Judging by how well the world is managing the disease, Covid 19 might die off completely soon. Everything will be normal again in 2-3 weeks.
Judging by how well the world is managing the disease, Covid 19 might die off completely soon...
I want to believe that, but it seems like wishful thinking.
Canada will...muricans are doomed more people will die in New York then all of canada
You mean 1-2 weeks.
You do know that your snowbirds are getting sick? They do be driving back home
>1-2 weeks
Don't you mean 2-3 hours?
>2-3 hours
Don't you mean 2-3 minutes?
Sorry to burst your bubble... But no. People are stupid, greedy and egoistic. They lack common sense. They want comfort and pleasure too much. They were and still are unprepared.
the worst is yet to come. this is literally the black plague. we havent even reached the exponential of the bell curve. the economy will crash and mass starvation will set in. at least 0.01% of the population will die before this is over. pic unrelated
Save it for today's press briefing, Mr. President.
But not you, right?
Coronavirus will be over in a matter of seconds
Unfortunately I live in same planet so situation is not anyway different to me. Situation will go on and governments will use harder control methods to contain disease (people). Of course I'm prepared and since I'm living like hermit in the middle of nothing I'm far better protected than walmartians or city people. Also I don't suffer that much from police roadblocks, curfews, quarantines and such. Situation will be over but not in few weeks. It will take time. This is only a drill. A test run in global scale. You people have been warned before, you're warned now again. Too many choose to sleep when you're supposed to be awake and ready. Too many will walk peacefully to the slaughter. When they do, don't say they were not warned.
Why we need curfews?
Italy and Spain are dying
trump is an idiot who has fucked us all
Do you actually trust the numbers coming out of china and russia?
Nah m8
First there's gotta be a fuckton more dead people, especially in the USA since trump fucked up responding to this crisis majorly.
My guess is anywhere from 50.000 to 500.000 deaths in America alone. Probably more due to unforseen consequences arising from the hospitals being over-capacity.
And Ya'll got trump to thank for it. Guy said he thought the virus was a hoax.
Fucking moron.
to keep the poor from rioting
You know it likes cold and wet climates right? Plus Canada is already infected.
I wish u were right, but
>u not
Good thing is, evolution is still working and does not give a shit about killing anyone who is not fit enough
The probability of this happening when the incubation period of the disease is up to 14 days, is zero. There are people today who won't be healthy again inside of 3 weeks, so it will absolutely without a shadow of a doubt be over in 2-3 weeks.
Welcome to Yas Forums, Mr. Trump!
More people live in New York than all of Canada
I'm pretty sure it's finished already
Back to work fags
New York/NJ already have more cases than all of Germany, lol.
The U.S. will be fucked thanks to Trump´s excellent mismanagement.
Italy is fucked beyond hell.
Spain too.
France is on the best way to be fucked.
China and Russia are telling bullshit and are probably gonna be fucked as well.
Yeah, the world will be a better place in a few weeks. Lol.
Shut up and die for your president already!
Ha,ha..I'm the Canadian devil, guy.
They say that we need to protect people from themselves. To not gather around, not to flock in shopping centers. Not to protest in the streets. Virus does infect you when you're around other people, you know. At the same time you are more easily controllable. They will impose rules now to see how they will work in practice. Now they do it nicely and politely. When real shit hits the fan everything's practiced and you are under total control. All this Just to protect yourself, for your safety.
I live in Germany. While country has less cases than NY.
He is not, and will never be my president you brainwashed retardlican
Dont you mean our imperial commandant and space force commander
I am a European, we have our own fucking issues, sure.
But I still can´t believe how the fucking U.S. have this orange dumbfuck as president. Best thing is, he´s gonna be reelected nonetheless.
It´s like from the textbook "How to lose your no.1 superpower status to fucking china".
I´m genuinely interested.
As an american living in Germany, how do you compare and rate the situations and both government´s responses ?
And Europe has fewer cases?
He’s a retard. Have you heard him speak? He literally sounds like a 5th grader by his choice of words and manner of speaking
Is Europe a fucking Country?
I am not kidding, he really seems mentally challenged to me.
no we're not. virus doesnt eat socialism. plus trudeau is polite.
people justify and do all sorts of mental gymnastics to find ways to still support the orange retard. He could shit on the floor at a press conference and they would come up with reasons why it was appropriate
It's wild seeing the Europeans in this thread blasting Trump as if the virus is his to solve for everyone in the world, and if he fails, he's a global murderer. Hey Europeans? Since 1914, have you EVER been able to stand on your own two feet? Grow some balls! Get REAL leaders of your own. SOLVE YOUR OWN PROBLEMS!! Stop letting America be your daddy. We don't WANT to be your daddy anyway. Goddamn losers....
Pretty much
you've got a currency, governement, borders
even a president
You mad bro?
epic troll
>"How to lose your no.1 superpower status to fucking china".
next time socialism will succeed
Many of us didn't want that pissant to be elected. It's all bullshit anyway. Kind of a coincidence that this virus hit a few months before the next election.
Obviously the german response is led and advised by healthcare experts, scientists and other qualified professionals, so it's actually rather mild. I doubt we will have much more than a thousand or two thousand deaths from Covid in germany.
Theres also very accessible and reasonable financial help from the government for small businesses, self employed persons and laid off employees during the pandemic.
All in all id say Germany is responding very well to the situation.
What I hear from my parents in California, and what I see on the American news worries me deeply. You have no unified response, every state seems to be doing their own thing without much guidance from the white house.
Trumps recent speeches left me flabbergasted. How that man can have such gall to say the lies he tells with a straight face....
According to him everyone who needed one would get a test, turns out however the US is testing at a rate about ten to fifteen times slower than Germany, even though the US population is vastly exceeding that of Germany.
I fear there'll be a civil war of sorts if the orange man administration wants to return everything to normal again and pretend this pandemic isn't killing people left and right.
Cause thatll make it clear even to most retards, that this thug is only looking out for himself and would kill you instantly if that got him what he wanted.
Actually this theme of sociopathic egoism fits the whole republican party and most of the democrats too quite nicely, and precisely that's the problem.
>imagine being this self absorbed
Yeah you should stay in America and die there too. We don't want you seeing how nice it actually is over here, cause we don't like your kind in Europe.
That's great news, I'm really happy
It's all a hoax anyway
Fearmongering Jewish lies
A very expensive hoax, now planes are getting grounded
Pretty sure you're a hoax and your whole existence is too.
Good then the sun won’t be blocked out.
Countries don't exist anymore, they're just economic zones now
So much this
>implying the US is still a democracy at this point.
They brainwashed you real good didnt they? Typical trumptard, has no clue of political systems. SAD.
Though the sprayer planes work all day long, only passenger planes are grounded
Dang it I should’ve known there would still be chemtrails.
And yet some people are profiting off this
Cry harder faggot, I wish it was real so that you would get it
Trump 2020
And some people dying?
Wishful thinking kid.
>Implying anything matters
You use Facebook
Ok boomer
OK it just ended. Everyone get back to work now! We have my re-election to save!
OK cleetus, don't you have a sister to impregnate? I bet she's waiting for you already so gtfo.
Ok boomer
I’m 25
COVID being a penguin confirmed
What are you implying? That 25 is not boomer age?