Trump Supporters in 2020
Trump Supporters in 2020
only too a cheap $1000 too
now they just have to stop following their stupid cult leader
Are You really this upset still that she lost?
Makes me tingly. Literally a direct contradiction to the propaganda. I love it when there's a "glitch in the matrix"
the nationalists are becoming socialist you say? if only there was an acronym for this position.
>what does it take for a trump hater to accept this money?
>calling Trump president
Nice miss with that attempted dunk, user
tr*Mp supporters were always retarded, btw getting money =/= socialism you fucking neocon idiot
The only group still nonstop babbling about Hillary is Trump and his dipshit cult.
Literally no one else cares about Hillary, you fucking idiot
them Trump supporters
Republicans are passing Democrat policies and they're still complaining. SAD.
Is that a Somali immigrant brought by the Leftists in Sweden to culturally enrich them? Why he is wearing MAGA hat?
Why? What do I get from Joe Biden?
dingus no lefty wanted hillary they all wanted bernie..bernie is never gonna get the nomination because bernie even tho he's a socialist he would also tax the jews.
trump and biden are both jew shills, trump isn't taxing the jews
are seriously fucking retarded as to bring up the definition.(thats the definition of communism btw) but still same principled idea
i guess redistribution of wealth isn't socialist according to this fucking moron.
So I should have voted for a jew, to tax jews? Ha
Republicans are passing democratic policies and conservatives haven't complained, why dafuq didn't you vote democrat to begin with ya fuckin moron
This is why no one likes You faggot libs.
but.... you DID vote for THE JEW hahahahahaaaa you toxic COMMIE
so now you like Trump?
they think he's a not a commie jew KEKEKEKEKELS
no you should've votwd ron paul
I'm a right winger.
but between bernie a socialist jew who wants to tax everyone or trump a Jewish shill who only wants to tax whites.
the answer should be clear.
$1000, and a global pandemic of unemployment, food shortages, and the like caused by Democrats.
Fixed it for you
He's not a JEW at all aaaahahahahahahaaaaa NOR A COMMIE KEKEKEKEKEKEEEEE
Except that he IS LOLOLOL
>mfw ALL trumpanzees are jew-loving commies
conservatives have become their own worst enemy what else is new
weath redistribution is socialist policy change my mind
>caused by Democrats.
They made the virus? Only Americans could be dumb enough to make a global pandemic a party-political issue and try blaming the side they hate. What a literal moron.
hey trumpers, libs got ya down? well israel loves you, and Trump's a Jew. You've finally done the right thing and become a Communist, and joined Zionists, good job! You can help Jews and G-d destroy Christians and goyim filth now, happy Mitzvah!
The panic/hysteria is 100% caused by liberals, it's their fucking career to feed off panic. They are literal trash, trump already wants to go back to work and as a young healthy adult who's already endured the disease Id rather have gone back to work 2 weeks ago. Take your dildo out of your ass and mouth faggot.
Trumpers' pundits (and trump) are commanding them to go back to work during the pandemic, to die in order to get the elite's portfolio's looking good again
Trumper's responses: Yes Massa!!!
you sir are beyond retarded.
you gotta stop and chage yourself when both sides agree you're a retard
you = assblasted commie jew
this meme war = OVER!!!
even republicans are calling your kind retarded!! chamber the .45 and blow your brains out, your mom will FINALLY love you
Not socialism when you pay it back
>mfw THIS communist
Who’s wealth are they distributing?
>still not socialist
this is you
Californias, NY's, every blue state's wealth. red states have none.
>already endured the disease
1:Do you know the long term affects of the virus? Scientists don't yet know them, but suspect lasting lung damage as a result.
2:Do you know how long a recovered carrier remains contagious? Scientists don't, but they believe it may be several weeks.
Better to keep you at home and not infecting other people while they find out just how long you are contagious and if there are any lasting health affects from the virus.
Trump is a nigger.
ITT: retards who don't know the difference between socialism and stimulus package
Sorry nigger. Your 1200$ is an advance on your own taxes. They’re only giving you your own money
Psst, hey op - make your Samefagging less obvious.
Well, that & 60% approving of Trump's China virus response, whole 73% blame Democrats for holding up the desperately needed relief bill. Oh, an Dems now down to 21% approval...hence why OPs having a psychotic breakdown, spamming these threads non-stop.
>1 stage of denial for commies. "durrrrrrr we're not commies, we'll pay it back some day hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
Go back to Yas Forums.
Yas Forums has to put up with enough bullshit everyday as it is.
Commu.... wait nevermind I love it when people figure things out for themselves
red states have no money. you're STEALING MONEY you hopped up commie jew. you've been BEGGING for gubmint munnies for weeks, let alone your red state welfare you get each month. KILL YOURSELVES!!!!!! CLEANSE YOURSELVES BY FIRE ALT RIGHT COMMIES!!!!
unless you think money comes outta thin air, isn't taxed or isn't printed atvthe cost of inflation which is still redistribution of wealth.
so i like to ask you where dafuq do youbthink the money is coming from.
are we taxing the poor to give to the poor.
are we taxing the poor to give to the jews.
or are we taxing the jews to give to the poor.
If you're on either side you're wrong, also don't have time to debate with a retarded nigger boomer online.
You're retarded as fuck. How would I know those effects if scientists don't, yes the morbidity is fucking insane on this virus (do you even know what that means?), and it could potentially evolve into a bio weapon in the future, but as it stands facts are facts and currently the disease is a complete fucking joke for young healthy adults, seniors should not be in essential fields, that's a different problem, other diseases are massively worse.
Ouch! no wonder the far left Democrat extremists an beijing ccp bots have been spamming dozens of these shit tier leftist propaganda threads.
There is one big positive about this:
Nobody that matters is listening to Trump.
The governors of all the states (most of them Republicans) have said, FUCK YOU we're gonna keep everyone home until the experts say it's safe.
Major networks are no longer carrying his daily calls for everyone to die to jack up the Dow Jones and make him look better.
He has made himself irrelevant to everyone in every state, except the cult that will follow him down the shitter.
I've been going around trying to spread information to people who need it so here we go.
1. This is not a political issue no matter how you think it looks or want to look at it.
2. It doesn't matter one bit how young / old you are if the virus continues to spread unimpeded. If hospitals get overrun by sick people, young healthy people can die just as easily as older people.
3. The idea of everyone going back to normal daily social routines in the next few weeks is very dangerous seeing as how the virus is no where near contained or managed.
Am I causing panic / hysteria? Not in the slightest. Am I in a constant state of worry / panic myself? Also no. But is this a serious issue that needs to be addressed right now by a lot of social changes? Absolutely
Shows how much of a bubble you live in that you haven't heard all the conservative complaints.
Bingo. Pelosi's getting the blame for the stimulus bill failure, Trump's approval is at its highest of his Presidency & the last remaining militant fringe Democrats are livid.
Im buying another gun with my Trump bux and voting for Biden in November for the luls. Thanks for the hand out, fuckers.
your all whores for money and it doesnt matter who gives it to ya
you moron in economics "stimulus pakage" is just a fancy word for weath redistribution. it has its origins in Keynesian economics you know the main founder of socialist policy America during the 1930s
Printing money and giving it away to prevent nigs from rioting is not going to work for very long