Why aren’t the liberals blaming China for this fucking shit?
Why do they keep blaming Trump?
Why aren’t the liberals blaming China for this fucking shit?
Why do they keep blaming Trump?
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Because Trump had literally just disbanded and liquidated our very expensive crisis mitigation for this, practically moments before we actually needed it - something nobody thought was a good idea, and is now proving itself so.
And he probably spent that money on a fleet of new fucking lawn mowers for his golf courses.
I think he spent it on spray tan
Because during the critical first few weeks he was denying that it was a problem, or that it didn't exist in the first place. And when he DID do something it was way too little. Half-measures don't save lives.
don't take the bait
you can blame both
There's nothing that can be done anyway. Everyone is eventually going to get this.
Don't take the bait claiming OP posted bait to bait you into responding "This isn't Bait moron!"
>Why aren't the liberals blaming China
Because Trump blamed China. If the left blame China, then that means they're agreeing with him. And the left isn't supposed to agree with Trump because Trump a big meanie.
The virus is an natural occurrence in nature, not Trump's fault or anyone else. Each leader is responsible for how their nation responds to the global pandemic. Trump failed his nation, I don't even know where to begin. How about "the democrat media hoax"? He said that January 28th, almost a month ago. That's a whole month he could have been working on getting respirators like the CDC, WHO and the rest of the world were screaming at him to do.
>nah it's just a flu, it's it's a democrat media hoax
Of course China deserves blame but China wasn't the President of the United States claiming it was a Democrat hoax, then a Chinese hoax, all the while he new that shit was real because US intel was warning him.
If he wants to be an incompetent dipshit he didn't have to run for President, he could have just continued laundering money for Russians as Putin's lil fuckboi but the Office comes with responsibility to take care of America, not be a fucking faggot.
Now fuck off shithead
Trump is a bully to pretty much anyone cause he's completely insecure, but more than that he's fucking stupid as shit
tits or GTFO
tits or GTFO
you wanna see my hair nips eh, ya filthy trump pervert
>joke's on you, I'm older than 16
>get behind me Trump-Epstein
Trump is a bully?
China is a fucking bully. But your shithead celebrities/politicians still bow and kiss China’s ring. No fucking liberal will ever criticize China and you’re an abomination in this country
Get the fuck out
waaah you're trying to defend a guy who's major achievement is an NBC reality show that sucked balls
go lick a chode you moron
Let's say you're warned that there's a butt rapist in the neighborhood. You hire a bodyguard. The rapist has made it past your fence and the bodyguard assures you the rapist is just a hoax. The rapist the proceeds to buttrape you into a wheelchair while the bodyguard watches brags about how he knew the rapist was real all along. You get home from the hospital and complain your bodyguard was useless. Then your neighbors yell at you saying you should only blame the rapist and not the bodyguard.
You don’t belong here. Go worship your god Xi and bow to him
Go fucking bow to him you worthless communist piece of shit. Get the fuck out of my country
I know right. You got to hate that town rapist. What a stupid cunt.
People blame Trump because he's poorly handled the situation. States are basically left to their own devices. There's no good leadership at the federal level.
I'm all for keeping China in check but the virus is their fault as much as the Spanish flu was the United States fault. Basically zero.
Spanish flu originated in Kansas dipshit
I thought that was Mark Zuckerberg
It was him. They had to charge him back up.
Because China isn't my fucking President? Dumbass.
neither is donald trump,libtard
or wait,after 4 years of "not my president"is he all of a sudden your president now that he cant handle coronavirus?
We are not fucking blaming Trump for the China virus, fucktard. We're blaming Trump for his retarded retarded response.
cuz Trump spent all the time he had to prevent this becoming big by pretending it didn't exist
Being this retarded.
They're a member of the international community but an intensely irresponsible one. China's the reason the ocean is full of trash, China harvests organs from muslims from being muslim, China has a massive imbalance of males to females because the one child law induced everyone to murder their daughters and wait on a son. They suck, they have no values and you shouldn't be coming to their defense concerning goddamn anything and anyone who does so is being intellectually dishonest at absolute best.
Who was it that disbanded Italy's?
Blaming a person or nation for a virus is like blaming the sidewalk when you stub your toe.
