Sup b. So I just turned 18 and am planning on getting a sleeve tattoo...

Sup b. So I just turned 18 and am planning on getting a sleeve tattoo. I've been working since I was 14 so I have more than enough to buy a sleeve (roughly 4 grand.) There's an artist who lives 15 minutes away from me who specializes in large pieces-only. So I'm planning on going to him. So my question is: Do you guys think I should do it? Do you guys have tattoos? Do you regret them?

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good job saving your money. Keep it up and youll be well off when you're older.

Sage advice? Dont blow it all on a fucking tattoo. Thats what broke low-class spics do. Ive got nothing against tattoos, I just see retards blowing their money on stupid/expensive shit like cars because they think itll make them look cool and then they grow up and wonder why theyre fucking broke.

Wait until you're older and you have enough disposable income to get one.

do it. i would only regret getting a tattoo if it was cheap and looked cheap, 4 grand is plenty to get a nice bit of art on your body.
i have never had a a tattoo btw. i would have one but i don't want a cheap shitty one

Piece of advice: wait a few years

I think you're better off saving your money for more practical purchases

Trust me, the work that the artist does isn't shit. Pic related.

then go for it, if you're happy with the artist and design.

> This
A lot of ppl that get them when there young wish they didn’t.

only the people who got shit ones. its on his arm easy to cover.

You’re fucking 18 shithead. You think at 40 you’ll like the same shit? No. Don’t do it.

When I was younger I seriously thought about getting a tattoo. Now that in my mid 30s and I see all of the shitty tattoos that guys my age have I'm so glad I didn't. Save your money, buy a hooker for a couple nights a week, don't actually date unless it's one night hook-up, even then hookers are better, then when you're in your late 20s find a good religious girl to settle down with. If you stuck to clean hookers than you'll be fine and she'll appreciate you not having any gross tattos. If you still want to get one than donao then.

don't get a tattoo if it doesn't mean anything to you
if you want some nice art to look at, just buy a painting.



















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Sage advice on the women front. Did this. So glad I did. OP save your money into a nest egg and invest the rest

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You're using a great canvas really early. start with something smaller on your pec or shoulder blade. you're still but a growing lad so it might (Probably will) warp as you age, so it'll look sick for a while but deteriorate faster than if you wait 5ish years

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Yeah that's the whole point of getting a tat fag

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OP here. Invest in what exactly? I've fucked around buying Bitcoin and Litecoin but I still am skeptical about crypto. What else should I invest in?

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just turned 18 and probably lives with his parents. all of his money is disposable

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I'm also a fitness freak and in really good shape. So there's no need to hire hookers lol. And fuck religious bitches, religion is dumb and is for stupid people.

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fuck everyone who says a tattoo needs to have meaning or be about something you'll always like, good art is good art regardless

ug, save up your money. I knew a guy who bought a full sleeve young, and we ragged on him because his tattoo was just a rich boy prize. Had no meaning, no soul.. just a display of wealth. And this is coming from a low class mother fucker..

I'm a newfag by the way, who the fuck is this guy and why are you spamming pictures of him? Lol

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>What else should I invest in?
Buy a house. Heavily subsidized by gov't. Reason it's the main path to financial stability for most folks in the US.

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As a tattoo artist I would definitely suggest either starting small or waiting until you have a steady income. Don’t get me wrong, we appreciate dipshits willing to blow all their money, but you’re putting thought into it so don’t go balls deep

Interesting. I'll look into it. Thank you boomer :). I appreciate the advice from all my boomer btards. As I am a young man with no father figure :/




alpha chad






Attached: oie_NIhJ27Ct4ow4.jpg (693x942, 419.83K)

Terry Richardson - photographer. Miraculously untouched by the MeToo wave. All around king.

>why are you spamming pictures of him?


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oh god no. missed it by a year, thank god.
as an old punk, i really hated the boomer generation. still have almost no friends older than I am

this user knows what's up!!!!

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Heroin and alcohol

Take your time and really thing it out. Most people don’t regret getting tatted but they do regret a specific tattoo they got. So don’t be in such a rush for a tattoo that you pick a design too quickly. Take your time to really think it out

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>Miraculously untouched by the MeToo wave
He wasn't hiding anything at all. If there's one thing TR isn't, it's a hypocrite. I've always loved his work exactly because he's exposing the habits of sexual exploitation in the most direct way possible.

what about coke????

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Oh man, I know and agree. But it just takes a toxic baby (like McGowan) and the Twitterati will come for you.

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Man of great tastes.

Is this Krysten Ritter?

Go to Thailand (when flights are open again) and spend a fraction of that money on the same tattoo. There's some good artists there that do good work for very little compared to the US. Plus you'll have a good life experience of having traveled outside the US.

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kek how the hell did you find out?

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Just looks like her. Maybe not, but I so want it to be her.