This "pandemic" is just a conspiracy theory cooked up by the demonrats to chase Trump out of office.
This "pandemic" is just a conspiracy theory cooked up by the demonrats to chase Trump out of office
we will have to see within the next fews weeks how bad it gets. there were 19 million influenza cases in the US alone last year. Only 85k China viruses in the US as of now.
Trust the plan
85k with a 10% death rate.
All because Trump wanted us to ignore how bad it was becoming.
It's too late... It was always too late.
Бoльшинcтвo глaгoлoв vote Trump 2020 измeняeтcя пo клaccaм!!
it doesn't matter. Trump supporters will never stop supporting him.
our only hope is for the corona virus to kill off enough boomers he loses in November
All the numbers are fake news
>10% death rate
why bother typing user
lauging stock of the world
There are over 1000 deaths of Americans on home soil from the COVID-19 plague. There are official White House documents that confirm Trump has known about the threat since January.
Why are you attempting to dismiss the deaths of American Citizens.
The economy’s has been dealt a near lethal blow. Socialism is growing more popular by the day and more and more workers are collectively organising and unionizing. Stalin and Mao are smiling in thier graves due to Trump’s ineptitude and incompetence in dealing with this pandemic.
Trumps inaction and incompetence is empowering our enemies and communist sentiments within the population.
This is not a joke and it is not a game. COVID kills but the communism it is inspiring in the naive populace will starve a hundred million.
he's not that far off. Total worldwide numbers, the rate is around 7.5%.
Execute Trump, restore capitalism’s rightful and good reputation as the most productive and fruitful economic system with mild “socialist” reforms to numb the public, and then cut those costs later. It will hurt mildly in the short term but it will restore safety and prosperity in the long term
Yeah, desperate times, now they shift to killing off the population
Hurr durr, was a conspiracy joke dont take it serious hurr durr
It's now officially called TRUMP-19
fuck off to /pol
pls don't provoke trumpists. They're retarded.
Well... I guess they're doing a really good job.
only retarded trumpists would say that
is it actually working? I get the feeling nothing could ever bring the trumpists away fom their cult leader...
That wouldn't matter. Democrats aren't going to show up to vote because of the pandemic. The Republicans will. These people will die for Trump and the Republican party.
That's why I think Trump's inaction and public skepticism regarding the virus is part of the plan. Trump NEEDS to remain in office. If he gets impeached or loses re-election he will be prosecuted. That's a fact. He is an unindicted co-conspirator and faces several state charges. Not to mention the Republicans themselves would be in very serious trouble if they lose Barr and they're investigated by a Democrat AG. Also, Biden has floated the idea that he would pick Kamala Harris as AG. If that is the case then they would be fucked. It would probably be the end of the party.
It's 16% right now. Expected to be around 4% by the WHO but also they don't want people to panic.
You can look at the current numbers of completed cases and deaths and crunch your own numbers if you want.
Watch this:
The US has more confirmed cases of covid-19 than any other country on the planet.
if he was smart he'd bail the fuck out today to an isolated location and survive. if he wins another four years he'll be eaten alive and sacrificed on a burning altar.
confirmed retard
how many people will need to die before trumpers will believe its a rel problem?
Fuck you commie
They already believe it's a real problem but they're in denial. Step two is blaming everything on someone outside their group.
from a foreigners perspective the USA look like a 3rd world country now. choke on your capitalism, idiots. you are the slaves of the future world leaders, whoever might fill the gap you leave behind
it would have to kill people they care about. but that won't happen because this is only going to ravage through major cities. and it's not like those cities are going to be red. otherwise, republicans do not give two shits about anyone else but themselves.
although let's be real.... trump and his army of social media trolls will be able to spin this as democrats doing. even though you can point to the many times trump tried to downplay the virus.
>from a foreigners perspective
Gr8 b8 m8
fuck off libcuck
feel bad? not at all. you brought this upon yourself, redeck slave
As if the situation would have been any different with a different president. Trump was the first one to stop travel from China and Europe.
People who are using the Corona virus politically are disgusting. I'm not even American, but this shit is happening in every single country.
well, ignorance is bliss. US TrumpTurds are like fucking Iranian or north Korean fanatics. They will always find a way to blame their victims.
I don't feel sorry for you, I'm just happy that I am not living in the US. You get what you deserve, you voted for it. I hope millions of you will die due to lack of health care. Still I am not expecting any political change from that. TrumpTurds will never take the responsibility. They will blame the Chinese, the liberals, everyone. They are starting already.
I too pretend.
Politics is not responsible for the corona epidemic.
Lack of health care resources, however, is a result of the political proccess. Politicians should be held accountable for that.
Well, making fun of retards is a treasured TrumpTurd tradition. So technically they sould love it.
Every country lacks health care resources when facing a pandemic. The situation wasn't any different 4 years ago.
That's simply not true.
Actually just about all Americans will be infected by April 15th. Does not matter where you live: It's everywhere, but in very tight quarantines. The peak comes on about April 30th. After that everyone will on their way to recovery or death. We have way, way fewer ventilators, so the death rate will be over 5%.
Just going by the actual numbers about 16 million will die.
this. It's gonna kill lots of working poor and blacks, and Trump is gonna blame them because they have no health insurance. As if they had been able to afford it with their shit wage job.
US is really like China. Good economy and lots of rich fags, but a miserable lower class.
If they let it run through fast without containment they face a lack of health care resources. If they take proper containment measures the peak is low enough that the health care system can handle it.
In the US business interests are more important than people. Consequently Trump has chosen to go for a sharp peak hoping to evade a longer recession. He and many of his supporters will have great healthcare, they don't care if a lot of poor people is dying as long as their stocks are not going down too much.
>you brought this upon yourself
>well, ignorance is bliss.
Then why are niggers so unhappy?
So every country in the world is in on the conspiracy?
>I too pretend
are you literally retarded? Those pics you quoted are entirely unrelated to the whole trump-19 pandemic
„Grab them by the pussy, you can do anything“... they seem to just assimilate
what does this have to do with the COVID epidemic, fucking idiot? You have a country full of niggers and a pandemic. It's time to admit that the US is the real shithole of the developped world.
>are entirely unrelated
Your mom
This thread
Yet its ok if (you) bring them up.
>„Grab them by the pussy, you can do anything“... they seem to just assimilate
Only blacks can legally do this
bu.. bu... but de fowyeyners!
No it isn't, you alt-rightist uneducated retard.
> The US is full of niggers. Duh. That's proving my point that we do not have a corona epidemic.
Trump idiot logic.