Question to all the experienced anons. How important is dick size to women...

Question to all the experienced anons. How important is dick size to women? Mine is only slightly above average in length and girth. I've seen women on the internet claim that they want at least 18 cm (7 inches) and also how important thick girth is etc. Are these women just retarded and don't know how big 18 cm is? Can you have a more or less average dick and still make a woman crave it?

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Depends on how much I like the guy.
The more I like him, the more I'm willing to take his smaller dick.
Bare minimum has to be 4 and a half inches, but 6-7 inches with decent girth is probably ideal for me.
Sometimes I like a fat 5 inch dick so he can recklessly pound me and it doesn't hurt

Most girls are shit at estimating any length. They could say they only ever dated guy with 7'' and up when in reality none of them was bigger than 6''

Most women want big dicks if they could choose.

What girls say they want and what they actually want are two very different things, so your opinion is irrelevant here (unless you are a faggot). I'd rather here what older anons with average dicks have to say.

As long as you don't have a microdick it doesn't really matter.

Too big is also a thing. No girl wants you pounding her cervix

I would say most girls don't really know the actual length of a cock, but DO prefer something larger. I'm on the larger end of the spectrum and women most certainly talk about preferring something similar in size to me...several have said they have walked out on a guy with a smaller cock..."not worth increasing my number"

You're an incel aren't you

the worst thing is to overthink this. Do you have a dick? yes? is it deformed? no? Then you're okay.

when i was younger (cp age) and had a stick dick and I still got soooome moans out.

here's another tip: Make a lot of skin contact, don't forget the kissing. Focus on your breathing and relax your muscles. There, you can make any girl orgasm now even if it does take 45 minutes.

Most guys would want big boobs and nice ass, too.
That doesn't mean the lack of it is a deal breaker.

A dick beyond 7” is not as fun as it sounds. I’m about 8” and I need to be careful not to hit her cervex dead on. But she loves when my nob runs over it and into the space above it. My old GF couldn’t take the last two inches of me.

As long as it's "big" than size does not matter. The good news is that to most girls, anything even slightly above average is "big". So you're fine. If she is really tall just push her legs up around her head and thrust deeply until she makes a pain face and asks you to please not hurt her, go back to fuckibg normally but in her mind your dick is now huge.

My girl craves my dick every night. She practically reaches into my boxers and gets me going at bed time. I'd say I'm around 6 inches raging hard. Nothing impressive about it. I do how ever fuck the shit out of her and figured out the best positions to bottom out.

For me the key is doing everything I can to get her off. At least to the point where she is really wet and writhing. Then as I sense her crescendo emerging I get my d8ck in there and start blasting away. She gets so wet it feels like she pissed and I keep going in and out till she tightens up. Then I nut in her and she cleans me off and herself then comes to bed. Stares at me smiling and cuddles me till I get tired and roll over.

Size? Meh I guess if I had a 2 or 3 inch chode I wouldn't be able to do much. I guess I am a bit girthy.

I guess my girl just has the hots for me 24 7

oh that's us btw

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woman here
we want 8+ inches minimum
if u are less then you can't satisfy and honestly you should just become a gay
let the real men handle us

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man here


you can be raped,men are lets cut the size queen bullshit,you wouldnt be able to tell the difference between cock sizes anyway

gays have bigger dicks on average so LOL

seeing all this makes me confident with my 6 incher, thanks everyone

gays have a bigger dick on average so what u just said is retarded woman.

>woman here
Yeah, k

rape is immoral and no normal man wants to have sex with someone who is unwilling or doesn't desire them in that way
and yes we can tell the difference
we don't feel those small cocks

I never said gays can't have big dicks I just said if you're too small to satisfy a woman then it is best if you become some type of gay

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There are guys that are specifically into small breasts. There are no women that are specifically into small dicks.

Could you show me the data that no women like small dicks?

my dick is 5 inches.

30 years old

i still find it super embarrassing, very self conscious about it

im in good shape though, good job, and i usually dont have trouble making women cum, so once i know they are attracted to me and want to fuck me despite my small dick, it doesn't bother me as much

hardest part is always when im with a new partner, i get nervous pulling it out, but i always make sure the momentum is going in such a way that they dont want to stop no matter what. still its the most self conscious part of the experience for me

>tfw 6.7 inches and still insecure about it every time I see women mention how much they prefer 7 or 8 inches

If there's teachers out there fucking 12 year old boys, then clearly there's some out there who likes the little gherkin pickle

i would literally suck your dick off if i could swap it with mine

>little gherkin pickle

>Gays have a bigger dick on average

WTF kind of retarded statistic is this?

