Greta Thunberg thread
Greta Thunberg thread
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top kek
would you fuck her? I'd fuck her.
Sucking on Greta's labia.
Fake....she has no ass for the same reason she has no tits....she's anorexic
What would Greta Thunberg's pussy taste like?
really what
it's real. I hacked her icloud myself
why you say that? you now you're right?
have you seen her face?
STFU user drop some shit or else ill show you who really knows how to hack you fucking faggot
Yep.....and that anorexic neck too. Notice how she always has long sleeves?
you're retarded
she eats high sodium high sugar high fat foods that's why her face is so fucking bloat
c`mon bois don`t fight for a shit
And then she vomits it back up....bulimic and anorexic...
i don't believe this shit is real bro,
you're actually retarded
but she use android
idk bruh moss and BO
no it's because she has FASD
Have you seen how her cloths just hang limp from her skeletal frame? It's like it's hanging from a hanger....
Well, thread got weird.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and autism cause that face shape. If she was gorging on sodium and sugar she'd be fat......unless she vomits it all back up.
Cardboard and soy.
Greta Thunberg looks like Shrek. Why is this board so obsessed with her?
vegan pussy has no flavor
She gives me hope for a world without niggers.
trips confirm
what if she's actually just anorexic bulimic not a real fetal alcohol syndrome downie?
Who cares? Thet the larpers larp.
no her mum definitely drank heavily while she was pregnant. Greta is literally the poster child for FASD
Do FASD people have FASD kids?
fuckkkk she is so hot
no it's from drinking while pregnant
what if she's actually anorexic bulimic because she's a fetal alcohol syndrome downie?
Inverted tits they're so small
can we keep this thread with p0rn?
It's fake but not because she's to thin. Just look at this chicks size, she's way to tall to be greta
Either she's a giantess, or that is one tiny door.
NO! Pornography is a sin and thus it must be deleted
agreed brother
what is perspective
This is Yas Forums fuck off
hello friend, what is your name? I hope you enjoy your stay here!
anyway think she can gape?
this ones better, saved.
She's only five feet in front of the door though. The door would have to be 15+ feet away appear that small.
internet explorer holy keks
Original pic is Katya Clover my thirsty bros
beautiful. I wish you had OF wroten it
so much wrong in that pic. KEK
The HC vids exist if you thirst hard enough
Greta did have an eating disorder as a kid, unclear now but it’s possible she still does. Even if she’s fully recovered now it probably stunted her growth at least a bit
That's a MetArt model, too lazy to look, but I recognize it.
Nevermind, now I realize she's sitting on a counter. I thought she was on the floor.
she is a time traveler
Legal soon.