This is your goofy fucking president.
Do you retards know that the whole world is laughing at your country?
This is your goofy fucking president.
Do you retards know that the whole world is laughing at your country?
Sounds like you're jealous your leader isn't in the WWE Hall of Fame.
What do you want me to do about it?
I didn't vote for him.
>featured cameo in several movies
>business owner
>model wife
>WWE champ
>calls people out and tells them to shut up
>constantly cites his accomplishments to show how little your point matters
get fucked
yeah,everybody knows donald trump is a moron
>business owner
guy couldnt run a casino without bankrupting it.a fucking casino,if that doesnt tell you how big of a failure donald trump is,i dont know what would
>wwe champ
of course trump's ignorant white redneck voting base will bring this up,thats the only people who watch wwe
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
At least, that's what they told us.
barack obama was a golfer to,you criticized his golfing habit.but praise donald trump's
Yes, we're well aware.
Reminder: he lost the popular vote by around 3 million votes. We're not all complete morons.
Stfu retard before we imperialize you.
He's got his own star on Hollywood Blvd. Or somewhere nearby. They don't want us to know exactly where.
Oh look another dumb fuck that still thinks Trump is doing a good job. Lmfao you must really be lost in your own mind there buddy. Keep believing what makes you feel good. History will remember this guy for what he is, an incompetent nepotist.
Bernie Sanders can save the country $350,000,000 in that cost alone. MAGA!
Could’ve been the champ; became the president.
>Do you retards know that the whole world is laughing at your country?
It's like poor people laughing at the rich or ugly people laughing at the beautiful. They can, but the laughter rings hollow.
this. fuck off back to plebbit you kikes
How can amerimutts still love that piece of crap orangutan dicksucking faggot,even after he deliberately throwed the entire usa to the grimm reaper? I dont get it how people are this fucking stupid. I dont get it also,whats the appeal of obeying him and praise him like baboons every time he throws banana.
>inb4 europoor comments
That’s funny.
The Chinese ALONE are superior to your country, in essentially every way. Their military, infrastructure, and general way of life tackles the United States’ 30 times over.
Your countries asshole will ring hollow once the Chinese are done fucking it
You know the drill.
The US pays more for healthcare than any nation in the world, but its run out of medical masks, gloves, and other basic items like some third world shithole Dumpy likes to bitch about.
Yes. We know he's an embarrassment, now stfu.
>FuCk aMeRikA
C'mon, AND?
You know you'll be electing him again.
>Seething rednecks
Keep on praising the orange man like the good goyms that you are
Yeah and what business do you run pal? Or do you work at a fucking Taco Bell like some nigger?
I am from Russia and even here everybody are laughing at the USA. But then they remember that our tsar is worse.
Literally the best president in recent history
>fUCk GoYm
Do you know the whole world is desperate to live in the USA? #1 immigrant destination in the world.
It’s funny that he doesn’t ever tell you he’s been bankrupt even though that’s happened several times
The whole world ?? Have you lost your goddamn mind you couldn’t pay me $50 million a year to live in the US..
And you own a very successful business yourself right? Or do you just talk shit like some porch monkey nigger?
Oh yeah? And where do you live buddy? In Africa with your pets?
You're delusional. Sad.
Oh cool.
I love how all the retards talking shit in this thread are gone as soon as they get called out
Whenny Donnie sens Yas Forumsb his shills, he doesn't send us his best shills. Most barely understand English and don't know what to do whenever the conversation veers from their talking-points sheet.
Your vote doesn't count during a presidential election, dickhead
Yeah,obiviously that what mattee the most fpr improving life quality for both the planet and humans.
And people keep on asking why the fuck we havent been graced with aliens visits and wisdom.
Fuck all of you that praise any military shit related content. FUCK YOU!!!!
Obama is a nigger
fuck you nigger
I'm sorry, are you talking about your pets who refuse to stop crossing our border illegally? You were referring to them right?
Ha ha. I served in Russian army and it's a piece of shit. It's more like jail then army. We even didn't shoot. This rating Isn't correct. We had the sixth budget in the world and the biggest part of it is steeled by our government and generals. For example my uniform cost was 20 000 rubles but our army bought it for 70 000 rubles. And we, solders had to work on private hotel because our commander liked to have a holiday there.
That whole list looks bogus as fuck. How is India ranked number 4?
Who the fuck said I criticized Obama playing golf? The mainstream media? The same mainstream media that says I’m defending Donald trump, wonder what I’ll be doing next week, I’ll have to go pick up a copy of the trusted main stream media and find out
hideous feet
lets see the mortality rate of the virus between america and italy or spain or any eurofag country with the kung-flu
who's laughing now
OP doesn't even have the gif
what a fag
We literally don't care. Nor do we care what a bunch of third would countries think ... Of anything, really
>the mainstream media
fuck off trumpshit
>boo hoo somebody criticized orange man,even though i called obama a nigger on a daily basis
i cant wait until you get coronavirus and die,alongside your trump voting friends
While I don’t have the gif, I have the ole split picture. The one showing the POTUS getting choke slammed like the faggot he is
Your typical liberal cunt always mentions Trumps bankruptcy as if they have business acumenand chops. Sorry pal, your business on Ebay selling used beanie babies and children's clothing you picked up at garage sales doesn't count. One guy makes millions of dollars a week, and you make a couple bucks after paying Ebay.
God damn you people just love america so much you make threads all day everyday. We are flattered
You're right, he didn't say that.. you know.. the thing. Biden is going to win the senate next Super Thursday, I'm sure of it!
they don't lose the money they make from beanie babies and then lie about having ten times that amount tho. trump is a fucking retard.
Exactly, these people talk all this shit when they don't even own a fucking business themselves. They look like fucking idiots.
Case in point this fucking faggot. Bet you this nigger works at a fucking KFC if he even has a job at all.