Let me see if I'm getting this right. The US government is going to give every American the EXACT same amount of money...

Let me see if I'm getting this right. The US government is going to give every American the EXACT same amount of money, no matter where they live or their expenses, and porch monkeys who don't even fucking work will also get a check? How the fuck does that make any sense? Just for them to spend it all on cigarettes, drugs/alcohol and lottery tickets. This shit is ridiculous. Then everyone who works will be expected to pay the money back but the porch monkey will get a pass.

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People are fucking stupid. They think if you don't give niggers and spics feel money they'll all riot and commit crimes, which they will. But giving them free checks is not the answer.

Imma bout to cop a new pair of basketball shoes and a fat ass bag of weed homie. Probably some new shirts too.

Exactly, I'm fucking sick of this bullshit. Where those monkeys get special treatment and people wanna throw them a fucking parade, for doing shit that is EXPECTED from whites and asians.

You planning to steal all of that Tyrone?

Why would I need to steal it. I'm using the money I'm getting from the government. I'm a 34 year old white woman, btw.

Just niggers and spics? Its mostly white people losing jobs. 3.3million unemployed from what 600k. And we HAD a pandemic response team that prevented four of these scenarios. Enjoy your cardboard box because mommy and daddy wont be breathing to support your unemployed furry loving 35 year old incel lifestyle. ... faggot....

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Oh here we fucking go with this muh orange man virus bullshit. So what excuse does Europe have? Because last I checked hundreds of people are dying there per day. Of course you retards don't bring that up though.

yea im getting medical weed and paying rent. My rent is only $600 for a small house.

>My rent is only $600 for a small house.
Where? The fucking south?

you need to have filed your taxes and have worked

It's not even close to the EXACT same amount of money, it also puts money back into the economy, retard, which creates more business. But I agree it is ridiculous, but with fragile seniors in exposed conditions social distancing is essentially forced by these retards.
Think I read something that cops in Texas aren't even bothering with theft charges at the moment.


>The US government is going to give every American the EXACT same amount of money, no matter where they live or their expenses
Or even if you're affected by it. My work found some bullshit reason to be deemed essential and they're paying us extra for the time period what is basically hush money to keep us from bitching at the government enough to shut them down -- and I'm getting the full trumpbux amount.

Seriously feeling a bit flush right now. It's not a bad feel for once.

Where did you see that?

It's so fucking stupid. But hopefully after all this is said and done, the concept of social distancing is the new norm. With working from home is more common. Most office jobs can be done at home anyway why do people HAVE to be there in the office?

Some people are such assholes. I go to community college and they were basically forced by the state to close down. Those retards were gonna stay open even as everything was falling apart around them. I'm sure in 1-2 weeks they'll try to find some bullshit excuse to re-open. I can tell they're gonna try to do that.

Im going to save the money and invest it when the market hits rock bottom

Although due to my income, ill only get a small percentage of it

im glad you didnt lose your job. there are millions of others who did. you should be happy that your company didnt have to shut down and is paying you extra

Well yeah, that's the smart thing to do. The problem is poor people, niggers and spics especially are not smart. They'll get the check and immediately buy cigarettes, lottery tickets and alcohol, then go crying to the government they need more money.

This guy is probably working at some shitty retailer. If it's not Walmart or Costco they shouldn't even be open right now. But now all these companies are going to get money, just to end up firing everybody anyway in a few months.

isnt the point of the stimulus package to give it to the mass retards to spend on stupid shit to stimulate economy?

you faggots have been shilling for communism since 2014, here it comes, get you some

the last thing we want them to do with stimulus money is to not spend it

I am happy, don't get me wrong. And honestly, with the changes to our delivery methods, we're pretty low-risk for transmission. The only actual risk I'm exposed to are the couple people I pass in the hallways, and the 4-6 truck drivers I check in daily -- and they're on the other side of a window. It's not so bad.

How are they gonna do that when everything is closed? Unless you want to buy all your shit from Amazon, in which case those people are fucking hypocrites

All it takes is one person to infect the whole group. Honesty man if I were you I wouldn't even go to work. Now's a good time to use your sick and vacation days, if they even give you that. It's not worth it.

>Let me see if I'm getting this right. The US government is going to give every American the EXACT same amount of money, no matter where they live or their expenses, and porch monkeys who don't even fucking work will also get a check? How the fuck does that make any sense? Just for them to spend it all on cigarettes, drugs/alcohol and lottery tickets. This shit is ridiculous. Then everyone who works will be expected to pay the money back but the porch monkey will get a pass.

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It's true though and everyone knows it. Or are you one of those faggots who thinks it's not "politically correct" to point out literal facts about poor people and minorities?

nope... we all need to be able to put food on the table for our children while buying clothes/shoes..

OP> is it safe to say that you are single and have no children?

Well who the fuck told you to have kids and not save any goddamn money? The fuck is this bullshit logic? Now I'm expected to pay for somebody's else kids? Because you don't wanna do the right thing and stop spending you don't fucking have. Then the government will say in a few months, okay everyone it's time to pay the money back, but porch monkeys will get a pass as usual.

>All it takes is one person to infect the whole group. Honesty man if I were you I wouldn't even go to work. Now's a good time to use your sick and vacation days, if they even give you that. It's not worth it.
Problem is, this is going to last months. Even at the shortest, this is gonna be a half-year long crisis. We're only seeing the beginnings of it.

I've got vacation days, but I don't have that many. A man's gotta eat.

There are a lot of online retailers open right now besides amazon, user. Local restaurants are open for takeout... walmart, target... etc

imagine not being a socialist

That sucks man, hopefully it all works out. But I agree with you that this isn't gonna go away for at least a few months, if not longer. I honesty feel like all this bullshit we're doing is pointless and just fucking shit up even worse. We may end up with a great depression at this rate.