Lost in the messaging is the fact that people are dying. The objective truth is that highest office in the land is held by a man who has done little to inspire public confidence in our response to the crisis.
how far into your ass is your head these 4 years? republicans have never,and will never.blame trump anything
its either the mexicans,the muslims or the media's fault
Because he stalled action until him buddies could conveniently exit the stock market
Hah like they ever had one
Death toll in the US has more than doubled in just the last two days.
if a war break out, will cry blaming whoever started it or want your country to know how to deal with it?
Even if it's their fault, the impact on our country is enterily the gov fault, in any country.
>hurr durr disbanding the pandemic response team is okay because Italy is screwed anyway.
>the Spanish flu was the United States fault
Fun fact: The Spanish flu did not originate in Spain. It might have begun *cough*cough* in the US.
And Kansas is in which country...
Don't forget Obama and Hillary.
thats what he said, read the response again
so trump pretending it doesnt exist is china's fault?
america,still as dumb,poor and now sicker then it was when obama was president
China might have started it but we're beyond that stage. Yes we need to pull them down, yes we need to do an industry boycott but that is due when the dust settles, and the epidemic is over.
Not now, faggots.
This is when the president of the fuckin US is downplaying the effect of the motherfucking virus by not going into immediate lock down and taking necessary precautions.
no enforcement whatsoever. fuck the liberals, fuck the conservatives. can we have someone with a brain run the govt for 2 fucking weeks please?
I'm educating you, thank me.
Holy fuck. That would be like reading Jet for an honest take on Obama.
They're not running against China, are they?
kys right now
but you can control how far it spreads before a vaccine is out
No one blaming trump for the virus, Cletus. His inaction just made it worse quicker.
Why are you blaming China and not america?
Because they're crazy cucks brainwashed by crazy moloch-worshipping jews.
hi. thank you for asking!
the only people who blame trump are democrats,who trump voters who still think they are considered republican badmouth democrats because lord emperor trump can do no wrong
i hope every single person who voted for trump in america dies from coronavirus,that would really make america great again
Because China numba wan! Fuck you fat American pig
you guys do realize that there really aren't any unbias news outlets anymore right? Anytime I google anything, I have to google to see if the site is left or right leaning (or read the article and figure it out pretty quickly on my own)
what other option did we have? It was him or the other douche
The Chinese aren't responsible for how the US is responding to the outbreak, the POTUS is.
Trump was voted into office and how he has to deal with actually being the president, it's not an easy job and he's flailing about like a toddler anytime someone criticizes him. Incoherently yelling something about fake news won't save his ass this time.
>the other douche
pretty sure democrats have been more serious right now in terms of combating the coronavirus,all your orange man cares about is the golfing conditions at mar a lago
if the fuckers would stay at home we'd be better off. Damn millennials at the beach aren't helping matters.
>you're gonna get the corona
BBC, AP and Vice are pretty good.
>its not an easy job
its easy when you blame other people for the responsibilites of your president.like trump voters and obama voters have did
life will be better when trump is thrown out of the white house
Leftists protect foreign interests first. They also created this "China makes everything" policy, to benefit the 1% and fuck white America. They do not want us getting our manufacturing power back.
there is no virus it’s a hoax by Democrats who want to further erode our rights
because Trump mishandled this virus with a Chinese origin severely while given enough foresight to not mishandle supply and testing organization. Prior to the virulent spread he dismantled infrastructural organizations that would have increased the preparedness even more even with his mishandling.
>I'm all for keeping China in check but the virus is their fault as much as the Spanish flu was the United States fault. Basically zero.
wasn't it those fuckers in china eating fucking bat soup? If it didn't start there, where did it start?
