of the bourbon in your desk drawer.

Yay mouth and throat cancer instead of lung cancer.

Seriously the least dumbass way to consume nicotine now pipe and cigars. Still have that mouth and throat cancer risk but it's much less than anus or chew. Unless you're so weak you need your nicotine did all throughout the day

>The thing I miss about smoking is the mental/physical break that it gave me during the day. If I had to think about a problem, I'd reach for my pack of smokes, pull one out, light it up and sit back and think about the issue at hand.
Cigarillos, bro.
As long as you don't inhale the addiction doesn't hook you the same

You can get throat cancer from eating the wrong pussy just ONCE in your life. Should people stop eating pussy?

You are not going to be alive 100 years from now, user. Stop worrying about dying - you can't stop it.

The inhale thing I enjoyed, tho. Can't do that with a cigarillo or cigar.

I quit today or at least I'll try to. 30 years old and been smoking for 10.

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Just stop it and quit going for a while to places where smokers go. I did it and my anxiety for smoking stopped. Though I'm a social smoker, but I can easily smoke 2 packs per night if I'm hanging out at a bar.

it's a 3 day hump nigger then you get hit with a 7-10 day hump. then you feel like you can breath and taste food again.

then every time you drink or chill like you used to you wanna smoke.

take it easy and don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. smoking less is always good and not smoking at all is best. keep trying usually takes 8-10 serious tries before it works.

fucking love cigs though

1-5god 6-0shittier

Another Protip: 90% of women over 40 say they don't smoke, but definitely smoke while drinking wine.

What the fuck

I'm. It worried about death
I'm worries about the surviving. Ever see what mouth or throat cancer does to a person.
Oh, and also anus and chew is awful for your teeth. i dontbknow about you but I like my teeth

Yeah, because you enjoyed that instantaneous nicotine did from inhaling. I was the same. Since I've quit I can light a cigar and enjoy it so much more than I ever did while smoking cigarettes. It's hard to explain.

Your teeth are going to be fucked up by the time you're 60, brah. Everyone has teeth problems eventually. Everyone.

There is this conceit - this illusion that our youth is forever - but it most decidedly is not. I have had friends die who are vegan and work out like crazy, then come down with something stupid like MS and just.....die.

You can't escape getting sick. You can't escape dying. You can't make your face look younger no matter how much whale sperg you spread on it. Your teeth aren't going to be white when you're 50 unless you get one of those treatments that damages the enamel so you eventually have them crack and they start to fall out.

NOTHING is going to save you, Yas Forumsrah. So what do you do? Fuck it. Live it up. Eat, drink, fuck the girl, ENJOY that life that you got while you got it. It is really that simple.

I'd you really find yourself in a situation where you just can't help but light up then at least avoid inhaling it. That's how I finally quit. Stopped inhaling and after a couple months I just didn't care to smoke anymore without that instant nicotine rush you get from inhaling

Okay, bro.
Have fun running the machine harder than necessary

>that life that you got while you got it
imagine believing that consuming nicotine is enjoying life more than not developing mouth cancer.
i bet pic related is really enjoying what life he's got left to the fullest.

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I smoke a million