>be marvel
>create new "superheroes"
>superheroes are black mulatto people without genitals
We're reaching simp levels that shouldn't be possible
Thoughts Yas Forumsros?
>be marvel
>create new "superheroes"
>superheroes are black mulatto people without genitals
We're reaching simp levels that shouldn't be possible
Thoughts Yas Forumsros?
This shit almost makes me see some positivity in the world ending...
>complaining about made up superheroes
Please get a hobby.
>noooo I don’t like the made up superheroes I hope da world ends ;-;
They're going to kill comics and then once it's done wonder how the fuck it happened. The people doing this are completely incapable of accepting they can possibly be wrong or their ideas/ideologies bad.
You obviously like them, good on you. I mostly find this thing funny.
Are you a tranny?
Please kys
would you look at that, people are talking about marvel comics again, almost like that was their goal the whole time
what a waste
>Dora la Devoradora
>Internet BRAAAAAAP guy
>The one nobody gives a shit about
Based double Satan of truth
waste kys faggot
digits of truth
Was this a good use of digits?
>look at pic related
Yeah, now if people were to actually buy their shit...
Satanic hex digits speak truth
>You obviously like them, good on you
I don’t care about superheroes or comics or comic movies whatsoever because I’m not eight years old.
Endless possibilities yet you choose to be a faggot
Cuckmeister must have been too white to be in this comic
>OMG the new baby toys come in purple how will I learn object permanence now?!
Digits of faggotry
If those are the heroes I wonder who the villains are?
>Toxic Masculinity Man
>Dr Offendo, master of offensive speech
>your turn
>why care about the garbage society is being spoonfed by the media if you're not going to comsume it?
I don't like this shit anymore than you do but:
When no one buys this shit it will obviously get canceled. Problem solved.
Keep clutching your pearls faggot. Alarmist twat.
Are you a trap?
You’re still a god damn nigger for wasting these sweet digits.
>Thoughts Yas Forumsros?
I think it's damn hilarious. The first time I saw it I had to double check if it was real or some over the top parody, because of how absurd the whole thing was.
BTW a quick visit to Tumblr or Twitter (even the author's twitter) will show you that nobody is loving this, not even the people it's pandering to.
Literally decades of white superheros but God forbid brown people show up for one comic
Look - I like Marvel as much as the next person. But the reason this looks so fucking ridiculous is the fact they've given two new superheroes the characteristic and being non-binary and then made these characters pink and blue.
At this point I'm not sure what they're trying to achieve, they're just virtue signalling to look inclusive - and then fail at even doing that. All the while people can see it's just virtue signalling and call them out on it.
They've offended pretty much anybody and everybody with these two superheroes, Snowflake and... whoever the fuck else it is. I suppose it's up to non-binary people to choose whether they are bothered by this. But really, Marvel have shown yet again - with their blue and pink non-binary heroes - that their way of having inclusive characters is lazy as fuck and insults the intelligence of people who see it. Fuck 'em.
Bad Orange Man
It's obviously retarded. No creativity left in comics, and when there is, it's called racists or ableist or misogynistic or whatever. They're so worried about catering to people who aren't even their fans that the importance of good story structer, plot and character development go out the window.
>They're going to kill comics
Oh no what ever will we do?
Watch as some faggots who think they're better than you ruin what was once one of the more popular forms of storytelling?
Yes, that's literally the only thing wrong with this.
They have offended nobody but you because only a child would be butthurt or give a moment of thought to whether they approve of fantasy cartoons for babies
Guys did you see the most recent episode of Bob the builder? He helped a monkey and I've been stressed out about it for weeks.
The Dog Whistle
And their leaders Bad and Orangeman.
based digits made all the sweeter from all the seething. Glorious. Hail satan.
>posting on a cantonese watercolor painting forum
>lol who cares about babby cartoons
This is a porn board. It's not for children. Take a hike, scamp.
This exactly.
>most popular
You made your bed, now sleep in it.
Someone making a comic you don't like 'ruins the medium'? Sound a little like a snowflake to me.
This is the equivalent of a guy at a gay parade wearing a huge neon pink sign that says "FAGGOT". Yeah, you're appropriating a term that's supposed to be derogatory against you. So?
It's not just this one example, this is just the most egregious so far. Comics are overrun with these idiots trying to force "progressive" slop into whatever they do. They can't have a story without bringing their ideology in and they believe themselves to be the world's moral betters even if in reality they're just excessively loud lunatics.
The author isn't posting here and nobody here is espousing the view point you're railing against. What's your point? That you don't care? (You do.) Cool story bro.
Yeah people are allowed to make things you don't personally like. Get over it or cry forever, baby.
These are good
We're not supposed to discuss a topic if it doesn't directly affect us or if we're not going to make some big change about it. Gotcha.
The microagressor
reminds me of the Burger King Kids Club.
Especially KidVid on the left.
>they're named that because they're trying to take the words back
Wow do you really think so? Holy shit somebody pay this guy for his brilliant, nuanced analysis lol
>Likes: 3.5K
>Dislikes: 156K
Ok, Kibblesmith.
Sure, and I can keep my money. It's a business, it's supposed to make money not run off the people willing to spend money on comic books and related goodies. That's what they're doing in favor of people that will never actually buy comics anyways.
Idk what that means sorry.
So don't buy it. Who cares.
They are the best