For unbiased view on us retarded Americans? Yep.
fucking jew pushing heavily biased news outlets
but it is fake news
>democrats have been more serious right now
they're trying to use the virus as a means to get other shit they want passed. This isn't the time to worry about the post office and all the other bogus crap they're trying to tie into the bill. They need to focus on corona right now if they're really serious about it
as much as i dislike trump
americans are thick skulled and think their country is the only place in the world
coronavirus is a global problem.but every other country has handled it better then america.even the places donald trump and his supporters call shit holes
I said there aren't any UNBIASED ones. That excludes the ones you listed
is this what trump's twitter account told you? fuck off redneck,i hope you eat your red hat in november when you lose the presidency along with what little majority your party has left
we need to set some better food quality regulations for the Chinese
I can't imagine the amount of brainwashing a kid has to go through to unironically believe what you just wrote. thanks for the laugh user
>shit holes
you mean shit holes. We call them that because that's what they are. Just like the chinese virus, because it originated in CHY NA
we need to get rid of donald trump and elect a president who is more concerned about the health of americans then his failed economy
>lose the presidency
to joe biden? Fat chance.
No it's not what twitter told me, look up the fucking bill, there's a ton of shit in there that is not important right now.
You hateful shills are doing a great service to your president.
Dont be surprised when he gets impeached a second time
Trump: we need to give billions to hotel industry
Reporter: who will oversee those payments
Trump: i will
>because that's what they are
funny enough,they are more healthy right now then america.cry more trumpshit,i hope you die of coronavirus,the republican party isnt the republican party anymore.lets fix that before we care about trump
also,the only knowledge of china you know comes from your shit for brains presidents twitter account.your to busy in your hillbilly community thinking obama was bad when your still as dumb as poor today as you were with 8 years of obama
Yeah we Americans are shining beacon of intelligence and BBC is lying about that.
Republicans wrote the bill ya fuckin dunce
what service? the only people who still support donald trump are people with an iq that they can count on one hand
nobody cares about the morons in their southern racist white communties who still vote for trump.95 percent of republicans hate him right now,and the majority of the party stopped supporting him a long time ago
liberals are morons
why are you fags making this a political thing? We're all in this together now. You have 2 choices, be a piece of shit and spread this thing or stay inside, shit post and play video games.
So basically our president was John Bolton for a while. So when does Donald Trump become president? Pretty much for the last 4 years its been everybody around Trump fault. Rex Tillerson and his deep state. Mad Dog and his pentagon military industrial complex. Bannon with his radical idealogy. Kelly acting like a gate keeper and babysitter. Seriously, when is Trump just in charge and its his fuck up for now knowing and understanding the shit people are doing around him? Its like we've had a dozen Presidents but no President Trump.
>also,the only knowledge of china you know comes from your shit for brains presidents twitter account.your to busy in your hillbilly community thinking obama was bad when your still as dumb as poor today as you were with 8 years of obama
actually I'm doing pretty well under Trump's economy. You see to be trying to take the high road, but I notice that your spelling tops out at the 5th grade level
>Republicans wrote the bill ya fuckin dunce
then what was it that Pelosi wrote?
fuck trump amirite? its almost as if the media has attacked his literal every move since he became POTUS. You arent influenced by this at all though and your opinion is totally informed and organic. At least I will admit mine isnt and I dont actually give a shit either way by some politician, they are all incompetent.
>why are you fags making this a political thing? We're all in this together now. You have 2 choices, be a piece of shit and spread this thing or stay inside, shit post and play video games.
>what service?
You remind everyone just how insane the left has become and how deeply they have been taught to hate the people that vote against their master's subversive agenda.
just a heads up that all gains made under Trumps economy were wiped out in the past week lmfao
THIS. Fuck China.
those toilets. Wasn't that hilarious? The left has gone waaaayyyy off the end of the spectrum.
>I hate trump
>Let's do something gross that has nothing to do with trump
>first case in November
>did nothing until February
>doctor that warned them about it was forced to say he was lying
>more densely packed than italy yet fewer deaths
>trying to say the virus came from us military
Why would anyone trust the Chinese
pretty sure that's due to the virus...
you seem to ignore how hateful the president is
i guess,just like gun control.its ok as long as your party is doing it.good thing we know who fucked up coronavirus and who is going to be out in november(here's a hint,it wont be democrats)
A pointless bill that never even made it to the floor because they always intended to sign the senate bill once schumer okd it
Tbh it was dumb and only gave retards like you something to cry about
americans for the past 3 years
>i love china
americans the past 4th year
>fuck china! you guys gave us coronavirus even though it was our president who didnt do anything to prevent it