Epstein killed himself, now shut the fuck up about it
I blackmail Pakistani women to send me nudes and do other random shit. I've built up quite a collection
why Pakis? are you a Paki yourself?
I am a "str8" women...but have a secret pantyslut side no one knows about. I dress in lingerie and service men sexually. I have sucked a lot of cock and been fucked by dozens of men.
Then you're not straight. You're bisexual.
No i work for a multinational that has work in Pakistan so i go there a lot. I'm a white guy myself
Start with a little and then work up to a lot
Straight guy
Into futas
Hate anal
how do you meet them? How does the typical scenario play out?
All vegans deserve to get punched in the face.
I want to fuck my wife's two chubby sisters and have spilled buckets upon buckets of my cum for them over the past years. Both have massive tits that I'd love to get my hands on.
preach it, brother.
correct. thats why I put "str8" in quotes...I live an outwardly straight life and no one knows about my bi side.
I haven't ejaculated in 62 days
Im on "home office" atm, im supposed to be looking into some shit that is raping the production environment right now.
However im here, im Yas Forums while watching "Better call saul" on Netflix
I was in Wuhan China on business and had a bad cold. Ever since then the coronavirus started. Sorry everyone .
I want a dominatrix to kidnap me, break me down to a quivering pile of jelly and mold me into her ideal sex toy. Yeah, I have issues.
Usually in the course of work. But a date or two, a photo, then blackmail
so you ask them out, then they send you a sexy photo...then?
When I was 16. I was raped and forced to fuck my father at gunpoint. I was a junkie who gave me up in order to get drugs.
Then i blackmail them into more nude photos, doing weird shit on video, exhibitionism, whatever I'm feeling up for
so the key is getting one nude then you can do what you want? how do you get the first nude?
okay here we go a real one
>be 2014
>find hot'ish girl on facebook
>start talking
>2 years younger than me
>lives in another country
>exchange numbers
>keep talking
>user, 'I like you'
>shares all her life secrets
>tells me how boys approach her but she's commited to university
>I also share my inner most thoughts
>'I wish we could hang out in the future user'
>I forget I was into this for the nudes
>just bond over text for 3 years
>subtly ask her to post pics in bra (shes shy in real life)
>she resists but gives in 3 or 4 times
>I feel she thinks highly of me bu feels I'm getting desperate
>she senses my faggotry after 3 years and slowly fades away
mfw I destroyed a friendship over some lewd pictures
>forced to fuck my father
pls clarify. were you doing the fucking or getting fucked?
When my nieces stay at my house I let them sunbathe topless/nude
I was getting fucked. He took me from behind.
You're a fucking retard
Not for ruining your friendship, but by not asking for more when you could.
My grandfather use to tell me when I was little never trust a white person and I never have.
I've been permanently disqualified from military service since 2008. I was just 19 at the time.
Who'd you kill.
Almost myself. In AIT.
what do you think I am? Some chad who makes moves in real life? you think highly of me.
Just be a normal white guy in Pakistan lol
Probably the worst thing I've done. May be rather tame in context but nonetheless...some backstory to frame it.
>Be me junior year of Uni, fall semester
>Live with gf in a rental house near campus.
> Lots of parties, musicians milling about, jams, get togethers. House is one of the central spots for my circle of friends and acquaintances.
> Basically most weeks there were parties or small gatherings from Thurs to Sunday (when I didn't have classes)
> Anyway - go out with small group to a bar on the square. Girlfriend comes with.
> Girlfriend is absolutely gorgeous - blonde hair, most complex hazel eyes that seem to hint at worlds beneath and would subtly change hues with mood and season. Smiley and upbeat with my kind of ass - looks made for fucking, country apple sweet ass, her best feature.
> Have major thing for her ass.
> Do anal occassionaly but not enough imo.
> Fondle and grope it all the time, play with it a little when she sleeps, sometimes finger it while fucking.
