Isn't it kind of strange that most women prefer a tall partner? I mean...

Isn't it kind of strange that most women prefer a tall partner? I mean, why would they want to be any weaker compared to a guy than they already are?

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Old caveman/cavewoman instincts.
If the man is larger and stronger than she is, then he's more capable of protecting her and her children from other men.

Lol. A simple guard dog is probably a better defense than a tall guy. So there's probably more to it than that.

I find taller women hot, too. Genetics is a bitch.

My wife is afraid of tall men. I'm still 5" taller than her though, which she finds annoying so she likes to wear 4" heels.

Physically she's weak, sure. But she's not a weak person- and most thots are it seems. She's about as concerned who'd win in a fist fight as you are concerned which men can rip a phonebook in half. They're out there, and its an entirely irrelevant.

If I hit her even once in malice, she'd respond with actions both legal and illegal, and cute little thing she is, she knows full well how to get away with all of it.

Lol. No, that's pretty much it. A gun is probably more effective, too. But it's natural, not logical.

Women who fear tall mem have been molested or beaten. Nice pull on damaged goods, lol.

Took her hymen myself. Good job in advance irrationally sticking to a theory that sucks at predicting things.

Because teammates don't right each other. Jesus OP, how broken was your home?

That's because she was only fucked in the ass by niggers before


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Why would they want a guy who's shorter than them? She wants you to be better than her, so that she can not have to be the best. You're the asset, the investment that she's building up to support herself, not some sort of "equal". If she's going to have to support herself, then why the fuck does she need you around?
I've heard it said that men can have other non-physical traits strong enough that the balance is still favorable... but I've never actually seen a woman make a decision on any non-physical basis. And even if you do happen to be on the Island of Lost Women, where there really do exist women who really do make relationship decisions on non-physical bases, then her initial impression of you will still be based on your physical attributes. And first impressions do count.

First of all don’t start your questions with “I mean”’ it makes you sound like a dumb fucking retard.
>why would they want to be any weaker compared to a guy than they already are?
It’s biological. Sort of like how women are more attracted to ‘manlier’ looking men (beard, muscles, tattoos) when they are ovulating but when they aren’t they prefer men who are less ‘manly’. Ultimately it makes no difference if you’re looking for a long term partner. If you’re looking for some random hookups it helps to be taller but even then personality and handsomeness supersede height.

>If she's going to have to support herself, then why the fuck does she need you around?
You realize the reason you're an incel is because you never asked yourself the same question, right?

>It’s biological
Actually, no it's not. Preference isn't biological. You shouldn't throw around terms you don't fully understand, kiddo.

I assume these instincts would have evolved before we domesticated the dog.
Modern Humans are very young as a species. Any biological instincts would have been learned thousands of years before we started building civilizations.
My guess is it is about nutrition. A taller male has had a better diet throughout his childhood.
Over the 20th century average height of humans has grown, and its not like we somehow got better genetics out of thin air.

More importantly
Human society is way more complex than any other animal on earth.
To assume choices of mates are based on genetics alone is some incel tier shit. Women choose mates for many different reasons, as do men.
For example: attractive women choosing to marry poor ugly guys. You can say she is damaged goods that got molested all you want.
That is still something that happened to her, not some inherent genetic trait.
Nurture, not nature.

i actually walked down the street in my city once and tried to count how many couples there are where the guy is taller. out of the 30 couples i counted, the man was taller in 29 of them and the one where the woman was taller was a fucking muslim couple and the woman was wearing a hijab lol

See how I gave an example in my post? See how you refuted it with absolutely no evidence?
It means you’re a fucking idiot.

Seems kind of pointless. I honestly don't even think men are as tall as people think. It only seems that way because they're always seen with shorter women.

i was on my way to the library and didn't have anything else to do. i guess it does prove something about relationships
i didn't say guys are tall. we are not even discussing that you retarded nigger. we said women prefer taller men.

What example, retard. It was all just opinion.

Also, tattoos are on both genders. Do you still think we're in the 1940s?

Then she turns around and says "Women, in life, have to learn to let men be better than them." And agree they adhere to a double standard.

I just counted all the couples in my family and about half of them the woman was taller than the man.

Maybe that's the difference between being married for decades vs just a hookup. Or maybe its just a millenial thing. But I do concede short guys seem to have it rough in 21st century America.

This is a very simplistic view of relationships and human society in general.
These theories are made up by autistic men that do not understand women or emotions. So they break it down into a extremely simplistic equation that fits their understanding of the world. Not knowing their worldview is warped because of their disability.
Then this worldview is told to other men. Ones that are not autistic, but have just been unlucky with women, usually around high school age, as high school relationships are very flawed due to the immaturity of both parties.

Get enough of these young men believing the same flawed worldview and you end up with the incel community.

Those sluts with their exposed ankles!

I like how bitches body shame shorter people for not being tall and that's perfectly okay. But fat bitches don't want to be shamed for being fat cows.

The fat bitch who doesn't want to be body shamed can fix that by...not being a fat cunt. The short guy cant do anything about his height but its still okay to body shame him and degrade him for his height.

