Friends faces you want to plaster with your load

friends faces you want to plaster with your load

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so much her, especially since I found some of her nudes

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maybe her. she's cute

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I mean.. if I was on quarantine and we had just got done watching something on Netflix and she had her glasses on...

Which sister likes the taste more you think?

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I like cum on glasses, so she's a big yes from me

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sexy lips

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to be blown by her jesus

who wants to plaster my girlfriend?

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Share some

only if youll plaster my friend

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obligatory yes

Still got my old cum tribs user?Rose iPad..she's great user.


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who is this goddess, can I facefuck her?

Yep lol

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Brilliant. Anything new from her user?

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Is it just me or do those hairyass bush eyebrows look stupid as hell? I never got why girls wanna do this shit. They remind me of my former schools science teacher who was a middleaged dude with alcohol issues

Not really. Doesnt post much.

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Jesus christ another one, she looks like the dad from American Pie

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doesnt matter for me, id still cover her face in cum

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Damn shame, I like her quite a bit. I hoped she would've seen some of my tributes.

You can't cum over her face when all that jizz is gonna get tangled in her eyebrows

I already did:
When you were in class i was tapping that ass

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She looks like one of those weirdos with diaper fetish

did you plaster my girl's insides?

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Ha shed be mortified

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wouldnt know, but would be intrigued if she was

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Stop posting pictures of your little brother. I know he trying to cosplay as Ninja from fortnite but you should tell him that he looks like a faggot

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She definitely does look like a short dude but I'd still bang her and coat her face :P

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Really? She should be happy to see another man aroused by her. Her bride pics were the best tho.

That's kinda gay, you wanna fuck a 12 year old boy

I know. I fap to the bride pics all the time. Theyre my favorite

left and right

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Shit do you know her user? Any chance of an ig for me?