> Gf digs anal too - but pretends she really doesn't and only indulges when hyper-slut mode is activated, which - due to relationship ups and downs, was a bit stagnant for a while at this time. We'd been fuckin since we were 16.
> Gf is also pretty long term - been together since HS and went to Uni together. So we are very comfortable and familiar with each other.
> The bar had notoriously strong and wonderful margaritas and gf LOVED her a salted glass margarita and was very fun to drink with.
> Proceed to order her far too many while spending hours hanging out and basically being obnoxious with buddies.
> Decide to head over to "neighbor buddy's" house cause he had tons of good buds. He was actually my weed dude.
> smoke.exe
> more smokey time ensues - bongs, j's, bowls etc... it was kind of his thing. Really high grade hydro power happening.
> Notice GF is out of it. Just chillin on his couch.
> bretty high myself
> Time to bug out and go home.
> Guide gf to car -
Been hooking up with my cousin ever since we were kids.
It stopped for a long time once we both moved out on our own as adults. But then years later she confessed the whole thing to this guy she was dating. He's a bifag, and not only did he have the hots for me, he apparently had an huge untapped incest fetish.
So the two of them talked me into a threesome. I was leery about doing stuff with another guy... but to be honest he was cute enough and I was bicurious enough that I said fuck it and went for it.
Been hooking up with them both on the reg since then. Mostly threesomes, but sometimes one-on-one stuff. They invited me to guest star in part of their honeymoon antics, lol. They've now got two kids, with a third on the way, and there's a small but non-zero chance that any or all of them could be mine.
hahaha. so they what do you say and do to blackmail them? what do you get them to do? hav any refused?
I was about 13 or 14 when I discovered the pleasure of anal stimulation, but for the first year or so I was too scared to go very far because I thought it would make me gay. Then one day in the shower my ass loosened up and I ended up going really deep and enjoying it, ended up fingering my ass in the shower for almost an hour without touching my cock, when I came it was a life changing moment. From then on I needed anal to really cum.
I ordered a legit dildo. One that I could suction to a wall or anything. I ordered some books and shirts too so it was all in one box and made sure I was home when it was delivered. It was a day or so before I had the house to myself for a few hours, so I locked myself in the bathroom, applied a little bit of lube, stuck it to the shower wall, ran the water almost hot, and started taking it in my ass.
I rode that dildo like a sissy. No denying it. I moaned and rolled my head back. My cock was spewing cum like a broken faucet. By the time I had cum every drop I had in my body, my knees gave out and I just lay on the shower floor, light headed and passed out from the heat of the water, my heavy breathing, and all the orgasms. Even when the water turned to a cold drizzle it didn't wake me up. I laid there for an hour or two until my mom came home and found me there. It was a nightmare situation.
Hottest shit I seen all day
> Guide gf to car - she's all gropey and playful but in a stagger and I chivalrously help her into the passanger seat.
> less than 3 minutes to drive to our place.
> First minute in car: Gf flashes her small perky tits and says she wants to get fucked. Little titties are so sexy, she has pencil eraser nipples too.
> Almost home
> Second minute in car: Gf talking slurred dirty words, purring about how wet her cunt is and how it needs my dick - don't recall what I said in response.
> Third minute in car: In driveway, and...GF is out cold in passanger seat.
> Get kind of annoyed - wanted to use those holes.
>Carry passed out bitch inside - lay her on the bed.
> Inspiration strikes
Finish in a bit - duty calls...and have to write the rest out.
q: how do you know which people are vegans so you can punch them in the face?
a: they'll happily tell you...
I really fucking want to suck dick so hard.
But i have a GF, and i won't cheat on her.
I stole around $20 thousand over 3 years from a company that I use to work for. The owner was a tax cheating cunt and an asshole to work for so I decided to get mine.
she wont let you?
What would your father think of you?
My trans girlfriend has turned me into a dominatrix. I've always been a bit of a sadist but normally get too shy to actually hurt someone. When me and her met this all changed..I want to choke her and watch her eyes roll back into her head. I want to carve my name into her thigh and watch it bleed. Since shes trans she still has a cock I can tourcher as well. Its amazing
How do you torture her cock?
