Underwear fetish stories... GO
Underwear fetish stories... GO
A few years back I moved in to my gf's place that she shared with her 2 sisters because of shit I had going on with my own family. Always wanted to fuck her younger sister. Sometimes I would have a day off where they were all at work so I would be home alone. Would go straight to her sisters room and go through her laundry basket. Loved taking 3 pairs of her dirty panties. 1 to sniff, 1 to wrap around my hard cock as I stroked and the other to catch my load. Never came so much when I was sniffing where her wet cunt had been
Any pics of her?
used to have 2 female roommates. I jacked off to their panties a lot.
Last one i had was of the girl next door, our bathroom was being renovated and we had to shower at their house. For about a week i had a thong over my face.
My wife leaves her dirty panties on the bathroom floor every morning for me to sniff before I shower. Fucking love it
I met this incredible woman online playing an mmo. We bonded over a shared love of nerdy things, especially Batman. We eventually started talking about kinky things over time and I told her about my panty fetish. She came in these and sent them to me. All I have to do is ask and she’ll send me her intimates. It’s fucking fantastic!
I love doing this, but only with panties of my sisters friends when they sleep over at our house
The rush of getting a worn pair from their bag in the morning, taking it with me to the bathroom. Pulling them over my face with the gusset right over my mouth/nose so i could smell and lick them clean at the same time.... damn those girls each had a unique own taste, i’d get extra horny if i saw them and knew they were my favorite... i am a panties connoisseur
on occasion ill jerk off with my mom or sisters panties, ive never cum in them, but there's nothing better than rubbing them all over my hard cock and precum
And after i was done and put the panties back in the bags. I joined them in the livingroom looking at the girl whos thong i had pulled over my face not five mins ago. The innocent and totally oblivious look on their face, and the cute little ass
>Be long time friends with girl
>She moves out with sister in law
>Sister in law dips after a month and leaves her with the rent
>I just finished renovating a house I inherited
>Decide to move in with her to help out
>She's slim thick because she was a pro dancer
>In booty shorts all the time
>Would hang in my room a lot while I edited
>Could see her ass and sometimes a little lip in a mirror on my desk
>She'd leave for work and I'd raid her room
>The best smelling panties ever
>The smell would be in my nose all day
>Would also rub my dick on her toothbrushes, inside her clean panties, and cum inside her face wash
>We'd run together and I could always see through her leggings
>Would note what panties they were and would look for them later
>They smelled amazing
>She knew I had this kind of fetish
>I'd buy panties off of mutual friends all the time
>One time, to make a long story short, she passed out at a friends house in the bathroom, face down ass up.
>Just dead ass knocked out cold
>Tempted, but I'd never go THAT low
>Pulled up her pants and carried her home
>Next morning thanks me for helping her out
>Gives me a kiss on the forehead and tells me she left something for me in my bathroom
>The panties I'd love smelling the most on the counter
Ended up moving out because she had bed bugs and lied about it :/
Didn't see her for years
Then when we reconciled, we started hooking up for a little.
That's a whole other story
When I was 15 the school had a swimming carnival and in the changing rooms the boys and girls ones were right next to each other and I saw a girl I fancy (a Canadian qt) she was wearing light blue with polka dots on her bottoms and the tiny bit I could see I could see her soggy bottoms so I made a snap choice and snuck in and took and put in my bag
i steal panties anytime I get the chance.
I have about 15 right now from randoms, friends, friends’ moms, friends’ sisters
I fucking love knowing what they’re pussies and assholes smell like
I used to take my stepmoms dirty panties all the time. I had a drawer full of all different kinds. The biggest rush I got was taking them from my dads house to my moms so I could jerk off with them all the time
What’s the best one and how did you obtain it
We've got nothing but time user
Probably this black thong I stole from my friend’s mom. I was over at their house and just went through the hamper. Love that I see her often and can sniff her pussy anytime I want
Dang nice
And ur youngest catch
posted a few times already but here it is again anyway. my boss works out every day during her lunch break and she tends to wear thongs to work, i've seen it a few times. One day I decided to stay late after work so I can go through her gym bag that she keeps in her office. I found her tangerine colored workout thong inside it and it smelled pretty strong, I wrapped it around my dick and jacked off until I came all over her desk. I cleaned it up with a tissue and then carefully put the thong back in the bag exactly as I found it.
sorry for potato quality but you can make out the outline of it in pic related
>So she messages me out of nowhere
>It's been maybe 2-3 years at this point
>Just basic how are you, miss you kind of stuff
>After a while invite her over
>We hang and chat
>Find out she had a boyfriend but dumped him
>Keeps saying stuff like
>Oh I wish I could just hook up with someone I know with no strings attached
>Tell her that Frank Ocean line
>If you need dick I got you
>She laughs then awkward silence
>Asks, but really do you?
