B-but our economy wasn't designed to be shutdown!

>B-but our economy wasn't designed to be shutdown!

Because you "smart" rich idiots on Wall Street and Capitol Hill never planned for such a thing. You never anticipated that MAYBE one day something really bad would happen. You never saved for such a day, never designed a contingency plan for such a disaster. You used up all your cash for short-term easy gain.

You, Wall Street and Washington, are the very reason our economy "can't" handle a prolonged shutdown. You people were fucking stupid and now we're paying the price for your stupidity.

You are reduced to begging other people to DIE for the economy, because of your own failures.

Absolutely pathetic. Beyond embarrassing.

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Shitpost approved.

Word up, son. It's funny to see them squirm.

It's the most basic rule in finance and these greedy morons forgot it.

"Use up all your cash for short-term gain, and you will have nothing to fall back on when things inevitably blow up in your face."

They definitely didn't remotely plan for a possible emergency.

A mere few weeks and industries teeter on the verge of total collapse.

Imagine what would happen if another disaster unfolded simultaneously? Boom, huge solar flare headed right for earth, now we're EMP'd. If we don't get up again soon, something else could come and curb-stomp our collective melons.

Yeah, Coronavirus has definitely exposed a huge weak point in our armor. We need to close that gap immediately.

suddenly, I feel a bit better to be a german europoor. don't know how this could happen, but our government does an acceptable job so far..

Nature can throw a lot of other shit our way that, currently, will cripple our way of life.

Maybe, just maybe, people will wake up and prepare better for eventualities. No, certainites.

That's a shame.

I'm very frugal myself, and make $20 an hour. I still have over $3000 in my emergency fund

I ain't bailing these faggots out

A "chink" in the armour

Yeah the chinks have fucked us beyond repair with their dirty habits and in consideration.

Fuck China

Boomers gonna boom

Hurricanes regularly hit the South. They're part of our regional reality.

Unfortunately Coronavirus has destructive power hurricanes can only dream of wielding.

In fairness, we should have been prepared for a pandemic long ago. H1N1 alone should have woken us up, it spawned within our own borders.

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Bill Gates even warned us in 2015

And H1N1 hit us in 2009. We have not been short on warning.

It's aggravating that only NOW does the gravity of our situation sink in.

Pandemics have been exposed as potential Great Depressions in a bottle.

We need to dramatically scale up our defensive and offensive capabilities to meet these threats.

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We're more concerned with foreign threats. Focusing on the dune coons instead of microscopic niggers

Fucking hell

Everything you’re saying is pointless dude. Unless you’re a citizen of some Scandinavian country where you pay over half of your income to have a “contingency” for “something really bad” happening, a lot of the people at the bottom of the food chain are going to get the shitty-end of the stick because people like you would flat out fuckin refuse to pay taxes that high. So shut your stupid face.

No economy is designed to shut down, retard.

I don't get why people complain about taxes it's not like roads are free, faggots

The weak shall perish and the strong servive. This is the only true law.

What the fuck does paying taxes have to do with Wall Street?!
Wall Street isn't a fucking government institution you fucking tard
Capital Hill just gave Wall Street 500,000,000,000 dollars.
Capital Hill only gave US hospitals 130,000,000,000 dollars
Do you see the disproportion here?
Our tax money time and time again has been used to bail out Wall Street
Auto manufactures, airlines, etc
These companies make profit hand over fist and they spend nearly every fucking dime on short term gain and overpaid CEOs

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You’re preaching to the choir, brother. You might as well scream at a door knob before shoving it up your ass. Seems you’re the tard here, comrade. Only ignorant poor people complain about capitalism. Again, shut your stupid face, before you hurt yourself.

the plan was always "beg Trump for money"


>have private industry
>private industry fails
>enact socialist measures to save private industry
You make me laugh
So tell me how many shares does every tax paying American have in Wall Street now that we collectively just invested 500,000,000,000?
Oh, that's right, none

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I'd rather a bunch of old people who I don't give a shit about die than lose half my 401k. Not my problem. Fuck you.

not even that, obamas transition team warned trump by trying to walk him and his team through a hypothetical superflu scenario and it got brushed off

I literally don’t care bro. I don’t rely on a job or the economy to be safe from catastrophe. It’ll either kill me, or I’ll deal with it. You’re like a whiny little bitch dude, fuck outta here with this cringy faggot shit.

