I have 100 million internets for the first user who can say something so stupid it genuinely annoys me

I have 100 million internets for the first user who can say something so stupid it genuinely annoys me.

Are you retarded enough?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Vaccines cause autism

I want to lick the crust off of Betty Whites dusty taint

It's not my job to entertain you, fuck off

Whos that riding on there bike?

Its the MORMONS!

ISIS and radical Islamic terrorists are a direct result of global warming. If not for the desertification of the middle east due to human induced carbon, those young males could become farmers to feed their community.


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I don't get why people hate the Jews ? They're lovely people with a rich heritage. And while we're on the subject the blacks...dealt a real bad hand.. white man should be ashamed. If go and help out but me and bunch of fellow Redditrs are on our way to a illegal immigrant shelter to help them of thier tough time. OH and remeber to vote guys !! Even if shes not running you can still put Hillary down ! Alah bless ! Me and my f2m girlfriend will be praying for you all! Say goodnight to our adopted Chinese baby !!

this but unironically

Too generic.
I said annoying not cringey shock value.
The fact you feel the need to tell me you don't need to entertain me is actually mildly entertaining and shows how much of an insecure dipshit you are. Although I can see your point so you missed the annoyance factor.

Oooo.... Tough break user.
I feel like this could beat thing some people actually believe and I could see those people forcing others to hear them out. So far you're in good standings.

Will you be tonight big winner?

I said annoy me with your stupidity, not your failed attempt at ylyl. Wrong game show bud.

If this was 3 or 4 years earlier we may had our winner. Unfortunately this is all old hat, and might I recommend for next time just throwing two or three of those concepts at someone to annoy them, 4 or more just feels like a bad copypasta.

Oo-wee! He's tryin!



You dont need to bump it, I already won.

There are only 2 genders

Actual true story inbound
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

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Im going to vote Trump next year, just so he can replace 3 liberal judges.

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I like death metal.

It is a simple flu

no one cares fuck you and your dog bitch DIE

Haha.. I see what you did there. You almost won the prize. user. That was a great attempt.
Triggered hard, so hard user. Not annoyed though.
*Role eyes and quickly scrolls past* Unoriginal, and dumb, but I will admit the first time I saw it and read it I was slightly amused. Unfortunately I wasn't actually annoyed with it.

Huh... I shoulda said no politics. It usually doesn't get annoying until the 4th or 5th post though.

As do I.

It might be, it might not be.

Careful there, you can't be sure I'm not john wick.

dude this thread is literally so stupid dude f u

I would contribute but I'm not some new friend from reddit who likes to shove their switch controllers up their hairy asshole while their wife's boyfriend is over. I'm interested to see who wins this shameful competition to post the most egregious cringe imaginable. Upvoted!

you know this thread means you're actually just too dumb to be insulted

I have 100 million internets for the first user who can say something so stupid it genuinely annoys me.

Are you retarded enough?

Attached: 1585286857208.png (1190x906, 267.03K)


Fair, so far...
and are in good standings. If nobody can say something as original, stupider, or more annoying than They will take home the grand prize of one hundred million internets!

Most posters on Yas Forums are actually pretty intelligent, sensitive, caring people, who unfortunately have been hurt a little bit by life and just want an outlet for their frustrations so they can face the world again with a bright face.

the the penis the the they the the she he 3 bee see weewee peepee i am annoying???? sex cunt i made a and the

Trump is doing a fantastic job handling this COVID19 outbreak. I'm so grateful he's the one in charge. I would never want anyone else. All hail the god emperor!

Honestly I prefer reddit to Yas Forums. Much more intellectual

Trump is a great president.

Lurk moar newfag

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Above the garage door opener and I will be there at all. You can see the new Star is Born to get the kids to the park and ride at all in the same thing as you can see I have a pic of the internet is down so I can see if I can get a ride to the airport on the internet and I will be there at all in the same thing as you can see. In the meantime I will be there. However I am not sure if I can make it to the meeting up with you and your family a very happy and prosperous New year to you. Gruesome the same thing as you. Then why did you know that the same as the one I have. The ritual and the pandemic legacy of the internet.

mirrors only show you what they want you to see

I am a waste of space and live off of government assistance AKA SSI. I probably could better myself and get a job but I honestly just don't give a fuck to. On top of that I have a kid that is 10 years old that I refuse to ackowledge as my kid and since I am on SSI don't have to pay a single dime to the kid. I'd rather die then give that little fuck anything, nor the mother. So yea if this doesn't annoy the fuck out of you then I don't know what will.


