Despite being a 28 year old loser in community college, unemployed, and living with his parents...

Despite being a 28 year old loser in community college, unemployed, and living with his parents, how do I get a hot girlfriend?

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By having a quality a hot gf wants.....

DIfferent gurls want different qualities.

you cant

Don't want money

What does that mean?

Then how do other guys do it?

At least be on your way to improving your situation, not just settling for where you are now. Also helps to be moderately interesting.

You don't want money?
Dumb shit don't you want to live without worrying about paying bills? The security and comfort of being debt-free and being able to sleep like you did when you were a child? Don't you want certain nice things like a good clear monitor, a fast computer, a nice bathroom?

My god if you're 28 and in community college living with your parents and you "don't want money" I can't imagine what kind of joke major you're "studying" right now

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>get regular girlfriend
>place on bottom rack in 500 degree oven for 45 minutes
>hot girlfriend


Goal in life: to have Fuck You money

It's for my own benefit though. But if we're heading for a great depression that's on par for my luck.

I meant to say without money, but thanks for this faggy rant


At 28, you still live with your parents?
What tube fuck is wrong with you?
At 28, I owned a business and a house.
You suck at adulting

You're the reason people think millennials suck.
You are a sad excuse for a person.

maek your bed when you wake up, start the day with the feeling on an accomplishment. continue working hard in school and earn a basic degree. get a small sidejob that pays decent (who cares if youre a wagecuck). save this money and build discipline. once you save enough/earn a degree, get a higher paying job and MOVE OUT. get a cool hobby and work on it (not vidya). the most important thing is working on yourself. a girl wont want to be with you if you dont even like yourself. this might take a few years but its what its going to take. who knows, you might meet the girl of your dreams at your job. good luck user, you got this

Be down with the downsies.


What self respecting female would want to date a neet with no motivation for self improvement?
You don't deserve a female with two legs, faggot, stick to fucking sheep.

Only way is go to a 3rd world country. Still need some money tho

>At 28, you still live with your parents?
I live in a very expensive state. Would you prefer I live as a poorfag, sucking up your taxes through social programs?

No u

I am working on myself. You think this is enjoyable for me? I'm fucking embarrassed. I don't even go to bars or clubs anymore, just to save myself the embarrassment of telling any girl I meet I still live with my parents. I know the odds of sex bottom out after that.

>What self respecting female would want to date a neet with no motivation for self improvement?
They do it now as is

Fuck makes you think a woman from a third world country wants to date a faggot that lives off his parents income when he's old enough to have his own family?

What party of self respecting did you have a problem understanding, you fucking moron?

They have nothing better. In America you can go from loser to winner in a blink of an eye.

If a girl is hot, they get to be picky. On Instagram, some girls have thousands of men that follow them and would love to fuck. If a girl with that much sexual market value wants to have kids, would they pick you over the thousands of other guys?

Life is a competition of men fighting to get the highest status possible for the best pussy possible.

I have a problem understanding this retarded sentence. What the fuck were you trying to say here?


About the best advice I've ever seen on Yas Forums

Graduate, move out of mommy and daddy's, get a job, work out. Only then will getting a gf be worth it.

You're problem is you can't take accountability for your fucking pathetic existence. You are worse than a homeless person. You are literally draining the life from someone else because you're too lazy to try.

Get a fucking job and quit expecting the world to wipe your ass. You aren't important to anyone so if you can't take care of yourself than no one will nor should they. Your a grown man, act like one or die. It might sound mean, it's not. Your actively ruining your life and made your life shitty. Any excuse you grab works for you to be a pile of shit and excuses don't fucking matter to anyone. Get a job, get the fuck out of your parents, talk to people. The end. Anything else you say is nothing but an excuse for your pathetic shit.

You don't deserve any girlfriend, silicone or otherwise.
All you deserve is a brick to your worthless head.

True, but I'm at the point of my life where I could approach the hottest women on the planet with no issue. I feel like this gives me a huge advantage over other men. Not saying I'm the most confident guy, but I am willing to do what others won't do. And I would enjoy it far more.

What the hell are you even talking about? I get that you are angry, god knows about what. I'm here for you either way. Go ahead and let your demons out on me. I'll do the job your father clearly never did.

