American citizen here. Why can’t the US manage this crisis as good as Canada does...

American citizen here. Why can’t the US manage this crisis as good as Canada does? Why is our president and our people so dumb?

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Capitalism is getting exposed. It is showing how our model doesn’t work for the other spheres of a society beside economics.

Hahaha what a simp. We still are and always will be the most powerful nation in the world so say this in 6 months, simp.

These are some classic ‘murica saying right there

You know that there is no after without the economy. Weak people dying > dooming ourselves for the next 50 years


Exactly. Rome would have never fallen with some Americans in charge of the place. Stupid eurocucks.

There aren’t a lot of people whiter than me.

Haha the Us have no history compared to Europe y’all did nothing besides being awarded land and growing.

A green card doesn't make you a us citizen you illegal piece of shit

Cuck master race. Your PM is probably gay and his wife is getting blacked.

My last name is Murray. Born here raised here.

And all of this are facts. We are officially the worst country at managing it. Even compared to poor countries

Americans pride themselves in Patriotism. They are told from birth America is the best place on Earth so they begin to think they are untouchable. When one is under the impression that you already have and are the best there is no need for self improvement. With that being said the rest of the world doesn't help since all they wanna do is vacation and live here. America is the hot girl of the world. Everyone loves to talk shit about her but everyone is either jealous or wants to fuck her.

Because politics is no longer taken seriously nor facts respected above tribal belief. It’s just sport and entertainment here

Explain why Canada have 3k cases and US have over 80k cases and it is doubling every 2-3 days?

I’m probably sure that a lot of Europe countries and Canada doesn’t give a shit about the USA.

well you always blame others for your mistkaes, example> blame mexican cartels for your drug adiction,

I agree with that last part, but patriotism wasnt carried through the generations at all, more people now that ever want to watch their own country burn because
>grass is greener

Awarded land? Is that how eurocucks teach their children in place of a lost war? Stay mad that we still run the world. You third world donkey farmers consume everything we put out like pigs waiting for slop then turn around and call us stupid while you have an aforementioned lengthy history of inconceivable mind boggling stupid decisions, actions and beliefs. Stop taking pride in the past, europe is complete trash and there's nothing to be proud about your village sharing 97% DNA.

Because Canada fucking blows and nobody travels there.

>will and always will be
Get off your faggot patriotism trump train and face reality. We’ve only been a superpower since the world war 2 era, and it took work, investment and education. We are no longer than country.

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China has a better grip on this crisis than we do by now. And it started there.

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what kind of stupid snow nigger logic is this? Explain why Brazil has 300 cases and canada has 3k?

Well we snowballed our advance very deeply and there is nothing any country can do to reach us at this pount. Facts.

Lol half of that shit isn't even true, and the other half doesn't matter.

>muh trust of shithole allies
>muh income inequality

No one cares what 3ed world "allies" think and income isn't supposed to be "equal." If you are going to cherry pick for a shitty leftist meme at least pick things that make sense.

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Because they have no tests. We do.

More proof the left can't meme. Nice.

Because they literally welded their citizens inside and starved them out, deleted their mobile accounts, online presence and left them and the rest of the poor people who died in the streets before getting medical care off of the death toll. It's easy to look good in reports when it's all propagated to make you look good. Or did you think kicking all foreign media out of the country was for their safety?

>believing communist lies

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there are supposedly over a million cases in china, they just stopped counting/making numbers public.

Reminder that Ivanka Trump wants to fuck Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump wants to fuck Ivanka, therefore Donald is cucked by Justin.
And since Donald Trump has been elected as the representative of all of the United States of America, and Justin Trudeau has been elected as the representative of all of Canada again, the United States is therefore cucked by Canada.

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As someone who has worked in tourism and restaurants for many years before I went into my career, I have literally seen every walk of Earth in the US. From Massachusetts to New York and California. including euro cucks and Canadian niggers

Who cares? New York...

I'd watch that porn

This guy?

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People have always wanted to see the American flag burn . Patriotism is as bright as ever just a bunch of faggots get the spotlight

Sure you are dipshit. heres 50 cents, now go fuckoff.

Lmao funniest shit ive heard all day. Thanks man good night.

He already fucked his daughter, so he is a real cuck

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Chinas Troll army has been putting in overtime on Yas Forums

At least he fucks, virgin

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Cause good meme’s is totally the point. Argue style when you don’t have the facts in your side. Typical fag tactic

He like em young

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Na you trippin nig

god damn, I'd rape her too

>“I’m gonna take the one in diapers Jeff, you can have my daughter”

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Nah, that’s ok. Not gonna waste my time. Enjoy sucking that lying Trump cock fag

Snowballed what advance? Name one thing

Our first pedo president!

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trust of allies and # of insured???

wtf. you fucking libs are total cucks.

LOL virgin incel on Yas Forums calling out a chad president. fuck off.

stupid Americans who can't wipe their own ass think it's the governments job.
since Americans can't wipe their own ass anyway they quit making TP

>mfw bill clinton
>mfw thomas jefferson

but how would a libtard know shit about history or life? fucking simp.

Spoken like a true genius. You totally got me

>Why is our president and our people so dumb?
What do you expect from a country that in 2020 still celebrates coal miners and other blue collar workers as great American heroes, but thinks education is liberal elite brainwashing?
We're a nation that takes pride in being idiots.

No part of Canada has a population center on the scale of New York.
Canada does not have the same level of international tourism as the U.S.
Canada is not as important to the global economy as the U.S.

Slow down, gender neutral cuck. Biden isn't elected yet...

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>chad president.

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And yet without these ressources it is much better viewed internationaly.

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Lie and deflect. Predictable.

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>Assuming its lies because our system is totally better. The businessman said so.

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>Why is our president and our people so dumb?
Several generations of influencing breeding at a young age without making smarter decisions about career path and education.

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