The fear mongering media is hyping up the numbers its not even as bad as the FLU its just a cold virus stop being a...

The fear mongering media is hyping up the numbers its not even as bad as the FLU its just a cold virus stop being a bunch of pussies. How about they put up the number of actual FLU deaths and stop peddling their fear to the bored masses. I'm all about free press but ratings grabs and self important egotistical news anchors are really the crux of our modern society.

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If you think it's not as bad as the flu then go out and get it so I won't have to listen to your uneducated faggot ass anymore. Idiots like you are going to make this pandemic worse for the rest of us.


Yeah, like the flu. You can go check every other country but you decide not to. Enjoy your collapsed health system in a couple of weeks.

Misinformation. The flu doesn't cause loss of taste/smell and lung damage if you recover, you utter cunt.

Falling for the media lies and jew propaganda. Next thing you will say is Americans are running to the boarders to escape the US but Mexican and Canadian Army is shooting them down on sight. Get back to work.

I hope all these aging trumpers don't believe in the virus, go to trump rallies and crazy churches, pass the virus amongst themselves, and fucking die. suits me.

Lies its just the flu most people have already had it and didn't even know it the media is focusing on a hand full of people its a total FLUTHINGBURGER its over its nothing.


You're probably right. World governments enjoy wasting money sending people in hazmat suits to spray down the streets for an obviously benign cold.

The flu doesn't spread as fast. The percentage might be the same but the amount of people that get it is way higher.
It's all about making sure the hospitals aren't overwhelmed

Here you go. Information that's easily findable if you're interested in an actual discussion based on facts and data. I'm sure this page will be useful to you in the future where you can use it in hindsight to evaluate your current worldview.

In short, fuck off.

There are groups of people it is extremely deadly for in a way the flu is not. It is at least 10 times more deadly than the flu. Beyond deaths, it has a very high incidence of causing serious complications that require intensive care (even if those people ultimately don't die.) Lastly, the outbreak is happening in a much shorter period of time than the flu, meaning the health system doesn't have the capacity for the surge all at once. The flu season is spread over a long period of time.

China's playing you for fools. Stay inside you anorexic faggots


This pandemic isn't even over yet, the death rate almost certainly WILL be higher than seasonal flu when all is said and done. That's why I laugh when people claim it's not as bad as the flu, it's not even close to over yet faggots. Just you wait

I work in a hospital I see it everyday. It's fine if you don't believe china's numbers {I don't either) but what about the US ones?

Dickfuck, it’s the number needing ventilation that’s the problem, not the death rate BUT run outta ventilatiors, the death rate goes up.
And lets not talk about how contagious it is, no leave that out completely

Yup. Trips for truth.

Stop fear mongering you faggots, can't die from the flu

>can't die from the flu
You're either trolling or stupid. Tens of thousands die every year from seasonal flu in the US


>It's just the flu bro

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Its allot cheaper than civil unrest and allot easier to hide behind closed doors and make secret deals when everyone is focused on a CORONA OOOO haven't you noticed the economy has been really running so good and then well of course everyone knew it was going to tank. Now we have something to blame this way every country runs to the world banks and its in the name of saving lives the corona o no. It was all fake just a power play and now its over.

> Flu is all over the world
> Has spread as much as it's going to
> Coronavirus is new
> spreading at an exponential rate, doubling the numbers every week
It'll catch up.

John Hopkins info. 5 times as many people have recovered than have died. Quit drinking the media Kool-aid.You can't cover mass hysteria if there isn't any.
0.0006% of the planetary population has the virus. If it all the cases were contained in the city it started in, it would be .025% of THAT CITY'S FUCKING POPULATION! I'm not saying this virus isn't bad. It's just been hyped beyond belief.

>rate, doubling the numbers every week

because thousands of people are getting tested stupid thousands of panicking brain dead media fed drones running to the hospital for tests because of a fever caused by a common cold. 1/3 of which are hypochondriacs anyway the mere power of suggestion would make them believe they are dying. Its a HOAX its a scam you been played stupid.

