What are you Americans gonna do with your pandemic money? $1000 big ones.
What are you Americans gonna do with your pandemic money? $1000 big ones
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immediately put it into the stock market
>Assuming neets can even get this money.
I invested $1K a few weeks ago when it had totally dipped, im up $200, i put a lot into Zoom technoligies and MMM
Buy another gun
yep, put in 5k in the last 3 days and im up 10% today alone and shits hardly moved, ill be buying another 5k worth once my transfer goes through.
best of luck my friend! Put some in Nvidea, take my word for it
1/2 of what Canadians are getting with their $2000 big ones
Buy her... for like...what's that go for...$1k for a blown out asian whore is like...you own her and her family right?
Yeah...sorry bros but to qualify you have to file 2018-19 taxes.
Ketamine and beer
spend it all on v bucks
Its $1200 you asshat and im using $100 it to ass fuck your mom while you watch
Pay off the Visa finally, save $500 for a couple weeks worth of takeout
You're overpaying
If the gun stores don't open back up soon I'll just invest it
You’re overpaying, don’t fuck up the market for the rest of us.
they are on my watch list but i have not purchased any, my most recent buys have been, WEN,CHEF,CCL,DENN,and AAL since they are all down roughly 50% currently. Great time to buy if you play the long game, 10years+ like i do.
It’s Trumpbux asshat
I make too much money to qualify you poor rednecks go OD on oxy, heroin n meth with your measly 1k
$3000 for my family, I'm buying carnival stock so i can turn my 3k to 12k in 6 months
Unless you have $250k+ to drop at a time, returns will be meager, even at 10yrs.
just file taxes, say you did cash in hand work last year, say you mowed some lawns or something
idk what the americunt tax brackets are,
but yeah say you made whatever the minimum required amount is, you may then owe them a couple dollars tax or something, but it'll be less than the 1k, so you'll profit
I have no idea how american welfare/tax works, kinda just making shit up,,
but it sounds viable from here
lol good luck usa you'll need it
Thank you sir
Nah I'm just a lazy white dude. I technically make $130k a year but why the fuck would I ever want to work full time if I don't have to. I'm alright with the $50k after taxes, I don't need much
Immediately? Could be risky. But could pay off. Buy up shares while they're dirt cheap and hope they hold on long enough to survive this shit, then watch them explode during the recovery. But you better invest in the right thing. Something that's going to really blow up after the all-clear sign is given on covid and all these bored, cooped up people go nuts on it. Like maybe a cruiseline, or Six Flags or something like that. Things that people are going to indulge in to break the fear and boredom they're experiencing now and possibly for the next several months.
>people who were already financially comfortable
>still financially comfortable after it's over
>sitting in the house for possibly two or more months
>can finally come out of the house again
Or, if you can, wait for companies to start going out of business. Buy their commercial space when they are at their most desperate. Wait for covid to end and the virtually guaranteed stimulus package for small and startup businesses to start being distributed. Sell or rent your now-valuable commercial spaces to the recipients of said stimulus package
Just put it on top of the pile, I guess
buy new tires for my car. nothing crazy but just a nice new set since i need them. and probally animal crossing, i dont need to worry about the 1k since i work in he medical field and have no need to worry about job security
Get a Gen 4 Glock and a RMR for it.
Six Flags is very risky one right now but could potentially have a fucking enormous return. I'm thinking of buying just a grand to see what happens
I put 28k in a few days ago and I'm up 5k.
That's what I did with my Bush bucks.
i have never invested before, is 1k enough to do anything? what should I invest in?
Carnival was @ 57 less than a year ago, now its 17. It will be back to 57 in 6 months.
depends what you buy, i bought $200 ENPH less than a year ago for shits and giggles and sold it for 3k
thanks for the advice, so basically companies that are worth low now that are very likely to come back strong. where/how do I invest? do I use a trading website? what are some good ones? sorry im a huge noob
cruise ships and airlines are a good buy right now, once they get there bail out from uncle same it'll pay off big time.
literally just invest in an index fund
As a Canadian I can tell you that is bullshit
i use Ally, but theres a shit ton of choices, and yea any of the big boys who are hit hard right now but are to "to big to fail" and big enough for a government bailout, you will be thanking yourself in less than a year.
Robinhood app, link it to your bank
my canadian friend said she's getting 700?
Gunna pay down my mortgage with it. You gotta put it into an asset that will keep up with inflation, since this shit will cause a shitload of inflation.
You’ll never build true wealth at that rate
Say you’ll make $40 per share you buy today at $17, ignore all taxes. You buy $5000 worth, 294 shares, and make $40 on each for a total net gain of $11,760 before any taxes. Nice money, but can you really say you made it? Meanwhile a coked up mutual fund manager buys $5 million dollar’s worth of stock at $17...
I'm going to pay some antifa junkies to commit a hate crime, probably bash a tranny/faggot or illegal beaner and film it to discredit their "movement"
The rest of you are not thinking creatively
If she's lucky, our government is a sniveling bunch of Jewish lackeys
Keep telling yourself that
i have not seen a single post on this thread say they plan to be a millionaire of their investments, but who the fuck wouldn't take the tiny amount of their time to double what they invest even if its only a few thousand bucks? thats still more than they have before. You sound like a miserable twat.
literally just keep crashing the economy every few years
You're a broke ass poser
What airline to invest in bros
I bought 600 shares of carnival, 100 shares of disney, 100 shares of chevron, 100 shares of Chase, and vaious other index funds and REITs. I'm planning on making $75,000 this year in capital gains. This time is the free money time, I don't give a fuck if I earned it or not.
Careful with the airlines, bailouts might be punitive to investors
Not getting it. I make to much
Strippers and blow
Bills :P
With that money I'm pulling my seed money out and buying a house for diversification purposes. Then I'll have: a pension, a 457b plan, social security, a private investment account, a roth IRA, and rental income for my total retirement package. I aim to retire at 55, and I aim to have a net worth of 4 million when I go.
I’m definitely broke, just want my small loan of $1 million so I won’t be broke anymore.
Yes it’s miserable to see how all I can look forward to is scraps when I could be feasting.
You should stomp a tranny to death, at least you will be happy
My sister in law inherited a million dollars and is busy processing it up her nose. A million dollars does not a billionaire make. Trump 2020
you sound like one of those people who say you cant be sad because others have it worse, its no different then saying you cant be happy because others have it better.
Solid plan, definitely earned user bet you wish you had more to play with because this is definitely the time to make moves.
Pensions didn’t exist by the time I entered the workforce in earnest, I’m not willing to work government. I have a Roth 401k, employer stock, and social security. The stock pays dividends which is good, trying to build up as many shares to have a nice quarterly check in retirement. It frustrates me that I can’t get actually sees money from a bank to invest, they’ll loan me $500k for a condo but lord forbid I use it to make my own moves. I would say best of luck, but you got ur shit together better than most.
>Pensions didn't exist
Are you the oldestfag? Wtf
A passable one or those hideous men wearing wigs?
Good luck finding a non-government job that offers one, 401k is the standard offering now.
>thank you boomers