Just my observation.

depends on what nationality you are and how many couples there are in your family and other factors. it is true most of the couples i saw were younger folk, in older couples, both the man and the woman shrink in height to what i would imagine is similar size, albeit the man was still a bit taller.
i see you proved it wrong so so well in your post

Seriously, I don't even get what point you think you're making. This thread doesn't need your posts. Lol.

ok low iq

>What example, retard. It was all just opinion.
This is pretty commonly accepted knowledge for anyone who isn’t a fucking dumbfuck like you.

women are naturally submissive. They dont want the tallest man, they want one taller than them. They want to be dominated. Its not about protection.

>These theories are made up by autistic me
Are they now? Then how do you explain this which still holds true, 50 years later?? Yes, this topic is way older than any of us

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>I like how bitches
Who do you mean by “bitches”? All women? Young women? Old women? Single women? Married women? Fat women? Slender women? Ugly women? Women who are addicted to drugs? What , precisely, is a “bitch”?

>Who do you mean by “bitches”? All women?
Exactly, all woman have a personal gain agenda and use their body and sexuality as a means to get what they want, status, security, money...if I empty my nut into a womb, the female alone decides if she pops the kids or aborts it. There's no legal case that any man has a say in this whatsoever

because the man doesn't have to carry it for 9 months and then have the child climb out of his vagina painfully

>use their body and sexuality as a means to get what they want, status, security, money.
I know right. I personally don't even think they have a real sex drive.

So? Who gives a fuck? Life is a thousand times harder for the man in every other aspect. And if childbirth was really so painful, women wouldn't be constantly spreading their legs, now would they?

Cool so don’t bust your nut inside a woman you don’t want to have a kid with OR wear a condom.
Problem solved.

Women simply assume that the length of the penis correlates with the body height.


>Cool so don’t bust your nut inside a woman you don’t want to have a kid with
"...yes honey, cum in me/condoms feel bad, it feels better that way, yes I take the pill, you're safe..."
>9 months later...
ALL women have their own agenda

>Life is a thousand times harder for the man in every other aspect.
This, white men are the legally least protected ethnic group in the western world.
>And if childbirth was really so painful, women wouldn't be constantly spreading their legs, now would they?
B-but my ATM!
>t. females

Imagine being so dumb/weak you actually do this, lmao

>so? who gives a fuck?
you think carrying a living creature inside you, nourishing off you for 9 months and then giving birth to it is not a big deal?
>Life is a thousand times harder for the man in every other aspect
that is arguable, but i'll take it
>And if childbirth was really so painful, women wouldn't be constantly spreading their legs
you're fucking retarded m8, that's like saying men wouldn't want to fuck unless they want a son. people don't have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, people have sex because it's fun. most women aren't going to stop just because they have a miniscule chance of getting pregnant, just like the possibility of getting run over won't stop you from walking down roads. most are also on the pill or want the guy to use a condom anyway.

Please, don't turn this into race. That's just nonsense.

>people have sex because it's fun
Yes, which nobody argues against - the issue here is if the female gets a burr up her ass, she alone decides the future consequences regardless her promises prior and ruins the man's future if he doesn't go along with the societally mandated consequences. She'll have the full legal system behind her. The man has no legal support in that decision.

There's literally no reason they would have to have kids. It's simply their choice to have them. They probably figure that if they don't have at least a couple, there would literally be no purpose to their experience, since men can do everything else that they can

> women tend to date upwards on the social ladder
> tall men tend to be automatically perceived as higher value to society (by men and women alike)

So if a woman dates a taller man she automatically assumes to have been successfully in her quest to date upwards on the ladder.

>Please, don't turn this into race
I'm not - but it is that way. Look at the legal landscape: you're a ethnic minority (black, Mexican, native american etc), you've more protected rights; you're disabled, you're a female, you're gay, you're a refugee immigrant - all those have specially protecting rights/laws.
Your ordinary white, healthy male has the least protecting laws

>you're a ethnic minority (black, Mexican, native american etc), you've more protected rights
I see no proof of that at all. Seems to me like every race finds a reason to bitch.

the american justice system is fucked up beyond repair, not just in favoring women but practically every other aspect. i agree.
no idea what the fuck you mean by "societally mandated consequences"
what the fuck is this schizo nonsense

>taller = higher place in society

Are you a nigger by chance?

>what the fuck is this schizo nonsense
Okay, so that's your response?

I think user means that a lot of consequences put on people these days can be influenced heavily by how society views any individual person instead of giving a level legal system, or outrage groups calling for heavier punishments

That literally makes no sense what you just said to him.

>taller = perceived place in society

perceived higher* fuck

If that was true how do you explain jews?

>no idea what the fuck you mean by "societally mandated consequences"
You fuck her, she decides to get pregnant, decides to keep the kids, the man is by society forced to be father/provider/caretaker or his future 20+ years of life are ruined - financially, emotionally, mentally
There's no law stating the outcome if she wants the baby and he doesn't. But he has to pay for it.

yes, your response was a bunch of schizo nonsense, not worth an actual thought-out reply
i agree. not sure how much of that is the fault of society in general and how much is the fault of really loud minorities

>If that was true how do you explain jews?
Jews always stand on a pile of money - which makes them taller

>you fuck her
>she decides to get pregnant
Uh whoa hold on a second. How can a woman get pregnant if you pull out or use a condom??

They want to know that their man can pick them up and fuck them against a wall. Thots crave total sexual domination.