Why so much hate on him now?

Why so much hate on him now?
At some point we all must go back to real world and work cant stay like this forever,people dying all over the world all the time. Sad but true.

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We know the economy needs to open up sometime. Nobody is arguing otherwise, you stupid dick

There’s hate because he’s fucking up his job. He clearly doesn’t have a fucking clue what’s going on, or what reality is

everything about him is fake just look at his shitty fake tan

Because science is a thing actually and health is more important than artificial numbers.

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>Why so much hate on him now?
Fucking crybabies will use any opportunity to hate on him. This is nothing new

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because he started trump-19

Dude, he started the pandemic in America by first saying it was a Liberal Hoax. He followed it up days later by saying "its only about 15 people right now, and soon it will be zero", while doing absolutely nothing to prevent it.

The Coronavirus isn't his fault, the response time and the fact that we have the higheat number of cases in the world right now, is.

Death panels
Running up the debt

Fuck republicans. They're just Democrats who lie more often.


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Literally the whole world has been telling you trumpists this for a while now: Your president has always been a clown and a conman . He's fucking up. All the time. Now especially with trump-19


I mean, he’s stupid, a serial liar, not got a clue what’s going on, a drug addict, likes young girls, refuses to listen to experts, provides zero leadership, flip-flops daily.

But yeah, any reason

>he started the pandemic in America
I wish I could strangle you through the computer so you can't reproduce.

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Cry harder faggot

We have the highest numbers because we are accurately reporting them unlike those lying chinks.

How is that wrong?

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Trump has utterly failed.
Remember just two weeks ago when he claimed this was a hoax?
He's lied about production of respirators.
He's lied about production of N 95 masks.
He's lied about meds being tested.

He refuses to put US Industry on War production.

Utter failure.

He didn’t start it, but the fat fuck was sleeping when he should have been aware what was going on

Why are you such a crybaby about it? Your contry is absolutely unprepared for this and who's in charge? Correct. If the "markets doing great" it's because of him if you are unprepared for a desaster that has been coming for months and he fired the experts on it.
Nobobys fault.
Kill yourself.

People hate him because he is an incompetent fool.

Trump fans say that’s just Trump, and his words don’t mean anything

You have to say stupid dick?
do You have any anger problems?
just asking for opinion I m not even american and not his fan

Your impeached, oompa-loompa, paying hush money to pornstars, Putin loving, conspiracy-believing "president" is a joke

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Huh, I bet you didn't realize that what you wrote are all your opinions.

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Did I hurt your feelings? You stupid dick

China's fucking lying out its ass, but that doesn't make our situation any less shitty.

and which country was prepared for a thing like that? tell me user?
kill Yourself,crybaby...
who is crying here?

Yeah, that's right! Trump is straight edge. The rest are facts.

I don’t see what you have a problem with opinion, Your retarded manbaby prefers opinion to facts.

I can provide undisputed factual evidence for all of the facts I stated.

Most people approve of him right now. The problem is that everyone is indoors and people who are clintonfags can spam, also his face is on the news every day so more memes are going to come. Notice how there are no democrats who even pretend like they know what to do.

No you don't get it. You are fucked.

no You just got nothing interested to say so thats it
I bet You would do better then him as president

>Most people approve of him right now.

He fucked up big time by pretending the epidemic would just blow over. I'm pretty certain this will cost him the election.

what kind of answer is that?
keep Your emotions to Yourself

Civil war is coming to the US. The lower class are losing their jobs left right and centre, and the president is doing nothing to help them. Guns are being bought in record numbers. It's only a matter of time now.

>I can provide undisputed factual evidence for all of the facts I stated.
Ok how about these:
>Likes young girls
>a drug addict
>provides zero leadership
>he's stupid
>not a clue what going on

I'll be waiting, and remember, you said that you will "provide UNDISPUTED FACTUAL evidence" not your crybaby feelings and opinions.

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Prove the drug one.

UNDISPUTED FACTS haha dont waste Your time anons
OP should know he dont even drink alcohol

why are you worshipping a degenerate?

Everyone's screaming about the virus when Trump says we need to go back to work. All crying about the numbers.
But if you check the numbers, this virus would take up to 20 months to safely run through the population. We can't have the country shut down for 20 months. At some point you just have to take your losses. I don't know where that number is. no one else does either.
Hysteria is crazy. My crazy dem trump hating gf went on a rant about people on the roads the other day saying people weren't supposed to be on the roads. That's actually not the edict at all. Also being on the road doesn't increase risk of infection in some way. She was just being hysterical. Women get like that. Adam Carola calls it Chick-Think.

Because degenerates stick together.

>Most people approve of him right now.
hahahaha is this what trumpists actually believe? Oh right, I forgot, al the world leaders are loking for guidance to wise Donald Trump

You’re a fucking idiot. The US accepts its numbers aren’t entirely accurate due to the way they’re being collected

Despite the neo-fascists ranting Trump is very well liked. We just don't talk about it often in front of the crazies.

>worshipping a degenerate?
No no, I think you're confusing me with a Berniebro

there is no proof, but a lot hints at him being a drug addict.
Many people are saying, great people, the best people even, that a drawer full of Xanax or whatever is a tremendous sign of drug abuse. SAD

We speak English here, fucko

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Dude, just watch the news. That proves most of these.

You would probably dispute any evidence because accepting any of these would mean the Dems win.

at least bernie doesn't brag about sexually assaulting women, isn't impeached and hasn't been proven to be a compulsive liar lol
or pays off pornstars to stay quiet. Or have his whole administartion be in chaos all the time. jeez lol

They've reduced western civilization to doing literal human sacrifice. These people are ghouls and demons.

Yeah You set up rules here lunatic

maybe start by reading up on trump lol what's wrong with some of you americans

You sound like a fucking loser

I have no idea about american political stuff. All I know is Trump came from Republican Party, which is perhaps the biggest party. So...why does Republican rules? Also, does people choose Trump cuz there are no better choice OR because he did good?

because he's fucking retarded

he's monolingual probably

Lib fag

Ok keep Your feelings to Yourself

"I'd rather see my parents dead than my account empty"

Is that what you're trying to say?

I’ve seen many Republicans say no evidence will change their mind and they’ll support Trump until they die.

I suspect you’re one of those guys. Easier for you just to blame Obama for your shitty life

Fuck Clinton, and fuck Trump. Bernie 2020.

I think he is doing a fantastic job. Of course, I root for the fall of man so...

It’s Adam Carolla, and that fucker is almost 60.

Why are you so desperate to get back to your shitty job?

Worst. President. In history.

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Trump has been wrong from the start, so it’s unlikely he’s going to start hitting homers.
Know what I mean?