Remember when dems tried to block aid to Americans during these tough times because Orange man bad?

Remember when dems tried to block aid to Americans during these tough times because Orange man bad?

Remember when dem celebs made videos telling everyone to stay home, while they where in their mansions with swimming pools, and many acre yards?

Are dems fucking retarded?

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Remember when dem celebs sent millions to pay for restaurant workers and bartenders bills and dem repubs bailed out corporations that were just given a 50% tax rate cut but dumb fuck Republicans all the sudden like socialism policies that tax payers now have to give 2 trillion.

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This is tru and based and coronapilled

i mean if you understood that they are leveraging it so that unemployment funding could be bolstered during massive unemployment times like now, then you wouldn't be as retarded as you are.

People need money now fucktard. We don't care about the shit dems are making up just to scape goat.

Democrats were gonna get us $2000 each, but the republicans negotiated that down to $1200, maybe less in the final bill.

Dems are hypocrites for this exact yes, that’s precisely correct.

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No. Wrong

Pelosi doubled the plebs cash but the total was 2.5x more (850billion vs 2.5trillion) so where was all that other cash going in between those 1400 pages?

I can't fathom being stupid enough to believe the Republican bullshit

>they where in their mansions with swimming pools, and many acre yards?
It pays to be smarter than your average american dumbfuck

>Post fake news
>Get's disproven
>repeat ad nauseam
>do little more than prove conservatives cannot understand complex ideas
Conclusion: The right can not meme.

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ur right, it was sanders and aoc arguing for 2000.

better than the droves of cons telling you there's nothing going on because they don't give a shit about your poor ass lmao

Average Americans run the country. Without them, these celebs would be homeless sociopaths

Yet the right had all the best memes

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Keep telling yourself that bubba.
For every celebrity, there are 10,000 high paid STEM and financial workers using their brains to build upper class lives,
while the rednecks keep taking pride in being shit-kickers.

Just curious. In your stem only world where does food come from? How are buildings made? Oh yah on the backs of the people you hate.

This is why you'll keep losing.

no, I don't remember that at all.

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dirty don wants you to die

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not wrong
this place is a retarded shit hole

maybe get a better job so you don't have to rely on "socialist handouts" you trump-dick loving faggot

Dems guaranteed extended sick pay, unemployment insurance, and guaranteed emergency pay for low income americans, all things republicans were trying to ax. They literally want you dead

Not everybody can have a good job, sir.


as your beloved party loves to say: better pull them bootstraps higher and work harder, son.

Remember when america had the best pandemic response department in the world but trump tossed it out because black man bad?
>It was 0.02% Of the budget of the total budget

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And as we learned the past month, the bad jobs that pay shit are ESSENTIAL to the operation of our economy, and yet we just thew billions at fucking stock brokers

Imagine, JUST IMAGINE not being communist after seeing the conclusive evidence that capitalism can barely handle the smallest public health emergency

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I kind of agree since America has gone full retard. We deserve a full retard president

TLDR, dems opposed the republican proposal because it wasn't big enough to get the job done. Not supporting a bill doesn't indicate a negative position on an issue. The bill they voted in favor of was double the size of the initial proposal. Please, be fucking literate on politics before you sound like a complete Yas Forumstard.

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>Remember when dems tried to block aid to Americans during these tough times because Orange man bad?
Yes I remember them saying that a ludicrous amount of money with no over sight on where it goes, no rules on if it
could just be funneled to a CEO, and no transparency on what's going on with it for 6mo from now, being given to corporations who were just given massive tax breaks and used them irresponsibly.

Sincerely kys, I hope after this the Trump and political shit posting memes die.

what can we expect? Trump and his band of MAGA retards only think of the short term gains and never the long.

It's like how all the ISPs kept telling us net neutrality was bad and they there were throttling customers because not enough bandwidth but now that millions of Americans are stuck at home watching Netflix nothing has slowed down and the ISPs are even bumping up the speeds for people on the lowest plans so they can stream better while stuck at home.

not just about sizethere are specific stipulations they called for, including oversite of how the money will be spent, as well as barring companies from stock buy backs, and creating an over site committee.
Republicans also wanted to keep the recipients of bailout payments secret for up to six months, that was axed as well

However, the bailout bill still majorly favors corporations over American people. The democrats are just less blatantly evil than the republicans. The problem is not dem or rep, its CAPITALISM

>Pelosi saying they don't want to back bailing out airlines bc the bill doesn't require them to reduce pollution
Get the fuck out, next time you need to fly hopefully someone pops up saying, your ass walking bitch

Remember when dumb Ameritards picked a team and defended that team even though that team were all
scumbag thieves and liars, but still defended everything they did because they didn’t want to accept they voted for retards?

You don’t have to remember, it’s still happening.

Ameritards get $1K, Trump and his buddies share billions.

Ameritards are thankful for $1K.

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Imagine how much it will cost to bail out all of Trump's resorts and casinos. Bet the ones on foreign soil will get bailed out with American money too

lol found the poorfag

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did you even read the bailout dipshit, Trump and other cabinet members can't get bailout money.

The bill they wanted had a ton of extra shit in though. At least we were able to meet in the middle, but fuck if they didn't try to sell the farm

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most STEM and financial workers are silent right though so this whole argument is pretty moot.

Conservatives all deserve death end of story kill yourselves you fucking faggots.

>the tolerant left


There was a 500 billion slushfund you stupid backwards redneck.

They were voted into office over and over and over again.

Oh no did dems block a bill that favored corporations over everyday Americans? Boo-hoo pissbaby.

I don't like Dems or the Repubs, but the right isn't at all better at memes, they post some goofy lame shit.

Why does the left have to be tolerant? I want all Conservatives to die as well, they basically advocate for the death of people so why can't I?