You know what to do

You know what to do

Attached: ZomboMeme 12032020233311.jpg (640x960, 86.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is actually homosexual

trump is competent

Wellllllllllll you guys know how cancer have that shitty pink ribbon thing as a logo?

How about we making pic related tge support logo for corona virus and make it trendy?

Ether that or something else just make sure its created here

Attached: 4chan-imageboard-android-aptoide-android.jpg (728x512, 57.34K)

canada is the real nuclear arsenal leader



Attached: 1585253490075.gif (300x307, 1.79M)


Op is a faggot

Can we actually do this?

Attached: 1585231913899.webm (1920x1080, 1.38M)


Dog ear filters are a Nazi secret code

Wearing face masks in public is cultural appropriation.



you know she's fucking that dog later



well see if it works


Im with the dog ear filter thing. Just say the nazis were symbolic of dogs or something retarded

so fucking close

best idea so far

White history month in july

lets just do it

really good idea I'll roll for that

coronavirus is fake and there is no actual deads

The coronavirus was created by white nationalists who hate China



OP is a fag.

China is making an new virus

also roll

There is documented evidence that proves this to be fact already.

Only black people can post on a specific twitter hashtag about their history? Its Funny to infiltrate the alt left

come on

someone has to get it



Vanessa hudgens is racist against Chinese people

The YouTube channel 5-Minute Crafts is run by pedos

roll for this

This, even if its not the 69 we should still do it

Make kekistan members proud of our nation getting through together just for the keks

Attached: 1bad2c940f0819290dccbc147c1f066f.jpg (450x650, 119.71K)

Join our comfy discord server


Hilary Clinton infected with corona?

White history month

Miley cyrus is planing a concert on a cruise ship

Trump bought Melania from Jeffrey Epstein

yeah and also this
hope it works

Colins Key did gay porn

Belle delphine has the kung flu

Swimming pools are racist

George Bush hates black people

Xi Jinping has caught the coronavirus.

Wow, what a bunch of faggots you guys are. This is putting our own symbol too fucking far out in public.

OP isn’t a faggot

Fuck it lets go for this

Make some nordic symbol a coronavirus support logo, maybe




Shut up pussy. That’s what this board is famous for doing in the first place.

Something about Emma watson

It says there it can be something else, what about something different but funny that we know it came from here?

Also re roll

Billie eilish spit on a asian American

Yas Forums is the best social media

fucking hipster fag

America has sold Alaska back to the Russians


Billie Eilish spits on Asian Americans



i don't think we are going to get it boys

We did it before, we can do it again

Attached: 1569842365_865287_1569846192_noticia_normal_recorte1.jpg (1300x785, 34.11K)

Gin and Tonic can protect you against the Wuhan Flu



Jessica alba is has fled to mexico

There are chemicals in childrens underwear to make them more docile to sexual activity

Whiskey helps fight covid 19


lets do it

Ether this

Or dog cum is vaccine for corona virus

Attached: 1584986010705.gif (232x440, 1.91M)

Why not

Cum swallowing reduces risk of coronavirus

but with something else

Covid is a test run for the H4T5 flu strain which has rabies like symptoms

Trump grabbed Hillary by the pussy.

Pregnant woman can't get coronavirus because of heightened immune system defense.

Doof is god



Oprah went missing while fleeing to China

Hillary grabbed Trump by the pussy. The first tranny president was elected in 2016

Ellen DeGeneres is now straight and wants to have a baby.

Rolling for this


Biden die

Biden die


