Hunger Games

Hunger Games
Fat Camp Code
24 fat-asses looking to loose some flab

Attached: Mockingjay_Thumbnail.png (350x350, 23.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Rigs.png (84x110, 6.61K)


Attached: 107.jpg (1280x720, 75.07K)

Jesus Fat Christ

Attached: ~JC1.jpg (301x421, 17.03K)

>JC is the case of duff

Fat Marco

Attached: 75225551_172125763846696_4936951809714669760_n.jpg (640x640, 47.96K)


Attached: rookie1.jpg (542x542, 87.94K)


Attached: dfasdf.jpg (884x884, 136.56K)

Kizuna AI

Attached: illust_62428853_20191205_032809.png (1280x960, 631.96K)

dragon cunt

Attached: BrnbdLXCMAA19kD.jpg (427x328, 23.99K)

Venom Snake

Attached: DD Big boss venom.jpg (225x283, 10.98K)


Attached: 680.jpg (600x790, 66.02K)

Courtyard Droll

Attached: CD.png (160x161, 1.62K)


Attached: 1579243246082.png (900x1110, 1.03M)

Kike Finn

Attached: sh3k3l.jpg (700x700, 86.98K)

Indrick Boreale

Attached: steel rain.png (1140x620, 519K)


Attached: 1486412346132.jpg (1280x720, 105.89K)


Attached: WowWow2.jpg (200x197, 14.85K)

Shemo and her Yak

The Arbiter

Attached: engel.png (822x462, 832.29K)


Attached: nonon.jpg (2500x3226, 372.06K)


Attached: Anja2.png (743x653, 590.02K)

Thicc Chun-Li

Attached: fasdfasdfsdd.jpg (1000x1000, 125.96K)

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x384, 40.77K)


Attached: Video.jpg (800x1000, 55.99K)


Attached: EJxn43lWsAAJXeK.png (400x400, 114.74K)

I make the same face!
Holy shit!

Attached: JC100.jpg (942x848, 245.83K)

Elizabeth Cumstock

Attached: 1584573343769.png (782x777, 820.13K)

one more

Attached: 42b9cbaab9630e2b8027a93932f0fd3b.jpg (576x1200, 44.48K)

this as a tribute:



Attached: 1333488576100.png (481x877, 115.97K)

ack nvm sorry4chanx doesn't automatically updat eon firefox but the code for the tributes doesn't work on chorme anymore

got our 24, let's go

STFU. Seriously.

Attached: JC45.jpg (173x222, 10.61K)

hold you horses it takes me a hot minute to get the folder and the roster set up ,

Attached: 1.png (1600x1152, 1.09M)

D4 looking hot af

Attached: JC161.jpg (856x448, 62.73K)

the cute anime waifus have a hard time admiring they are fat, so they don't accept reality.

Attached: 2.png (1600x2989, 1.68M)

damn I was planning to feed the people

Attached: image734004021.png (1080x1626, 167.75K)

Kizuna makes the biggest mistake one can make. she forgot leg day!

Attached: 3.png (1600x2288, 1.26M)

DC? WHY? I have twinkies!

Attached: JC51.jpg (224x309, 16.26K)

They're here to loose weight,. not get fattened up!

Attached: 4.png (1600x1893, 1.28M)

hngggg finn wolfhard wrestling with a thicc chic is fucking hot. hope she dominates that kike twink

F for your fat ass Laura

Attached: 1584943804330.jpg (1000x1220, 580.67K)

Those are beautiful dumplings, darling.

Attached: JC139.png (500x563, 302.58K)

how do you die form thirst at a weight loss camp? Like the biggest number 1 tip for weight loss is to drink more water!

Attached: 5.png (1600x1670, 1.06M)

What will moth meat taste like?

Attached: full-frontal.jpg (1000x563, 167.05K)

oh shit venom snake is gonna give us all corona!

Attached: 6.png (1600x1152, 768.44K)

sneks are well known for vore their victims

Two of a kind, eh?

Attached: NaziJC.jpg (316x464, 120.52K)

you've got some neat flowers

Attached: Img124105_l.png (277x410, 55.45K)

F for Liz

you can't just drink cum

Attached: 1584573162375.jpg (1920x1080, 163.24K)

i'm so glad super high death rate actually worked tonight.

Attached: 7.png (1600x1191, 924.91K)

All for you. Brought a pizza too.

Attached: JC72.jpg (500x647, 136.38K)


Attached: sample-64d7f401534982201dbd99d274ccb231.jpg (666x1000, 123.81K)

silly video, jesus is a merciful god.

Attached: 8.png (1600x1152, 719.69K)

dammit venom, did our marshmallow bonding time mean nothing to you?

Attached: 9.png (1600x1152, 698.62K)

At least Wubbzy got his marshmallows...

Attached: 20191106195343_1.jpg (1920x1080, 351.49K)

>pulls punches

Attached: JC105.jpg (595x414, 79.93K)

Ken Levine does not approve.

Attached: 10.png (1600x1152, 566.34K)

whats a pawg?

Attached: 11.png (1600x1173, 922.05K)

based snake, a real diamond dog

A miserable bag of lies

Attached: DOGGIE NOOOOOO.jpg (600x447, 122.83K)

Wubbzy ate a lot of marshmallows

No your place! Give us a kiss!

Attached: bookerJC.jpg (588x747, 210.19K)

okay i know it looks bad.. but uhh let's just say i tried..

Attached: Wincard4JC.jpg (1416x2208, 1.05M)

damn tiki what did you eat?

Attached: 12.png (840x583, 426.39K)

i see nothing out of character here

Attached: 13.png (1600x1152, 578.5K)

Bruv, that's masterful. I fucking love it.


Attached: JC43.jpg (300x400, 62.34K)

Attached: 14.png (442x612, 194.4K)

aw, you sure??
wait isn't this fat camp

Attached: 1521807319421.gif (400x280, 31.8K)

Attached: 0234.jpg (1022x1123, 103.86K)

We're down to two.
Will it be video girl or jesus fucking christ?
wait in suspense for 5 minutes will i make a shitty looking photoshop image for a wincard

Attached: 15.png (849x594, 401.74K)

Nice toof

Jesus FUCKING Christ

Attached: 0003.jpg (1007x720, 50.03K)

fun fact: the whole plot of of MGSV was based in Moby-Dick as argument of an incomplete story.

Let's fucking roll, betchers!


You're good shit.

Let's do this, Snake.

Attached: psychoJC.jpg (828x1500, 141.67K)

voting for Jesus

also can we do another because this one went buy really fast?