STOP IDOLIZING SEX AND WOMEN. this is the biggest mistake guys make. women can smell insecurity from a mile away and you need have self confidence so this isnt a problem. doing those things i mentioned will build the confidence you need to not be embarrased. stop thinking about bringing a woman home and just try to have a decent conversation with her, maybe get her number. not all interactions have to end with sex

Im other guys.
Currently unemployed due to coronavirus, got a new chick.
Was unemployed and brokeish two months ago for non coronavirus reasons and had another three, then.
Im also kinda fat.

Forget the incel myths. Literally get some social skills, get in tinder or bumble, getchur photos right (i dont even have a bio written. No selfies. Pictures of you doing shit. Dogs help)

Let them talk to you if youre afraid to talk to them, but with most women "hey" will do, but a comment on a photo or bio point is better, if the conversation is awkward, wrong girl. Try the next. If its going well, then dies out, wrong girl. Try the next.

Girls like to click with you. Something that requires a chemistry you dont even have with many men. Like 1 in 10 will work out. And thats fine. Keep playing the odds.

Thats how "other guys" do it.

ITT: Faggot NEET thinks he's entitled to women for sex

Also I sense an inevitable
>but user I dont do shit and my social skills are bad

Then forget women entirely. You have other problems in life you need to set straight for many more reasons than getting women.

You know you don't have to tell every girl your current living arrangements, rite?
Keep it positive. If you have to say something like I'm here here helping my parents out while I'm finishing my degree in something or getting my realtors license or whatever. Have some kind of goal so you can gain confidence to date

Just have to lower your standards I guess

>Get a fucking job and quit expecting the world to wipe your ass
Where did you get the impression that I want other people to wipe my ass?

It's not about idolizing women. I'm not getting any younger. Truth is I want a family, I want kids and a woman that loves me for who I am. Yes I know it's a faggy thing to say, but that's honesty how I feel. Why live in this world if I have nothing to pass on? If I don't have a family of my own? Eventually I'm going to be own, and I don't want to die on my deathbed in fear and alone.

I know that, but I just don't have the patience or energy to lie and play it off like I don't live with my parents. I'm done with it. What if I end up liking the girl? Then we have to have the awkward conversation, that I lied before about living with my parents. I'd rather just be honest up front. I don't like lying to people in general.

She won't lower her standards to fuck a guy that relies on handouts from boomers.

You are being supported by your parents.
You are 28 with no skills.
You are just a drain on your parents.
Go drink bleach, faggot

Friend of mine just became an xray tech. Class took less than a year and 1st job was $55,000 to start. Beets the fuck out of a year in community college.

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its not faggy to say at all and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. most people want that love in their life but it comes with patience. you might burn through a few girlfriends until you find the one. also getting that first girlfriend takes patience. dont view 28 as getting old, you still have plenty of time to shit you want to do. try and gain a more positive view of yourself and life in general. dont think that time is running out, but rather youve got a lot of time a head of you. try focusing on other parts of your life if you think you lack patience

Not OP here, how do you deal with premature ejaculation?

I can't even fap without getting on the edge at 30 seconds into a porn video. And tried a latina whore which made me pay half an hour for a couple minutes fuck.

Am I a weak assed sensitive faggot? Should I circuncize to desensitivise?

look up edging

>i want kids and a woman who loves me for who I am. I know its faggy

I dont know what kind of dudes youve decided are the norm, but its very normal to want a family and love. Too many PUA videos?
Too many incel threads watching other incels lie and role play being pussy masters or categorize men who can get women in very strange ways that are entirely bullshit?

It takes a lot of self doubt and inaction to be an incel user. Ive known some homely geeky ass pants at belly button dudes who get laid just fine.
I was an adult before internet was a big thing, and this new wave of inceldom i am telling you is because of the echo chambers and weird ass views yall build about what women want.

I am by no means an incel and i can admit my awkward fat ass in highschool would have been a huge incel faggot if Yas Forums was around then. You can learn. We all had to. And its really not hard.

