What's your opinion on qt, light skin black girls?
What's your opinion on qt, light skin black girls?
my GF is a light skinned negress. holy shit can she suck a mean cock.
They have nice round, slightly big asses and wesr cute underwear
Nice C cup boobs too
Does she ever sit on your face?
And how big is your dick?
i eat her out all the time, she loves it. I'm average length but very thick. she goes fucking nuts for it.
Much cuter when they're six.
same as when you asked yesterday
He’s over here!
Pretty fuckin hot.
Dark gf reporting in
nathalie emmanuel
Hot as fuck, anyone who thinks otherwise is a simp virgin
Thanks, she's a lot of drama but also great fun.
True but I think you're misusing the word "simp"
While not exactly light skin, Franklin's aunt in Snowfall is hot as fuck
Wife tier
Kik me for more of her
They wear nice underwear and their butts smell good
while I cannot deny the sexual and beatfiul form of many a negress, that are strong and desirable to any Man .... I must confess my wish to not so polute my offspring with Nigger genes, for ever.
With a condom or no chance of repro-duction
I would conisder my self a homosexual if I did not want to fuck the woman in Ops pic in every possible and impossible way for a few eternities.
Dude you went all the way into the jungle
People look at us since I'm white af. I love when black guys look. They're always mad.
Would make quadroons and octoroons with
Trips for the Congo girl
Anyone got the gif/webm of that light sin girl wearing the striped swimsuit doing a stereotypical anime-girl forward lean and slight rock?
Was cuteAF and I lost it from when it was infinite
Nice man, im Jelly. Wish I could fuck some dark hoes... got a white gf
Oh yeah, and it was a mint-stripe with what I think was white.
She wants kids and a marriage and stuff and I'm kinda like ummmmmmmmmmmmm. I don't want to betray my bloodline but I also love this girl. What do?
Its legit 2020, who the fuck cares? youll get some light brown kids that most normal people will like.
Betraying your bloodline? come on man.. if you love her white her
I care. I'm racist as fuck and she doesn't know. I've had to hide my power level so hard. She found my Yas Forums folder while I was asleep and confronted me about all the crime statistics infographics and stuff lmao.
she found your pol folder while you were asleep? lmao you got me there. fuckin fag
Why are you racist?
qt was a qualifier. light skinned fat skanks don't count
Fight me nigger.
Statistics, life experience, everyone knows blacks are 13% of the population but over 50% of violent crime. Around blacks never relax.
So why not make one less nigger in the world?
White father to light brown kids? they have white gfs then you basically got white grand kids
That's kind of what I'm hoping for. With an actual dad they won't settle for some hoodrat thugs and will have self respect, especially if they are girls.
where do you live
>whats your opinion on how much better blacks look with white genes?
>what nail color will look the most batshit cokespoon crazy, neon orange, thats the one
My favorite. Not the best looking on average but they have the highest potential imo.
If you don't impregnate this, I will
Larp? naw dawg.
I cum in her several times a day, thanks IUD.
Every black girl I’ve dealt with was a decent fuck. Light skin girls are fun, though dark skin fucks seem a little more wild and jungle-ish.
Lol, typical confused low IQ pol subhuman that's not even sure what it wants. Continue regurgitating stats like a puppet
You've got some issues. Although, with those kind of projection skills, you should look into opening up your own IMAX theater.
They're the best
Still a fucking NIGGER
Dude, just leave her. You're wasting both your time and hers.
I’m ethnic so I only fuck white girls and if I have to an asian. Rarely see hot black girls in my city, anyway. They’re all refugees.