> 12000 *new* confirmed infections in the last 24 hours
> on top of the 53000 already confirmed to date
trump's hitting those monster numbers. are his supporters tired of all of this winning yet?
12000 *new* confirmed infections in the last 24 hours
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if trump wasnt president Id have a lot of nice things and plagues wouldnt spread. im so upset people voted for him
Cope harder libcuck. When Trump stops the virus and revives the economy by Easter you’ll go back to talking about Russia.
> When Trump stops the virus
> true exponential growth in infections
> due to his incompetence
> due to his lies
> due to his poor choices
Just like 2016, you keep laughing and we’ll keep winning.
> did you see those numbers 12000 new infections
> no one has ever had such high numbers in the history of the united states
> no one!
> 100,000,000+ dead
> muh winning
2 digit iq detected
> *1,000,000+* dead
Stops the virus? LOL.
He wants people to go back to work and mass together, which will result in the virus having a huge surge in infections?
>gooks eat live bats
>get nasty chink disease
>cover it up while spreading it around the world
>This is Trumps fault
fuck off 50 cent army
this latest news in the world of trump winning...
us jobless claims are highest on record, EVER
3.2 million jobless claims in ONE WEEK
he's done, his supporters are done, they and he killed this country just to be gloating little assholes. enjoy your time on the breadline trump voters.
I thought the left hated old people, isnt this good?
how would user have handled it?
>hard mode
be realistic
Seems unlikely
how would you handled it?
how will you handle unemployment and hyperinflation? all of this evidence that he's a incompetent bumbling liar will only entice you to support him even more fully. that's some fucked up shit right there.
Found the retarded cousinfucker
>let me answer your question with a question
Trump Derangement Syndrome at it’s finest.
Found the slant eyed communist
Found the retarded cousinfucker’s cousin
Trump does next to nothing at the eleventh hour and his supporters say he did the best he could. That’s just the way of it.
Is that an argument
Someones mad
90% of the infected live in blue states and sanctuary cities to my surprise kek. Not a single case in my county of real americans. Can we make sure these city folks wont escape their virushell? My life hasnt changed at all and i wish to keep it that way. Lockup the lefties
Yeah imagine being mad that almost half the country voted for a mentally retarded man to represent us
>Not a single case in my county of real americans.
Unless they've tested everyone in your county, you don't know how many are sick.
Even then, many people don't test positive in the early stages.
I really can't believe anybody is still drinking Trump's KoolAid.
But go ahead and lick a bunch of doorknobs.
For what he's done to America, Trump belongs at the end of a rope.
>almost half the country voted for a mentally retarded man
Because of low voter turnout, Trump was "elected" by 28% of registered voters.
I've always said 30% of the population is mindboggingly retarded
And let's not forget to blame all the people that stayed home instead of voting.
Trump had the largest inaugeration turn out in history. He won the votes that count. Hillary lost. Get over it.
How can anyone say Trump is doing the best he can? Everyone realizes that this shit has been spreading since last year right? He had opportunity to address this months ago but he was too fucking dumb to call it anything other than a hoax. If he had taken appropriate steps from the beginning, we would actually be moving past this by now and we probably would have no issues being back up and running by Easter. Can’t deny that he fucked this up long before it was even a thing.
You mean the inauguration that was proven that Trump photoshopped the crowd to extend it further? LOL
Is you dilating an argument, tranny?
What’s 65000/372200000 again?
> what is exponential growth?
Blue states are the hardest hit, so.... eat a dick?
Just imagine the sense of abandonment republicans in each of those blue states feel when people mention that the infection is mainly in blue states
and? "blue" states are americans. you just said you don't care if americans get infected and die or go jobless.
Speaking of Russia
Putin thinks corona is a hoax too
China didnt even let the world know about it until early January. Trump closed travel from China very early. He handled it better then most other world leaders
you have to tell yourself that, otherwise you admit you're an abject moron for continuing to back someone that you only like because he's annoying to the side you dislike. as far as anything he's accomplished in alignment with your interests, that's pretty much zero or actually negative now with the 2nd great depression and job losses and crashing of the economy by him.
You're right but you're replying to the same folks that say Hitler did nothing wrong
I dont even back him I'm not American idiot. Just look at how shitty other world leaders were. UK PM didnt even acknowledge there was a problem until a week ago. Canada didnt close their borders until a week ago and the PMs wife brought in the virus. Meanwhile trump was taking measures for 2 months
>Not American
Definitely a troll though
> Meanwhile trump was taking measures for 2 months
sure. if by taking action you mean lying, denying, doing nothing to increase the supply of ventilators and masks, golfing, holding rallies calling it a hoax. i'll just say you're poorly informed or you create a narrative in your mind that doesn't align with facts and evidence.
which major media company do you work for rabbi?
>Meanwhile trump was taking measures for 2 months
No he closed the borders to china early. Closed flights from Europe early. "B - but he lied" yeah no shit hes a politician. Blame the american people for being retarded. WHO declared this a global emergency feb 1st you should have listened to them retard
Libcuck go back to your bbc thread
>Meanwhile trump was taking measures for 2 months
yeah, no. see . those infections, deaths, and stock market crash are indicators you're completely wrong.
Well, that sure as fuck prevented corona from getting into the USA didn't it.
Followed by a stream of lies and political finger pointing to the point of convincing his supporters that it's just like the flu. No big deal.
in trump's america, the sandwiches come green and the money is greener, the starbucks is plentiful and the thots are supreme.
Nah Americans are stupid and thought this wasnt a big deal. All those retards on spring break spreading it. Hell even joe Rogan was saying it's not big deal and advocated people to ignore the virus
Russians are in this very thread you retarded faggot.
Paid army of internet trolls.
Well maybe if the leader of the free world had got up and said something like
"Hey listen. We're still not sure about this new virus from China because we don't know if we can trust what the Chinese are telling us about the severity of this new viruses. Don't panic because not might just be like the flu but just in case it isn't please try to do these steps to minimize the chances of it or anything else from spreading among our great country. Let's keep america healthy and virus free!"
But nah
We got " it's just the flu. Only one person from China. Only 15 people. We have it under control..."
There still would have been dumbasses competing for darwin awards but I think he could have mitigated several of the problems we have, currently are, and will face
It's just New York.
Like we are worried about faggots in New York.
Iran is another although they might be home sick right now instead of trolling
You rope
Let me know when it hits 60million
Which statement from him bothers you exactly. Alot of things he said were true. He can't predict the future.
>Don't panic because not might just be like the flu but just in case it isn't please try to do these steps to minimize the chances of it or anything else from spreading among our great country. Let's keep america healthy and virus free!
If he said that Americans would have gone in full blown panic mode. If your so smart maybe you should be president
That's a fucking lie
hmmm your numbers are a bit off. coronavirus cases are over 66000 and deaths are over 1000 as of today and as of yet shows no flattening of the infections yet. looks like real exponential growth curve.
>using infected as a measure
>lead the world in highest recovery rate (ie least dead)
american healthcare leads the world again
>deaths are over 1000 as of today
nope, still hovering around 500
shut the fuck you you fucking moron. i made the plots i know the numbers. they just had a press conference announcing over 1000 deaths. we passed 500 3 days ago. stupid uninformed moron!