If you accept the handout you're NOT a capitalist

If you accept the handout you're NOT a capitalist



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If your a democrat then you’re a domestic terrorist

I make more money than you

If you're so broke you need a handout, you might be retarded lol

Complaining about free money. Wat

it's my money already; the government just stole it.

who said I was

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>government takes your money
>gives some of it back
>has anything to do with economics

.....does that image seriously say 44th?

Are they just omitting obama lol

Wifes a doctor, I'm just working class slag.

Gonna use the money to buy a new Ryzen and mainboard.

I never claimed to be one. Thanks for the bucks.

>free money
where do you think the money comes from jackass

nah they're omitting lincoln gib back slaves

anyone not claiming their free money feel free to send it to me instead

Only people who own capital are capitalists. Most people who call themselves capitalists are proletarians who like capitalism


free marketeer reporting

lol yes I do, substantially more - I came here to laugh at you

>Wifes a doctor, I'm just working class slag.
How the fuck does that work lol
It's very uncommon to see a woman with a man who makes less, let alone substantially less money.
>inb4 HuR dUR nOt aLL wOMeN bOuT MOneY
I've never seen marriages like that last more than a few years, max.

I guess I will be having those cookies now...

Dont knock it, that will still help the economy anyway

>handout is directly deposited
>no chance to refuse it

what do?

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>Wifes a doctor
you're not getting any money then

>Wifes a doctor
rest in peace user

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give it to jews

he will, his wife won't

>If you accept the handout you're NOT a capitalist
If you hate the president but accept his handout, you're a WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT.

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make a youtube video of yourself burning the cash or you may as well start wearing this everyday

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Am I the only one that thinks theres no such thing as free money!?

Until that check is deposited into my account and I have full access to all the funds I'm not expecting shit.

>trump hater
>try socialist hater
>this handout is socialist

it's not actually a handout, it's a tax deferment - you'll pay it back out of your next tax return

am i the only that thinks you're a reddit spacer?

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So far, yes.

uh, can I get some sauce on that burger?

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lose weight fag

make it even more ironic and be gay and wear that shirt

Grover Clieveland was two separate numbers because he was elected to two nonconsecutive terms.

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>If you accept the handout you're NOT a capitalist
I made too much money in this capitalist society to qualify for a handout, but I'm sure your lazy, basement dwelling ass will run right out and grab your neetbux.

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It's not $1000 you stupid fuck

You suck at the internet

You actually have to have filed taxes in the last two years so the neets ain't getting shit.

Cause if everyone gets 1000 dollars no one gets 1000 dollars

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Dick sucking is not a profession

You are 100% wrong. Go and read the bill that's getting passed. Neets are getting money. The only people not getting it are those who made over $99K.

Oh, look...a leftist being a self-appointed arbiter of other people's beliefs.
What are the odds?


>1000 dollars
>1000 dollars
Do you even read or watch the news? It's not a thousand dollars you retard. Where did you hear $1K? Yas Forums?

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Not him but my wifes a md too. I ascended to a NEET years ago. Best decision ever

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The porn industry disagrees.

if you don't take free money you're an idiot.
ancap here im taking that money. nice try libtard


It's just a fact. I mean you can identify however you want, but you of all people should know your feelings don't change reality.

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>Trump is the entire US federal government
imagine being this retarded. The bill wasn't even written by him.

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If you take free money you're not a capitalist...

So you think General Motors and Chrysler are not capitalists? Because the 10 billion they took in bailouts?

you're a faggot

Weren't the bailouts collateralized loans? i.e. they weren't free money anymore than a mortgage on a house is free money.

>no such thing as free printer ink.
Basic economics says you're wrong.
You're boomer parents told you that so you wouldn't spend your money on dope and skateboards.

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I'm going to buy me some sodie pawp

Noooooo! White men and non-Democrats aren't supposed to get money gibs noooooo!