Starts with understanding *someone will like you*. Keep doing things and meeting people. Not just for the sake of meeting women. Build a personality and a life. I dont care if youre a mega dungeons and dragons dungeon master lord. Someone will love it.

>Not OP here, how do you deal with premature ejaculation?
>I can't even fap without getting on the edge at 30 seconds into a porn video. And tried a latina whore which made me pay half an hour for a couple minutes fuck.
>Am I a weak assed sensitive faggot? Should I circuncize to desensitivise?

You should spend another semester in literature class brushing up on your language skills, you ignorant, goat raping hillbilly.

Your father touched you every night, didn't he?

I'm close to finishing my 2 year, god willing I will finish my 4 year by the end of next year. I'm planning to make a lot more than 55k.

I've had a serious girlfriend before. What I worry about is getting a good job, having sex appeal and immediately sticking my dick in any girl I find attractive. But either way, I don't want to wait until I'm in my late 30s or early 40s before I start having kids. I'd rather have them when I'm young so I can send them off to the world, and enjoy my next phrase of life with my wife .

I'm not sure, I guess I just picked it up from where I've seen. Women love to pick the bad boy for whatever reason. I'm done with it personally.

Thanks, looks odd but useful.

Cry me a river bitch, and come complain to me when you shitpost in three different languages and can talk fluently four. Fucking faggots english speakers.

Its hard for anyone. Theres a skill to it. If i havent has sex with my gf in a week its a bit tougher than normal, even.
Think about when you stub your toe then you start doing something else and it stops hurting cause you arent thinking about it, but if you do it hurts again.

Thats the key. Get your attention away from your dick. Think about whats happening above the waste, above the neck even. Or think about something else altogether if youre really having trouble. Plan your budget, imagine a toothless slimey geriatric blowjob.
Anything to get your mind off your cock.

Anyone will come in 3 seconds if theyre railing a chick and focusing on their dick. Thats the ticket.

You're a phenomenal fuck up.
Admit it and go guzzle bleach, faggot

You don't have to lie. Just don't feel obligated to introduce yourself as "user, I live with my parents".

>this insecure and angry
no amount of success will make you stop being a complete loser user

>what ive seen. They pick the bad boy.
Some do. Go google confirmation bias. Thats what youre doing now.
I am not a bad boy. I dont even pretend. I fuck a tonne.
I am fat and hairy. I have girls eating out of my hand from tinder in an hour, and guess what they love so goddamn much about me. *im nice*.

Stay away from incel forums. "Nice guys" arent nice. Theyre bitter ass angry faggots, and think holding doors open for people or letting people trample them or complimenting people makes them nice. It doesn't. People can smell bullshit.
Theyre just trying to blame some good quality they think they have so they dont have to admit theyre probably fucklords.

>i fuck a tonne
>i am fat and hairy

the girls you fuck are probably fat and hairy too, but hey, a nut is a nut

They arent.
But go ahead and add your own negatives so you can continue believing your troubles are everyone elses fault :).

This is made up or user has money and is too stupid to realize women are attracted to money above all else

If money is all women care about, how do you explain the niggers and spics that are poor having sex and producing kids?

Drop out of community college and get a job.

Drugs, media brainwashing
but mostly drugs
poor white dudes get laid too and it's because of drugs
Money, drugs, dick

Not made up and tbh i suck at saving and employment hasnt been great.
This is what i mean user. Ive laid truth and the incels come forth to shoot it down. Its not about me. Its about them. They cant accept there is actually something wrong with them they have control over and theyre just angry bitter dickweeds and thats why women dont like them.

top fucking kek anybody who disagrees with your simplistic world view is an incel?
Think what you want jackass but most women want nothing to do with me until they realize I pull in six figures and have a 7" cock and an ounce of fire in my safe then suddenly they love me

If you don't have the contacts and connections to lang a decent job, this is a fairly good advice.

Trust me, even an engineering degree won't help for shit if you are an autistic piece of shit with no friends.

>sources: dude, trust me

is OP even here anymore

Well, it didn't work for me. But then again, am a third worlder in the middle of buttfuck nowhere with no family connections. Actually, am the 2nd college educated in my close family.

Just find a hot Asian or Eastern European online.

Who cares?
He was useless anyways.