No, BUT we could have prepared way more than we have for this shit.

>I feel a bit better to be a german europoor
it's coming. A friend of mine is an anesthesiologist in Germany and has been told to come in for an emergency briefing tomorrow. She does part-time contract work for surgeries but now all doctors in Germany are being told to be on call for emergency services in the very near future.

Believe me guys, by the time this is over, we are all going to be sending each other our medical personnel to counter our own battered resources.

You don't shut down a nation over a flu. This thing has both infected and killed LESS than the common flu but you retards and the media act like it's fucking Ebola. You deserve your death.

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This whole thing just exposes American capitalism as what it truly is, a house of cards. I will personally and gladly shoot every one of you red state retards directly in the face when it finally collapses. Your kind does not deserve life.

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sad but true
Although they have prepared, prepared so they wont die in case shit hits the fan

Fucking this
>hurr fucking durr you can't be bailed out of not having a job unless you agree to pay for a bunch of socialist programs that were already shot down
Fuck Congress, seriously

This thing is NOT the flu. It is far worse. It can thrive in hot humid environments, which means this goddamn thing can kill us all year-long.

Sure. but they prepare themselves for the worst scenario.. other than the shitty idiots over in Spain and Italy.

Germany will double it's intensive care beds within the next week's. and they already had more of them than all of rest Europe together.

0.002 Yuan has been credited to your Social Account.

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its a flaw of capitalism
any company who does prepare for an emergency, isnt competitive enough and thus eliminated under normal circumstances

>38 million infected
>23,000 die
>500,000 infected
>20,000 die
"just a flu"

Don't care. We need the old fucks in this country to die. Hopefully before November.

>assuming everyone with the covid is included in that number
You really are a special kind of stupid.

> 2020
> Being that fucking stupid

A shutdown hurts everyone, and there's not much way around that. Many businesses DO have backup plans, reserve funding, and or adapt to the situation. That typically applies to mega corps though, and small business owners (either one-off locations and/or franchisees of chains) suffer like hell since many lack the same resources. Business aside, individuals suffer far more (unless that individual happen to save resources for such an event as well).

Economy is doing fine, George Soros made an absolute killing betting against the market while the news about economic aid was killing stock prices
Trickle down theory denotes that people like him will eventually reinvest those earnings in assets like private islands and children from third world countries, thus continuing the circle of modern economics

>12k-61k die of influenza annually in the US alone per the CDC
It's not even at the level of a flu. Embarrassing...

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>the problems that blue states complain about come from blue states
>nah, its the hillbilly's fault for watching nascar all day
Cope harder

The number of actual Covid cases in the US is at least an order of magnitude larger than what's being reported due to lack of testing.

it surpassed the flu already you fucking idiot

Yeah, and? Some younger people will die, but the fatality rate for 70 is like 0.1% vs. 10%.

Look at this Russian stooge spreading disinformation. Look at him and laugh.

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>this level of cope
unless its 30x higher than reported you're still a coping dumbass

I wouldn't be surprised if it is. Fucking no one in the US is being tested unless they're admitted to a hospital, so the stats are massively skewed.

>no proof

At least fucking try, faggots.

>is this blissfully unaware of the realities of demographics
You really don't want "the old fucks" dying if it's votes you want. Try not deepthroating the 'ganda m8

>100,000 healthy adults dying every million infected is fine
check out this bug chaser

My 20/hour nigga. Also have 3k safety net. Are you me?

10 rubles have been deposited comrade. we will crush americans soon

.02 shekels in yours, Moshe.

>assuming everyone with the flu is included in that number

You really think anyone over 70 is healthy? The fuck are you smoking?

Honestly, not who you're replying to, but you're such a cringegasm, I'm shaking

even 10% of all btards aren't healthy enough to survive this pandemic..

they all underestimate what they mean with 'pre-existing conditions'. every fucker with a bit fat on his belly has a condition in a doctor's mind.

I'll cope alright, with a 12ga slug to your fucking head.

>COVID-19 in the USA: 68,440 infections and 994 deaths in 3 months
>Influenza in the USA: 9 million infections and tens of thousands of deaths ANNUALLY
The CHAD FLU vs the virgin corona

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