I do not consider myself a racist, I actually believe we should all work together and all life is sacred but man!

I do not consider myself a racist, I actually believe we should all work together and all life is sacred but man!
Since I moved to here and have met black people, they are the dumbest humans i have ever met,
Rreally I wouldnt just generalize, but each and every black person I've met so far has been equally as dumb, un-aware of literally everything, you cant really communicate with them as they fail to comprehend simple ideas, let alone complex.
This people are leeches, they only cause chaos everywhere and do nothing positive for humanity. Just a waste of resources. basically fueling chaos by allowing them to live.
I still stand by my belief of not being racist but I also believe the only humane thing to do is to put this people on an island and forgetten about, they'll never make it out on their own. Castro was on the right track there for a while....

b/ros prove me wrong and restore my old belief that we are all equal, this is bs

Attached: nig.jpg (800x700, 436.66K)

Shut the fuck up
Dumb ass nigga

Maybe you should take some advice from the picture you attached to your thread and shut the fuck up, dumbass nigga. I also like how you did the old "I'm not racist, but" while saying something racist - usually that's a good indicator that you're gonna say some racist shit. Imagine unironically being racist just because of anecdotal bullshit.

Man, the most brilliant civilization that lived on earth were egyptians. And they were black people.
Being dumb is not a matter of being white or black. At university, half my teachers (physicists) were black. The problem with your black people in usa is that they have a background of 300 years of slavery/humiliation/segregation. What did you expect from them after making them suffer that long ?They hate you and you hate them in return. All they have left is violence. It is an endless spiral. Give them hope. Things will change.

Hey, black guy here

as expected...
Thank you for actually replying to this with an important point. I want to say I have no problem with any other "race", religion, or belief. It's just like too much sometimes. Although you make a good point I am still not convinced, I have yet to meet or see a smart black person in my lifetime, hate has nothing to do with it

I understand man. I hope you can find what you re looking for. Glad to know you have no hate. That s a good starting point :-)

I feel like only black ppl u met is online

Attached: OMG Soooo Cute.jpg (250x250, 23.5K)

All of them have been in RL, my roomate for example, he scared a skunk that got in last night because he keeps leaving the door open and food in the recycling... I actually had to tell him, take all your clothes off and put them outside, he got the whole place sprayed btw... see what I mean?