I don't understand what some of you don't get about the fact that it's a hospital/medical infrastructure capacity issue, which multiplies the effects of the virus itself (which is causing a massive spike on its own because it's brand new).

"recovered" can mean alive but with permanent lung damage and chronic health problems, so this statistic is only comforting to the ignorant people who don't know that this virus can fuck you up for long after you recover. There are people who got SARS (another form of coronavirus) who deal with health problems to this day.

The rate of deaths is climbing just as fast.

I do get it. The problem with the hospitals is if you have a low or even a mild fever they are putting you in a room instead of sending you home. If everyone that had a low or mild grade fever from the more common forms of the flu got put in a hospital bed, they'd run out of beds too.

Its the common cold the lung problems are probably do to vaping smoking and the enthronement certainly not COVID-19

>Its all HOAX go back to work.

Typical. You poor retards who have never known hardship are so determined to believe nothing bad will ever affect your life that no amount of facts will change your mind until it's too late and you've lost someone.

>can't die from the flu
Now I know your trolling

This. If you read an article about a dozen people dying in the street over a common flu, that would be fucking headline news. Novel coronavirus is a logistical issue, and if we can't get our shit together, you're going to be reading about exponentially more people dying in the street.

The rate of deaths from the flu too. The common cold is very dangerous when you have the flu or other preexisting conditions. Not saying its not going to kill anyone just that it doesn't matter. For 100 years it has done it every year you actually think it originated in China that's a HOAX its been here all along its everywhere.

There are lots of common diseases that can fuck you up for life. Yet no one ever screams pandemic for them.

Because those aren't epidemiologically pandemics.

>Go back to work
>Become a Typhoid Mary spreading an extremely contagious virus that could kill millions if you get your way and everything reopens

Hey man stop by a hospital. You will find out fast it isnt the flu. My friend is an rn. Its fucking insane. She is working doubles and at least 5 pol died within the last 24 hours from it. It is NOT the flu.

Because they don't fit the definition retard. Do you think pandemic just means a disease? Morons talking authoritatively about shit they know nothing about, that's America for you

You do realize that people die from the flu as well right? Besides it's not about deaths necessarily, it's about overloading the health system so that the people that could have been saved with ventilators will not have one available and thus they'll die. Sure it isn't that bad yet but let it progress farther and it sure will be.

Oh really? I haven't heard the term pandemic used like this since the AIDS crisis. Swine flu? Bird flu? SARS? Rare now, but when they first showed up they spread like wildfire. Yet no one screamed pandemic and went out and bought a thousand rolls if toilet paper.

Lies you're just a lazy ass go back to work.

Pics or it didn't happen.

Sir, or Madame since I don't want to assume you gender. Your response is to say simply, retarded. Please, kys.

46 posts and only 19 posters fucken hole lotta samefaggin in this thread.

Uh, it IS worse than the flu. If you did just a little research instead of tryharding on your troll campaign, you'd would see the error of your ways. Just as you wouldn't visit your Nan while you had the flu, don't visit your Nan while you have Corona.

Nigger I can work from home, unlike your dumb ass I'm actually contributing to our society regardless of this pandemic

It's being treated seriously because this particular virus kills boomers . You know, the ones that vote the most and mostly for republicans.

fuck off Ilya

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How about you actually refute the points I made instead of acting like a supercilious smug retard

Sorry, where are you getting your information from? Oh, you're not getting any information? Oh. So you've made a scientific, medical, epidemiological judgment, through no research at all? Oh wow.

Every single infection kills older people the most you fucktard.

In 1-2 weeks you may reconsider saying people are just being 'a bunch of pussies'.

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All these liberals, have Corona endangerment syndrome, must be part of being anorexic faggots

Educate yourself brainlet.

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No, I was highlighting the fact that you formulated such a robust and definitive opinion, based on completely nothing. I admire you, I wasn't mocking you. It must be nice to be able to do this.

That was said 2 weeks ago

Link the source.

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You sound stupid to me.