Hey user, why the long face?

Hey user, why the long face?

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im a horse

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just got fired from the toilet paper factory

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Well for one, alcoholism is tearing my family apart

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crotchtits or gtfo

Normal words...

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cant find more pics of my two fave retro girls

Cynthia Rothrock and Teresa Van der Woude

that was my last 2 weeks and i got 1 vhs and 3 (behind the scenes) pics for 50 USD

Attached: Cynthia_Rothrock.jpg (540x717, 71.09K)

I haven't ejaculated in 62 days
my school is cancelled for 3 weeks
I must reach the end without blowing my load

because the drink i ordered is still not fucking up yet, op. get your shit together and make me my fucking gin and tonic

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Work sucks

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Work!? KEKekekek, there will be no work soon user, you'll be in home lockdown soon enough.

work should not about working! you should work to finance your fetish or hobby but not just so you can work more or else you can kiss the barrel right now !

Just give me the strongest shit you've got!

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Well tender steak
I made 750 euros 2 days ago and Yesterday only 550 ish euros


kys eurofag

life sucks, just so pointless. fucking hell.

Why tho?

Start making money broke boi

U could learn more from this euro fag than from your dumb amerrikkan father

post good euro porn and maybe you can redeem yourself eurofag, give me some of your german Teresa Van der Woude
you cuck

the only think eurape is good for is the sluts; faggot

Working from home right now but it still sucks
Basic income could easily be a thing already but ((certain people)) need more profits.
Imagine being able to spend your whole day learning or working on hobbies, hnngg.

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And drugs? If u r here in NL i can help u with both

I have no friends. Not on the internet. Not in real life. I have NO friends. I'm completely alone, and it's really sad. Nobody wants or deserve to be lonely Ú~Ù

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I talked to people and truly realize I have no future. Should I kill myself now?

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Y does she have that face...

This is porn 2 me

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yeah lets meet at enshede pd at 13 cet

my cock is ready


Jews have destroyed any semblance of morality in this world.

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I feel like your definition of a friend is way too specific. What do you consider a friend?
But if that's really true then here, have a snickers.

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kek you paid for her vhs? its free on YouTube
you got cucked by an 40 year old vhs kek


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You sound like a 16yr old whiny cunt

I have a best friend, through thick and thin, we have had blowout fights, and honestly some of the most memorable times and journeys... and he lives on the other side of the world

7years or something now, and all I would have to do is delete and block when shot hits the fan, him too, but we're willing to work on a strong friendship... we always have each others back when shit hits the fan, as IRL we are the rocks for the people we spend time with

I've had a lot of friends come and go, my irl best friend od'd because we were partyholic nutjobs that thought we were invincible

...point is, get your ass on a discord of the game you're currently playing, or hop in chat, or even offline games you could meet a funny community you could both play the same time.
I met a lot of people I converse with today, through competitive gaming

>What do you consider a friend?
A person that i can meet everyday, and talk to everytime i need. Just a person that's there for you Ú~Ù

Not going to be able to see my gf for a few weeks because of the corona virus lockdown

Can't cruise around in my car in the sunshine either because the police will try to fine me

I always wanted to be rich because I wanted to give people opportunity, via affluence.. then I grew up and realized everyone is a selfish prick... the real ones want nothing to do with others and are content with existence, regardless of money

...but it does free up opportunity to do some fun shit

You sound like a 9 years old Bitch! That's not your business. Whining autist, kys


what's wrong with her purdy face?

That's not a friend, that's a therapist.. have you ever considered that you are too needy, and expect too much from someone, who is also dealing with their own life, it's ups and downs

...I knew a girl who would get mad at me when I didn't message her if I took longer than an hour, like threaten friendship and say i don't care about her, while i was bottom of a bottle because it was my dead friends bday and i just had to call the cops on my ex....... maybe, check yourself?

I tend to get phases of depression and ignore my friends completely for a few days. So I guess I can't always be there.
Good luck in finding someone like that.

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Do you know what? Just forget this Soulless thread, fuck off! Kys

You made it everyone's business by posting it here you needy cow
Fuck yeah, I'm happy af and I love the people around me, even though it can be testy with some personalities, it's worth it, kuz we grow together and become even more GAY!!!

Not sure if memeing or I may actually know who this is hahaha

No. You brainfucked Rat

My main hobby/interest in helping to run a local sporting club has been taken away thanks to the current covid19 pandemic.
All my friends outside of the club are married or in long term relationships, I'm the last one who's single.
I overthink everything, and the only way I've found to manage that is substance abuse.

I genuinely don't know how I'm going to survive if the social isolation and lockdowns continue for even a couple of months.

Did I just get trolled by some kid who thinks its funny to pretend to not have friends

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Kys, kid

no u

No. YOOOU : )

Stop being a pussy and go sober.. I'm getting into quake champions and working out heavy

Quake: highly stimulating, skill progression, social (sometimes MHW,RL, CSGO.. but mainly keeping myself enveloped in all the new game and mechanics, keeps me distracted and rewarded, given the skill ceiling)

Gains: to train for fighting because why not, I like to fight, and also look sexy and feel sexy.

I went I to a bender last couple months and have let my mind, body and soul go to fucking shit

I live here.

Trolling is comparable to tapping someone on the shoulder, opposite of your current position, in hope of a spook... when in fact, it's just gay..

Just like racism, it can be done tastefully (win on don barstool sports GO SHAHKS), but if you are just being wrong with no panache, you just look like an annoying retard
If there is a moment of is this person retarded OR am I being trolled, they are usually fucking retarded
When you genuinely think this person is retadded: Andy Kaufman.

Wonton Don, barstool sports**

I have a rare mental illness (AvPD) that makes it impossible for me to have close friendships and romantic relationships and I can't even really enjoy sex. I'm otherwise pretty normal, relatively sociable, plenty of "arm's length" friends and have been getting my career together pretty well but I'm basically cursed to be alone and celibate the rest of my life and it really hurts. Nobody I know gets it either, they think I'm gay or asexual or a pussy or whatever and that really hurts too.

Trolling is a art and that kid obviously needs to lurk more before attempting it again.
Maybe he watched too many prank videos and derived his comedic sense from there. Youtube filling heads with trash these days.

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Trolling? Aaaw, dear you. I wasn't trolling, i was serious. And this is serious, you stupid headkicked kid. Maybe YOU should stop watching prank videos on YouTUBE, i mean..... you was the retarded one who had to type that out, so move away from you childish device, get a job, get a life. Or kys. Fucking faggots

And Stop Watching Anime! That's right, i can see your pics. 18+ to post here, Animefaggot

Can't wait to finally go to work. Just 4 more days