Would you be a woman's willing butt-slut, pegged by her regularly?
Would you be a woman's willing butt-slut, pegged by her regularly?
If I want things shoved up my ass through hip motion, I'm going to get a man with a penis. If I want a vibrator up my ass while my penis is rubbed then I'll get a lesbian.
I used to hang out with this kind of petite guy who would fill my ass on the regular like this. Haven't seen him in a while but I know he's trans now so if I had his contact info I could probably get this sort of setup going.
it would be my preferred way to cum
Oh cool.
Yeah and no, like. I would totally be the guy getting fucked in this pic. But.. I don't look like that. And can't look like that. But the fantasy of imagining I'm getting fucked by her... is honestly better that real life. Cause in real life. It wouldn't be nearly as hot, glamorous, easy lol. Plus I wouldn't see the cum in my ass like that... and if I did.. it would not be as clean XD lmfao.
this is also true
Absolutely yes, there aren't many things in the world I want more. My ex used to peg me occasionally and I could never get enough. I don't have any real attraction to the majority of men but a woman with a dildo gets me diamonds. Especially when she's a little rougher and plays the part of the guy more. Role reversal is hot.
No, I wouldn't. I'm not gay though.
you are the first person to say anything about being gay, so I think maybe you are or are worried about it or in denial. just saying it's definitely on your mind
yeah i think i fucking would but im p sure my gf has zero interest
Yes yes and yes
Surprisingly popular thread.
Have another male butt-slut via pegging image.
My wife pegs me pretty often, she enjoys it more than I do but it's really not that bad. Lots of lube and shit is cash. Also I agree with another user earlier. Role reversal is hot as fuck. Especially if they know how to fuck.
Not my thing, I'm not into butt stuff, giving or receiving, just unsanitary IMO. If I had a vagina, then sure.
For a real woman? Not really. For a trans? Hell yeah.
that's the dream yo
What's the appeal of the tranny out of curiosity?
I paid a Thai shemale to fuck me. Best hour of my life. I was shaking and trembling afterwards. 11/10, planning to try again after Corona-chain has left.
Pic related
They have a better understanding of what feels good for a guy.
Solid reasoning actually. Trannies would know exactly what spots turn a male on.
Eh, they know what spots turn on a heavily feminized man. That doesn't necessarily translate to what turns on a normal man.
Same with my gf.
Yes! I keep trying to convince my girlfriend, but I don't know if it's gonna happen soon
I mean I would if she regularly beat the hell out of my balls and dick too
My wife gives me shower gobbys all the time, and there almost always a prostate massage involved. Stop being so homophobic you fags
Hell yea i would, my gf pegs me pretty often. I'd say we have sex maybe three times a week and one is usually me fucking her, one if her fucking me, and one is both
love it
my girlfriend stuck a finger in my ass during 69 and i kicked her across the face (not intentional, but just by reflex i jumped and face hit her) but she didnt do shit like that w/o asking again
is there that much of a difference?
define "regularly"
god damn dream
If she were hot and it felt good, I think I would. I’ll likely never know for sure.
I got the ufia once, too. No notice, no lube, just a dry finger in the middle of reverse cowgirl. I bucked her off out of reflex.
>bucked her off out of reflex
Lucky butt-slut.
I already am, OP!
My girlfriend got us a strap-on about a month ago and she likes getting me drunk and fucking me like a faggot before she makes me beg to cum inside her, then eat her out.
Love that woman.
I need more like this. Is there a name for this??
If that's what she's into... Sure. Butstuff's pretty good at times.
Only if they can cum inside me
Fuck no, faggot. Now delete your omega shit
Yes, pegging or trans. It feels so fucking good, better than using my dick.
Yes, but no trannies or "futa" that's just gay.
I've never tried it. I would have to try it before I say no.
I'd love to, but my gf has no interest in doing it.
At that point what do you do? Do you get a lesbian to peg you?
I used to like it but now it hurts. Getting old sucks.
Bro you're describing a dream scenario, don't make me hard please.
My girlfriend is the most submissive person I ever met, which is nice because I also like being on top but sometimes you also get the craving for something different.
One time I was talking about fetishes and shit with a female friend of mine and she mentioned that she'd like to peg someone.
If I didn't love my girlfriend so much I would have asked for some for sure, god damn it why am I such a degenerate.
Look, your gf submits to you. She should let you do what you want. And there's basically zero STD risk from pegging. Just do it on the side.
Absolutely not, the guilt alone would crush my sex drive and make me hate it.
My gf and I are the same size. Sometimes when she is really horny she holds me down on the bed and mounts me. She humps my ass and talks really dirty to me. "You like that you little slut? How does it feel to get fucked?" Needless to say I am saving up for a strapon because this shit is fucking cash.
Isn't that the dream?
It's not sex and therefore not cheating if no one's body parts are poking into someone else.
Listen, I am delusional but if a fake dick enters my ass while I'm naked and begging someone to destroy my butthole, I think I can count that as sex
Do you have the video?