>We lean in and make out
>She's five feet and I'm six two
>Carry her over to my bed and we start getting undressed
>I dunno if I was just imagining it or what but once I got her pants off, that familiar smell of her pussy engulfed me
>Doing the deed and it's pretty vanilla because it's our first time and I didn't ask her what she was into
>She's so small and tight that she was in pain for a while
>But was way into it
>I'm about to nut and I tell her I'm gonna pull out and she just wraps me up and holds me in
>Fake protest and nut in her
>Figuring I'd just get plan b
>Later tells me she's on BC so it's no big deal
>As we hook up, quickly learn she's really freaky
>Would have me choke her till she passes out
>Would tell me to promise to fuck her after she gets blacked out drunk
>I'd nut in her and she'd have me fish out as much as I could and feed it to her
>Gave her a black eye because she wanted me to hit her harder and harder
>She loved it and would have me press on it
>Would do typical BDSM stuff
>Would have her tied up all day and gagged with her panties
>Had a threesome with her and one of her friends
>She'd want me to hook up with other girls and if I rawed them, she want to taste them
>If I had a condom on with the other girl, she suck on them while I fucked her
>Friends didn't know we were hooking up
>She'd have me fuck before we'd all hang out
>One time she was in a skirt and I could see from across the room that my nut was running down her leg
We stopped after she said she started catching feelings
Once when I was 15/16 my female cousin was sleeping over at my house for a few days, she brought a suitcase for extra clothes. Long story short I broke into the garbage bag she kept her dirty clothes in, sniffed her filthy panties while jerking off, and finished in her suitcase. I’ve never told anyone and I’m ashamed to this day
used to work for a bigwig television service provider installing tivos and shit. Its the perfect job for stealing panties for many reasons:
>tivo installs are notorious for taking forever to install
>people want tivos installed in their bedrooms
>people typically want the cablebox kept on their dressers
>typically comes in packages, so multiple bedrooms get one
>tivo boxes interconnected, constantly going bedroom to bedroom making sure it all works
People typically leave you alone, since its boring to watch us sit there and wait for it to load forever. (screen literally says it may take up to an hour) I cant stress how perfect it is; parents will leave you, alone, unsupervised, in their teenage daughter's rooms, fiddling around in front of their drawers, because you are paid MONEY to be there for an extended period of time. Almost every day you come home with a fresh bounty; so many I had to pump and chuck them in order to keep a manageable supply. The orgasms were otherwordly.
When did you get into kinky talking. ex: how does it feel like to touch a boob. I mostly think talking about others in a sexual way or in a sexy way gains a close friendship with another individual.
Boooriiing you get to fuck her any time you want. It’s about the rush of doing something that you know you can’t get caught doing, cause you’ll get in serious trouble. And normally it’s about perking on someone you’re not supposed to perv on, a GF’s sister, a boss. Not your damn wife.
Tips for stealing panties:
>have great situational awareness. How many people are in the house, and where are they? Do you have business being were you are? Are you in anyones line of sight/any sightlines?
>dont leave and enter the house too often. people get uneasy when youre a stranger coming and going so freely
>plan ahead. as theyre showing you where they want the boxes, make mental notes where the drawers are
>keep calm. stealing is like video games like elder scrolls; as long as you arent tresspassing or doing anything suspicious, people wont suspect you
>wait for the right time to take them, and when you do, be swift
used to sneak into my friends parents room during the day (id be staying over and next day going to shower) and would always jerk off with his moms panties and end up cumming all over thier carpet b4 putting them back and going to shower.
another time was when i woke up early one morning at said friends house and saw a pair of his mom panties in the laundry didnt take much time for me to blast a huge load into them and stuff them under all the clothes.
have a few more about the same firend with his GF and his younger sister lmk if you wanna hear
There’s always one tween asking for pics
sometimes i'd look for evidence on the girls names and look them up on facebook. diplomas, certificates, awards. Match faces to the panties.
Damn user. Such a shame
Found the jealous preteen
The hours were terrible, but the rewards were worth it
nearly got caught numerous times, but i've always been lucky. Had myself arm's deep in a mother's drawers when her 10 year old son walked by the doorway. Kid never looked in, thankfully.
It's all good
Better to have nut in all the holes
Than to have never nut at all
Useherrough on kik
Swap wives and panties
That's smart! Always nice to have a pic to go with the panties
I’m divorced for six months, you cock warmer.