Join our comfy discord server



Only kek itt
Also op doesn't even have 3k internets I bet

This is to the best of my recollection, but I swear he said this
"The Earth has to be flat. If Earth is like the other planets, if Earth isn't special, than my own life isn't matter in the great scheme of things."
>I refute mathematics as an instution and assert the my own shape of the planet itself based on the indisputable fact that as an individual I am important on a cosmic scale.
I actually raged

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I no what will annoy u. People that are two dumb too to be quite and they talk allowed. Their to dumb to keep two themselfs. Ever no any won like that? Its there own fault that their stupid.

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

Or desensitized, btw I said annyoed, not insulted you nigger.

I thought we werea group of pedophiles with over 9000 penises that re all raping children... I've been wrong about this place, I guess we all just are decent people.

Come back when you're 18 bud.

Sigh... Just modern politics in general man... I'm not counting this. Fuck you, no internetz for you.
Oh, you almost had me...

I don't even need to click it to know what that is... I don't count b8 though. Here is a consolatipn prize of 1000 internetz.

Bitch, check your internet account I just deposited 100,000 internets cause your accusation slightly irked me.

meh, stale.

take this 1k internets hashesh.

999,898,000 pf the grand prize is still available.

so you're not annoyed that I am using your tax money to be a lazy fuck who won't acknowledge his own kid?


you skipped mine sir

Racism is power plus prejudice. Only white people have systemic power.

nigga this is your kryptonite.


The sequels are better than the original star wars, and the prequels. I really think they should give Kathleen Kennedy more creative control on The Mandalorian's second season

Differences in economic welfare can be attributed to historic injustices committed against people of color. Sentiments that suggest that differences in violence, poverty, intelligence and more can be explained by racial ancestry are in of themselves racist.

Delete system 32

>implying jewish = annoying


Not retarded enough to fuck your mom up her dirty pussyhole fagit

how dare the usa start covid 19. people are dying that have never died before.

Rocket science is when the NASA finds out about space

SSI annon here, I also get food stamps and use the food stamps to buy a shit ton of soda. I've got like 10 10 packs of coca cola just sitting in my room.

I'm going to end up with an Instagram influencer and it makes all of you so mad lololololololol.

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wow you're a stuck up brat

I dont think we can judge the chinese for what they eat, I mean, it's an entirely different culture!
To them eating store bought beef is weird. And considering how we treat cows and pigs in the dairy industry, is their treatment of dogs or any other food somehow worse?
I mean, I am vegan, but its racist to say the chinese shouldnt eat food from their culture

>Role eyes and quickly scrolls past
You stupid role playing faggot. It's "roll your eyes".

>when the government wants me to get diabetes, I get diabetes

Great job buddy

I use to work at burger king and spit in all the food when no one was looking. I also left some "special" sauce as stacker sauce instead of the actual stacker sauce ;)

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isn't it wonderful?

Grabbing random animals and eating them isn't culture. It's lazy rebranded as exotic. Stop being as liberal as you possibly can.

If i had covid 19 id like to be treated in China

Earth, also known as "the earth" n' "the world", be da third planet from da sun n' da densest planet in da sola system. Dat shit be also da largest o' da sola systemz four terrestrial planets. Dat shit be sometimes referred ta as tha "blue", tha "blue marble", terra or "gaia".

Fuck that’s retarded

The holocaust is a lie.

The holocaust is not a lie.

Trump is a good president and never had sex with his daughter or kids with Jeffrey Epstein.

jerk yourself off any harder you're gonna draw blood

The holocaust is (not) a lie.

This is actually true though, you're just a retard.

I'm too fat too jerk off dude

also my dick is non existent cause of how fat I am.

John wick is the new chuck norris: over rated by his faggot fanbase, an actor who simply acts tough as is his job. Also, nu metal>heavy metal.

I’m game. What’s the question?

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I think that women who acuse men of rape for performing cpr to save there life are in the right. Under no circumstances should a man ever be able to press his lips against a woman's without consent or touch her chest without consent, life or death situation or not. It's wrong and any man who doesn't ask consent before performing cpr is a rapist. It doesn't matter if the woman is unconscious, you should have a woman perform the cpr instead.

It really sucks to be you.

Why? I live the easy life. Not a worry in the world.

ur an faget c: