New Celeb

New Celeb

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How are you

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it's pretty good here as well, cloudy and cool :3

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More Victoria please

It was sunny and in the 60s F, really nice to be outside

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Watching a film

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I am well, yourself?

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what film

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Dare I even ask?

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....she broke your throne and she cut your hair....

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higher 60's here. supposed to be around the 80's by the end of the week, i hate the heat :p

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Under the Skin, it’s fuckin weird so far

Thou nots dare

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>Under the Skin
let me know how it is, it's on my watch-list!

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Oh, I've seen that. Wasn't a fan

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full pic

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You're the best, thank you

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Who is?

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I like the heat fine, and considering I'm in Ohio March can be anywhere from 20 to 80, so I'm pretty happy to be getting 60s!

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No way. You sure??


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I could see why. It’s certainly, uh... something

Will do!
Also smother me with Lili’s butt

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Saving everything you're droppin even if i dont reply!

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i want her to sit on my face

Is kateanon here?

The test awful. It hurt so bad.. I can't even describe it. I thought I was going to faint.

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the sounding community is ashamed on your behalf

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can I edit this?

I said no. FUCK man. Leave me alone.

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Put rod in pp for pleasure

>gook virus is biphasic confirmed
yeah I'm thinkin I'm scared

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My urethra is all inflamed, it hurt so bad dude. And now it burns like crazy when I pee.

Should i just give up on women dude?

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This movie is making me feel bad

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what the trips here said
do as you wish, i'm not your dad

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20 to 80! wow that's some bipolar weather you have over there!

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Are you my dad?

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Yeah Ohio's fun. Last year it was below zero for a few days. This year barely got below 30.

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What does that mean?