I really don’t remember how we broached the subject. It was a while ago. But we were talking about fetishes somehow, lol. I told her about panties and how my ex and I would play. She’s into spanking
a surprising amount of people have their profiles set to public. That is why they shouldnt
Pair I took from a friend who stayed the night and left her bag in my room
>guy shows me where he wants his tivo
>proceeds to leave into the next room; his office
>brings his dog in his office with him and cages dog in there with him
>raid his girlfriends underwear drawer unopposed
>she comes home at end of install
>her panties stuffed in my boxers, wrapped around my dick
>get their signatures and wish them a wonderful day
I've been in that position a handful of times but I just can't help but think they'd notice. 1/5 in a bag seems noticeable. 1/30 in a drawer not as much
Ik she’d know if I kept them so I just used them for the night and put them back when I was done. She comes over all the time so I usually just get a new pair to play with every weekend
>go to install
>bedroom on second floor of apartment
>20-something mother downstairs playing with her toddler
>leave me alone upstairs to find her panties
Her body
>attractive girl wants tivo in her room
>disappears into the garage for most of the install, since they just moved in
Oh shit thats another thing; people get tv service when they move, so a lot of the times theyre busy unpacking anyway
love to cum in my stepmom's panties
>dude watching me through entire install
>gets aphone call, leaves room to take it
>take the opportunity to snatch his girlfriends panties while he is out-of-sight
>walk right past him undetected, panties stuffed in my pants
Ok that sounds smarter. I have a similar sounding friend who I've had several opportunities to take from. Hers always smell so good
I’ve cross dressed in my mom’s panties and bras multiple times. Absolutely love it, especially the worn ones. If anyone wants specific stories I’d be happy to discuss.
That explains that. I'd be doing the same
I wish I had the opportunity to keep some of her dirty ones. She’s left some in my bathroom before and they smelled so good
I am also intersted in kik
I used to cross dress in my stepmoms dirty stuff all the time. When I was younger my room was down the hallway from the laundry room that had a laundry chute when I heard something drop I always checked for the freshest panties
You should be wearing them with that tiny cock.
this one was fun
>dudes tivo in his bedroom wont work
>bedroom on 2nd floor, hes downstairs watching football in his chair
>steal wifes panties
>have to pass through laundry room to get outside
>notice matching bra sitting at top of laundry basket
>cant fix problem, show him outside where the problem legitimately lies
>let him lead us back inside
>me behind him, i quietly snatch the bra and stuff it in my pocket not two feet away from the guy
It’s so hot to me, feeling the fresh crust and smelling her ripe ass always turns me on.
At one point I found a while stack of dirty ones and laid in bed rotating which one I would smell while jerking off covered in her panties
Sometimes i miss that job. I kept none of the panties since
did you ever steal teenage used panties or only clean ones?
That’s so hot! My favorite were her workout ones.
bored so ima keep going
same friends house, stayed the night when his GF had been staying there as well (his parents and siblings were gone camping). next morning get up GF is gone went home to shower and walk her dogs, tell friend ima go shower, go up to the bathroom and to my grand surprise his GF had some clothes left in his bathroom from the day before. poke through it see her bra un bundled her pants to find a glorious lacy thong in there, still with a slight smell of pussy on them. sure enough i get instantly hard as a rock, so i pull out my phone and get a bikini pic of her from her FB and begin to savage my cock with her thong taking brief moments to stop and get a nice whiff of her pussy on them. hands down was one of the best orgasms ive ever had.
friends GF came back over 20 or so minutes after i had finished and showered and went to get her clothes. dont think she ever knew just minutes before i had her panties wrapped around my throbbing cock and blasting like a geyser.
at this point ive used his moms a ton to jerk off with but it was the first and only time i got the chance to use his GFs. still have a story about his sister too.
Those were always nice. After we moved a found a whole bag filled with lingerie and would dress up and tease guys on Omegle it was the most fun I’ve ever had
typically aimed for clean. Not a fan of piss and shit, but the discharge makes me diamonds.
>reverse image
>no result
Damn it's the real deal then.. fucking hot got any more pics?
Left here
I'm the same. I love the slight crust
Guys always love femboys dressing up like that! Playing on Omegle was always a favorite for me.
Seriously loving these. Continue
It was even more fun after I found her dildos. I’d also show people her panty drawer and closet for them to pick out an outfit for me when I had the house to myself
>Boomer's confessions
Do guys really buy used drawers? My wife said she would sell hers Not larping