My boyfriend is around 6 inches, but more on the girthy side. Even that still hurts me when he goes fully in. Honestly, anything 4.5 inches + will be good imo, as long as you know how to turn her on etc so that she's able to orgasm (from playing with herself while you fuck her/you licking her till she orgasms etc).

my gf always yells "fuck me with that big dick" during sex and it makes me uncomfortable because im defintely just average. makes me feel like shes thinking about another partner that previously wrecked her with his monster dong.

Bro mine is a little over 8" (21 cm) and I can only really get it hard when I am super fucking turned on.

When I fuck a girl for the first time it's magic, but when it starts to become "normal" to pound her my dick is no more than a useless fucking slug.

I would gladly trade a big disfunctional dick for a 5+" one that just gets hard.

I bet I would be less insecure about my dick if it would be below avarege length but still functioning.

Not getting hard is just awkward AF for both parties, especially when the girl is already insecure about some aspects of her appearance.

TL:DR Don't worry too much about size, worry about pleasuring your girl and getting hard AF so she knows she turns you on.

Women don't really care unless you have a micropenis. Sex is all in the mind, getting them worked up by your powerful presence is more important than anything

I think there's ideal, and sufficient. I suppose the span between the two is quite wide.

if a woman did that to me i'd probably think she's mocking me and instantly get turned off

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You're on the spectrum no doubt.larger side too.fuckin retard

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pretty much what happens. ive literally lost my boner before because of it. i understand that every girl has for sure been with a guy that was packing, but i dont want it thrown in my face either.

It's all extremely subjective. Some women will respond with an honest answer, being they prefer "x" size, some women will flat out say they don't care as long as "[insert whatever reason here]" sometimes that reason being, if they are in love, or they are made to feel good, etc.

Some women do honestly prefer a hung men, that's only because society, other women, TV, porn, etc has said that a man with a bigger dick is automatically going to be better at everything - Which isnt necessarily true.

Some women like them on the "smaller" (read: Average) size because they can do more, and get deep penetration without their uterus being destroyed.

As long as you know what you're doing, Get good with your mouth and hands, as well as using it, you will be fine. If you can make her cum hard without penetration, she won't care that much about your size.

You degenerate. Just by posting that everybody can tell that you've never even smelled a pussy. So where'd you get this from? Give me source you cuck.

Yes there are. But usually it has to do with small penis humiliation

Usually it's more important to be tall, charming, funny, intelligent, financially sound, etc. Girth tends to be more important than length. Anything around average +/- is ideal. Too big can be as bad as too small, but you have to be really out of the norm for it to be a problem either way. I'm average at 6 and I've had women complain if I ram it into their cervix. It's really not worth worrying about as their is nothing you can do to change it, whereas there are so many other factors you can improve.

Can abstaining from masturbation increase my dick size?

I didnt fap for like 7 days straight due to heavy work load and i swear to god my 6 inch dick felt a bit more longer than usual obv very hard and incredibly similar to those 8 in bbc's

You were probably just more turned on, Thus more blood filling your dick making it feel fuller and longer.

My experience has been that my average cock is fine. Bigger is better when the rest of two people is equal, but a handsome, funny guy with an average dick is better than a dumb Chad with a baby's arm, at least for anything that lasts longer then a month. A size queen also isn't someone you want to be with for more than a month.

>A size queen also isn't someone you want to be with for more than a month.

This guy here doesn't think he can be raped. Just because no one wants to doesn't mean you could stop it boyo.

I find that very shallow.

ask any female friends

Pretty sure average or slightly above (your size) is ideal.

I was bottoming out on my last girl and I’m only 6.5 on a good day.

Average pussy ideal for the average dick.