No one knows i have these urges.
I'm "socially hetero", it's my little secret.
I have this metal cock ring with spikes on the inside so when she gets hard the spikes dig in. Fr best buy off of amazon ever. Watching her squeal as I pull her hair back and spit into her mouth with that thing on is like heaven
Post body picture of her.
I dont have one sadly, my old SD card got water damaged. Also congrats on the trips
Wife and I did a Corona-Chan roleplay, surprisingly fun or maybe just going crazy with the quarantine
Wasn't around.
At first she thought I needed to go to the hospital but once I got out and laid on my bed I cooled off. I was still light headed for a while. Later I went to get my dildo back and it was gone. Then that night she sat me down to talk and asked why I had it, was I gay, did I need to confess things to her, etc.
So I explained to my conservative Christian mother about cumming from anal. She was not pleased, but before bed gave me the dildo back wrapped in a towel.
I became so good with that dildo and I quickly bought more, sucking on one in the shower while fucking my ass with another. But by the time I was like 16 I was craving the real thing so bad. Lying about my age I got on a dating app like Grindr people in my area use. Met a guy in his thirties, talked it up and wound up telling him my real age.
> Put on womblike sounds of Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here album.
> Light candles in room.
> Heavenly sounds and scents. I'm feeling bold and exploratory like a Spanish Conquistador.
> GF fully clothed, in jeans and Beatles T-shirt (music ruled everything back then), lying on her side in bed, amazingly beautiful blonde, looks dreamy and fuckable when she's asleep or passed out.
> Start talking to her, brushing her hair back from her face like a gentleman, rubbing her shoulder, caretaker is here to soothe the pussy.
> No response.
> Keep talking softly and massaging in rythym with the music.
> Whisper in her ear that Daddy is here and that I'm going to rub her ass and molest her. Tell her I still want to fuck.
> Gf makes mumbling sounds, pretense of wanting to fool around, but can't muster anything else.
> feel up tits, reach down jeans and rub the soft skin on her back and ass cheeks.
> Tell her in stern stern command voice that her ass is mine now.
> Spend uncertain amount of time feeling, squeezing and handling her ass and her muscle toned body.
> Crawl to other side of bed, ass is facing me. Slowly work my hand down the back of her jeans, using my fingers to spread her and gently tap and poke at her cunt and asshole.
> Absolutely diamonds and gleeful like a child at Christmas.
> Reach around her waste and manage to unbutton jeans.
> Pulse check her: normal
> Pulse check me: Heart hammering in chest, quoth the raven.
> Talk to her in stern voice: "Femanon, you are going to get fucked up for the slut you are (or something similar)" and "Daddy is going to open your holes..."
> Absolutely zero responsiveness.
> Time to open presents
this is pretty tame user.
Ok /b what do:
>me, having gf, pic related
>be me, showing gf's nudes to a friend in 2014
>very hot, so start showing online, like on /b and tumblr
>some guy hits up on tumblr, tells how hot she is and that he jerks off to her every day
>thats fucking hot, i'm a cuck
>talk for weeks, after a while i show her pics in private and tell about our sexlife
>even show via anydesk
>gf totally unaware
>after 1 year we stop talking
>2018 gf and I break up
>one month ago, user post my ex on /b
>i ask what he has and where he got it, he collected about 70 pics
>i ask where he got the pics, he tells me he got the pics from her bf. also tells me he knows her from her tennis club and has been a fan for years
>he proves by showing he also added her fb pics to his collection
>he doesnt know im OP
>ask him if he talked to her about it, he tells me not yet, but he wants to contact her ex bf (me) so he can own me
>also tells me he talks to her at the club every now and then, just to keep in touch, no interest in confronting her yet
>only thing i know about him is that he's about 40yo
now what do I do when he confronts me irl? its the hottest thing i could think of but scared as shit he tells her or others