What are your thoughts on the growing numbers of white girls dedicating their best years to black men?
What are your thoughts on the growing numbers of white girls dedicating their best years to black men?
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Daily reminder that ALL of these threads are made by sissies, trannies and gay guys.
White trannies on the internet keep mocking other white men that they're not masculine enough for some reason. Sissies/trannies need to be emasculated for their sissy gay fetish, hence all the ''whitebois cant compete'' threads. They get off on humiliation and depravity.
They're not attracted to women, but they still post them for self insertion, and to reinforce the idea that they're ''not a real man''. In their mind, black guys have 10 inch dicks and are hyper masculine, while they themselves are feminine, submissive, bottom gay. Its a tranny power fantasy to cope with the fact that they're still male. Most of them also suffer from mental illness and lurks tranny discords dedicated to ''white extermination'' and other extreme shit, while also being encouraged to spread this shit all over the internet. This is how just a few people can spam tens of thousands a threads a year without getting bored.
I couldn’t give even 1/64 of a flying fuck
Utterly disgusting, why would women like to fuck them ashy sand monkeys?
they deserve exactly what they get. if i was dating a woman and i learned that she fucked a black man id drop her on the spot
It should be celebrated. More and more white girls are choosing to go black only.
If I ever have a daughter I'll make sure she dates black guys only. There'll be lots of propaganda in our house and if she ever brings home a whiteboi, I'll explain to her why she must end white supremacy and devote her womb to black babies.
Once you go black, nobody wants you back.
Fact: women are more likely to achieve orgasm during sex with a black man
Once you go black you cant get credit
Media Matters shills are in full damage control today. What happened to make Bernie cucks think the average normal American have reason to be happy (which they must marginalize with Regressive propaganda)?
Meh, once Trump wins again in November they'll all be forced to get real jobs again, and will disappear.
What do your parents think of you spending your time constantly reposting this same pathetic race bait thread?
I think it's pretty nice
How do we can stop them?
I’m white and my ego isn’t fragile so I couldn’t care in the slightest, unlike the rest of us. It is funny as fuck watching other whites get upset over shit like this.
Who gives a shit?
Fragile white soy boys who cry “BuT mY sUpErIoR rAcE.
And what are you?
I'm in favor
See my post above
just curious: the fuck does mean the Q in the pike tattoo? what's the origin of it?
For 1, none of those are white women. Mostly mixed. Second any woman fucks a nigger isn't worth my time. I can tolerate one that fucked a black man.
queen of spades - black men only
No one cares about your nigger faggot cuck fantasies you weaken humanity just by existing
ty user
if you white guys weren't such insuffereable incels you wouldn't have this problem. Go outside, talk to women, be less bitter.
I'd love to suck that
You don't need to tell me that, my bf is black and he's incredible in bed
Smart girls
do not care
>growing numbers
citation needed
It is a growing number, and one way of proving it is to look at the mixed race population by age at the 2010 Census (since that is probably proportional to the number of IR relationships).
15-17: 4.9%
10-14: 5.5%
5-9: 6.4%
0-4: 7.4%
So under 5% of relationships in the early 90s were interracial, but by the late 2000s that figure was 7.5%. I reckon it'd be well over 10% now
Look up BBCSLUTWIFE4U2. She was a high school teacher and her students found all her interracial gang bang videos and she got fired.
Pic related, it's her.
source: OPs mom
I think it's pretty funny. I'm Hispanic and stick to my raza. Some of our rucas are into niggers but not as much as white females. If you are white and find a white girl who is proud being white, you hold on to that.
Yeah, she's disgusting.
That's a hideous looking snatch. Let them have it...
not my problem. don't give a shit.
This is classic. Any more exposed like this?
Land whale
Why should I give a shit what color guys who aren't me are?
Not that I am aware of.
YogaHotWife is some yoga teacher that kicked her husband to the curb. Easy to find.
that's just the cases we know about - imagine how many millions of white women are choosing BLACK ONLY up and down america while cuckolding their whiteboi small dick husbands
Have you honestly seen a black guy with a hot white girl irl? Black guys date obese white chicks. Sorry bro this isn’t porn where the girl is making 3 grand to suck some black dick to support their drug addiction.
>s of white women are c
just the way things are now
lol Sydney Cole doesn't have that tattoo
Earn some money and don't focus on white American women, get yourself an asian bitch and if a white lady with black kids come a knocking kick her to the curb.