Friend from hs got an onlyfans. Who wants to help a broke guy out

Friend from hs got an onlyfans. Who wants to help a broke guy out

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$10.50 and you're asking for help paying for it? Damn man get a job.

got fired. can't be spending money on this shit

well, alternatively, why don't you consider killing yourself

thought about it

Paying for porn makes you actually retarded.

but paying for nudes of someone you know? still retarded

she's bad

how old is she?

just turned 18

well fuck. i aint got $10 for that

how do we know this isn't your onlyfans and trying to do a shameless plug

shit that's a good idea. can't prove it otherwise tbh

nobodies going to pay for this

Bro she’s an exotic dancer, just go watch her

she moved across the country right out of highschool. i would if i could

I got ya fam

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holy shit i love you

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I got her only fans tits and ass are amazing

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amazing. thankyou. any more?

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big man's onto me, i can't post more for some reason

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don't want to hijack op, but you taking requests user?

what chu got?

lived in the same college town as this chick. think she's trying to break into amateur porn

Not him but please do this girl.

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oh she cute cute

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Join our comfy discord server


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thanks man. she was cool but didn't actually go to school i dont think.. just there to party

any way you can upload a bunch of those and ops somewhere? feel like i"m asking a lot but i mean you do have them after all. merry pandemic yall!

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maybe someday man, this was just some on the whim type shit, since i know the feel

thanks again man. is it worth gettin?

she's got some clips here n there getting fucked, but like all accounts, they're only clips and you have to pay for the full vid, few pics here n there but only about 21 of them so far, seems to be new

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Get this girl next, if y’all are still lookin for ass

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I'll give you head as payment

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guess she's not revealing too much yet? heard she has a bj video or something. either way thanks man. millions of karma for you. made some poor anons happy

>ITT: Girl posts her only fans account posing as broke simpboy to lure simps into paying for her content.

Well played, OP, well played.

So fap to something else

By the same measure though. Now her pics are here for free and they’ll be archived with her name

not really any vids, she posts sets, but they're more like suicide girl type sets, tits here n there but no ass or pussy

Read the whole thread before posting

Are you still taking more requests? Check out spitonmycorpse
Shes been on this for quite some time but deleted most of her shit from like Tumblr

True, she done fucked up!
Well played, Yas Forums, well played.

any chance you could upload a clip? dieing to see that

i'll give it some time and subscribe. look out for me to return the favor at some point user.. pretty sure she'll get into porn at some point

shes a 6

i legit was going to try with OPs, but with the device I'm using even a 9 second clip was blocked for being too large

dammmm that fuckin blows.

well there's an empty vola here.. 16zczga1m

>got fired. can't be spending money on this shit
How does it feel to know you're worthless to society?

sorry bro, no idea what that's for

look up vola file new friend

volafile org /r/ 16zczga1m

you can upload the vids here

and pics too. super easy to use

If you really want some good shit..

ok, tried with OPs, check it and lmk

it worked. can you upload all her clips?

you got it. keep em all coming kind user!

That looks pretty edgy

Really want to see the few pics on this one https:// onlyfans. com/himynamestee

Her gram has some decent stuff, but who knows what the OF has

based op, do you still have a job?