Some girls are deeper but not too many. Stop sweating it and call a bitch out on it

“So how long is 7 inches, derpina? Show me with your hands”

you can see that it's 10cm

No one cares man. Well, not enough for you to give a shit. Im 31, and married now, but in the past I've been with many girls. Im only 5" too, and most were fuck buddies, so strictly for dick, and some hot gfs too. Im confident though, and take care of my body. Now, there were a couple girls that didn't come back for more, but who cares, I already fucked them. Not everything is a match, that's with everyone though. If its not dick, its something else. Maybe you think a girl got ugly areolas, and never call her back, no big deal, just not for you. It's never been an issue for me. Im settled down though now and only fuck my wife. Got a 5 month old and another on the way to build my family.

Yeh, I get rock fucking hard if I haven’t beaten off for 2-3 days and my dick has about another inch on it

Also to add, they can't tell size. I've had girls say im 8", 9", one was impressed because it "covered her whole face! " they are the worst.

It depends on the kind of woman. If she's a size queen, obviously very important. The average slut, bigger is better but they don't usually care if you're sexual chemistry with them is good outside of just your dick size, and you are average or better attractive, for the Long haul, financial stability and personality matter more to most women, dick size is just a bonus. Most women can't orgasm from just penetration anyways. I'm 32, fairly wealthy for my age, average sized to maybe slightly below average dick, fucked everything from jailbait to whores to cougars to dimepieces. Settled down with a very pretty but chubby girl who is financially stable, isn't batshit crazy, and gives it up pretty much anytime I want. Watch porn for my kinks she isn't into. Life is good.

I'm always confused how women can be so retarded with sizes. Do they not have any dildos? Usually when you buy a dildo it says how long it is, so I'm always surprised when a woman can't tell the difference between 5 inches and 8 inches.

Tldr as long as you aren't an obese sperg, and are mediocre at sex as a whole and not just intercourse, it doesn't matter that much, to most women.

Doesn’t matter, but it changes the experience.

Real life example: a couple of my buddies and I have had sex with a few of the same girls. Both guys have totally normal, average dicks (yes I’ve seen their dicks, no not hard). I’m on the big side I guess. We’ve swapped notes and the girls with them have been great, if not a little vanilla. With me they’ve been much sluttier, desperate, and willing. Could absolutely have nothing to do with our size difference, but...

Sure your big dick.if not stfu.

Look at dildos, most if not all of them are well above what would be "average" so any woman who has toys is going to expect a dick to be as big or bigger, they are also use to the size of the toy so get disappointed whenever it's not the same size and get them feeling "as full"

Size doesn't matter OP just know how to fuck the bitch.

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You know the rules

Wait so OP is a faggot then?

From my experience i would state that girls/women care more about the experience than the actual sex. If you learn how to act in the situation regarding contact and being prestent in the moment, the size almost wont matter at all.

I think in general, women ideally want a man that is slightly above average, but an average man with high status would have a higher sexual market value over a man with a larger penis and low social status.
Penis size is usually not a big deal for women, but can be if a penis is too small, or if it is too big(sex is painful).

There are both pros and cons to having different penis sizes. My dick is just about 6 inches and I’ve never had any complaints, and since I’m just kinda average I’ve spent a lot of time focusing on giving women good oral sex, which is extremely important.

i had sex for the first and last time in november and it was bad. i mean it was good but i could only last not even a minute and since then i cant get up without pills and even there i go limp when i start doing it. im so ashamed by my tiny baby dick that i cant even masturbate anymore. i know weight gain reduce dick size because before i was 7x5,5 and now im 5x5.5

That’s normal, everyone is bad their first time.

Women have to constantly worry about the appearance of every single part of their body(men are visual creatures). Imagine how much you worry about your penis, but then having that worry about every single part of your body.

yeah i know thx but at 33 it a little lame. since then before when i was fapping i could last as long as i want but now it 5 min top

Don't worry little user. The size of your wallet is the only thing women really care about

>this idiotic topic again

1. Who cares what women like or want

2. The average man has an erect penis of 5.5-6 inches

3. 95% of the population is between 5 and 7 inches erect

If you are over 7 inches you are easily in the top 3 percentile of dicks

Most women may think they want a big dick but the vast majority wouldn’t know what to do with an 8 inches in the very small chance they run into one in real life

So, unless you literally have micro dick or something 8 inches and above it doesn’t matter you’ll please any woman fine

If you do have a massive dick it sucks you probably can’t even fuck many women because you are too big