Imagine having kids and then complaining you have no money, like some fucking moron. I'm not fucking paying for YOUR kids, period. You wanna spread your fucking legs you better pay for them yourself, otherwise you can fuck off.

Ya but if people aren't working, how much incessive is there to spend it on shit you don't need?

welcome to amercan socialism comrade, vote for bernie and keep paying our UBI

You're a fucking idiot. You think the government is just going to give that money away for free? They're gonna expect people to pay it back at some point, one way or another. This isn't even remotely the same as UBI.

dumbass thats the point. The money is to encourage spending so that companies can still make money. Doesnt matter on what as long as its spent

>You think the government is just going to give that money away for free?
no, the wage cucks will have to keep paying taxes. its exactly the same as ubi, i do nothing and get free monies


Oh give me a fucking break. Those "companies" are gonna fire all of these people anyway, guarantee it. Watch Walmart use this bullshit as a excuse to fire people in mass. This is so ridiculous and is just turning into a clown show. Yes it's sad people are getting sick and dying but come on. Some people are saying we'll have to do this until July? There is no way that is possible. We can't keep the economy closed that long it would collapse.

>Implying youre getting anything at all
How cute, but maybe one day when you move out of mommy's house you'll see how the real world works

>Some people are saying we'll have to do this until July?
The worst forecasts of this say it'll continue until November.

Of 2021.

No one mentioned trump. Nice projection though. Apparently stating facts like "the us pandemic response team was eliminated by the current administration" is "orange man bad". The majority of the US population is white you dumb chimp. Therefore most of the checks will go to them. Please. Never. Breed.

Also, why the fuck are airlines getting a bail out? That's beyond ridiculous. These companies make billions of fucking dollars every year. Then watch them fire everybody anyway like a bunch of assholes, as the CEO collects $10 million in "bonuses".

There is no way possible to do that without completely fucking the economy up. It's already getting fucked and we've been at this for 2-3 weeks. We can't just pay people to stay home and jerk off all day.

No you dumb Niggers,you had to be legally employed for one year. If not no free money

Okay so again, what is the fucking excuse for why things are so bad in Europe? Is that also Trump's fault? Of course you retards don't wanna talk about that.

>There is no way possible to do that without completely fucking the economy up. It's already getting fucked and we've been at this for 2-3 weeks. We can't just pay people to stay home and jerk off all day.
Correct. But if the alternative is mass death on an industrial scale, do we really have a choice?

FYI the majority of poor people in this country are white. The middle class are the largest driving force behind the economy. Poor people getting money and spending it on dumb shit is what make the US tick.

Nice projection

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Europe didnt call the corona virus a "democratic hoax" you fucking knuckle dragger.

The whole point is to spend it, you braindead virgin

Where are you getting this from?

If we end up in a depression, millions of people are going to die anyway. You see this is what I mean, all of this bullshit we're doing is a waste of time and just fucking shit up even more. I get that we're trying to avoid a healthcare crisis, but why do we HAVE to take on a financial crisis? Just to fuck shit up when people are getting sick anyway.

I don't fucking care dude. The difference is that those poor white people fuck off and keep to themselves. Where as your pets sit on porches they DO NOT OWN, steal shit that doesn't belong to them and generally make life miserable for everyone. But I'll tell you what, if you wanna be so fucking generous you can donate your own check to your pets. I'm sick of this muh big heart bullshit but only when it's somebody else paying for it.

its a ruse, mank, lets overthrow the govmnt

Right, so you don't have any explanation for that. Why am I not surprised? Any reason you can find to cry about Trump.

Ya spend it on fucking food and shit you need, not fucking lottery tickets and beer. Which we all know is what's gonna happen.

No tax return no money.

God bless, a true patriot!

You’re a fucking retard. It’s basement dwelling incels like you who makes posts like this not even knowing what they’re fucking talking about. Kys before it’s too late cunt

And yet amazingly, you managed to make the dumbest fucking post here by a mile. How does it feel to be crowned, king of the retards?

Were all paying for it you dullard. Thats the point. Also whites commit more crimes than blacks. Why not go back to pol if you want to bleat into your echo chamber?

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>The US government is going to give every American the EXACT same amount of money, no matter where they live or their expenses
Uhmm no.

no shit dumbass the whole point of this is to give a bunch of money to dumb poor people so they immediately spend it on the useless shit that spins the economies cogs

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The US has more cases of corona virus than europe. What the fuck are you talking about?
>whats the excuse for how bad things are in europe?
The us has more cases than china you dipshit. Partially because of trumps retarded inaction

>Also whites commit more crimes than blacks
Oh do they now? Then why is every fucking city your pets live in such a ghetto with gun-related deaths? Let me guess we're not suppose to bring that up. Also that's real cute, "more crimes". Now show me the RATE they commit that crime, compared to your pets.

That's great, so you can donate your own fucking money if you want that. Or do you wanna suck my dick first?

>Criticizes facts
>Produces no pacts to back up claim
>demands more facts
you gay nigga

>The US has more cases of corona virus than europe
No fucking shit you drooling moron, we're much bigger than all of Europe. And how the fuck do you know how many cases they have in China? Nobody knows except the Chinese government. But we should just believe whatever they say right? I love how you idiots only have a problem with lying when Trump does it, and that's assuming he even lied to begin with.

this guy gets it

So all the cities with the most crime, who lives there? Your pets do, so how do you explain that? Or do you need to finish sucking your nigger boyfriend off before answering that?