Why is so much rule 34 drawn by girls?
Why is so much rule 34 drawn by girls?
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fuck you no one cares about your stupid ass thread i will fucking bomb your hiouse
good you fucking coomer
Because so much porn is absolute shit. When you don't have access to porn you like, you develop skills and draw your own. How many females do you know who draw anything? They've probably dont porn, even if just crude doodles.
My wife draws. She has and habitually does draw porn. I can't draw for shit. I can ask her and she'll draw my dirty shit. Its fucking awesome!
all have you know i am a female and i drew this faggot
did you draw that coomer
Cuz hornery
You're a piece of shit for making her do it for free, you know. She doesn't owe you her artistic talent, which she spent years cultivating while you ate Doritos and drank pop while jacking off in front of a monitor, for free.
Aren't these two characters preteens?
ok ayn rand
Because women are like men. Perverts. They just hide their perversion better.
Underrated reference
I mean I don't mind it, especially when it shows preteen boys, I was just looking for clarification.
Requesting straight shota and milf porn drawn by women
Because at the end of the day, all women are whores.
Show tits.
Who gives a damn fuck? They're cartoons.
>>couples doing stuff for each other
The horror
whelp nevermind apparently everything but the first page of this comic is too big
Fuck I hate current year
It's the girls too ugly to be an e-thot.
Chill the fuck out.