Landlords hate him

Landlords hate him.

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Who the fuck still cares about this fag

Is that Ray William Johnson?
It's neat to see people getting on board with leftist ideas. Wish we had done this a few months earlier when Bernie was the front runner.

Is that guy still around?

Yes he very much is. More like is Joe still around?? You know the democratic candidate? Where the fuck is he?

Now that you mention it, I haven't heard a single thing about him in almost two weeks now.

So I have to build a house and let you live there for free.
I'm not your father.
If you can't pay, go back to your mom's basement.

lemur looking ass fools always get shot in the dome.

Biden knows he's a trainwreck with skeletons in his closet.
Less talking is better for Biden.

pretty much nobody will be able to pay you you mouthbreathing fucktard

Doesn't matter. Only takes 1 or 2.

Build your own house if you don't like it. Or buy one.

you are genuinely retarded

RWJ, the original YouTube cancer

who is this?

But it is OP.

Attached: 1563659598688.gif (300x131, 182.98K)

chkd and stolen


>literally who says I shouldn’t get rent from my tenants

Yeah okay

Those 1 or 2 already either own or rent a house. Your attitude suggests you do not own or have ever owned property, or dealt with tenants.

well he just did a live speech about corona about an hour or two ago and another one yesterday

nevermind reality though just stick to your narrative

The news is full of Trump and other countries. No one gives a shit about Biden on a good day. He's barely foot note worthy now.

Unless he moved, I used to live about 45 minutes away from him. =3 was badass.

>biden is MIA guys
but here he is
>ok well no one cares
nice pivot

Biden's better off staying out of the way and letting the world watch Trump make a blundering fool of himself.
>“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War

I own plenty of property, my tenants will be getting the boot if they don't pay rent.

Rather get below market than nothing at all.

Rather get nothing at all than let let some freeloader live there for free.

Although I don't agree with that faggy shit, im also not a retard to not know that a tennant/landlord relationship is mutual, without a tenant you have dead money or even worse, lose money as you have to pay a mortgage.
If the tenant decides to move out, you are fucked, if another landlord says hey bro, free rent untill the aids ends, you are fuck. Respect your tennants or crumble.

Never watched it, always thought Ray looked fucking wierd and was really annoying too

You will get nothing either way, people that can rent have houses already. That 'freeloader' was paying rent a week ago or whatever the time period is. What a awful country America must be.

HUD's or private?

The country is beautiful but many of the people can be greedy shits though.

No, you either pay the fucking rent or you go fuck yourself. The world doesn't stop because of corona virus, despite what the faggot media tells you.

It's a shame that people are stuck with that 80's mentality of greed being good. Imagine how far we could be if not for greed and hoarding of resources.

You sound like a boomer? I can feel the entitlement coming off your post.

Oh yes, and now you will tell us we should give more money to your pets right? Is that where you're going with this muh big heart bullshit? Mr.Super Big Heart with other people's fucking money. You wanna be real fucking generous as long as you're not paying for it.

Yes I'm a boomer because I expect people to pay the fucking rent and not live in apartments for free, like some fucking nigger. You wanna live somewhere for free you can go join those niggers and spics in public housing, otherwise you can suck my fucking dick.

Doing your mom

Doin-Doing your mom

Your landlord is not responsible for whether or not you have saved for emergencies, nor is it the government's place to tell me what I can charge for someone who is living in my property.

That said, if a landlord decides to not charge rent on their properties during this time, that's great, they're decent people.

If you cant work and thus cannot afford your rent, call your landlord before rent is due and see if they will work with you since everyone is struggling right now. Most people are willing to work something out if you give enough heads up.

Quit relying on the government to dictate your life

Every state has either enacted suspensions on evictions or they are in the process of enacting them. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, only when the sheriff shows up to your house he's going got be on the side of the tenant. If the whole situation gets ornery then you go to jail and the tenant sits at home and shitposts on Yas Forums. Just sayin' don't be a tough guy, make sure you work within the law.

Will you take the handout when the goverment freezes mortgage and utitlty costs?

Find out how to enact communism with one simple trick

Absolutely this.

Yes I'm aware of that, now a bunch of fucking poor people can be allowed to skip out on the rent if they want too. Which a lot of them will because they are fucking scumbags and have no concept of honor and integrity. Hence why I never feel sorry for them. And before any cry baby faggot comes at me, I'm talking about ALL poor people, whether they're white or niggers and spics.

Well given that I pay fucking taxes, it's not a handout for me. It is however a handout for your fucking pets, since they sit on the fucking porch they don't even own and refuse to fucking work. And when it's time to pay that money back they will get a pass, like they always do. We bring it up you faggots will parade around like it's pride day.

Why do you assume I'm talking about niggers. I'm referring to your average person that was working in say the service industry, and is now out of work. Hence cannot pay rent and already lived pay cheque to pay cheque. Niggers are not human 3% closer to chimps

>Ray William Johnson

Dude at one point in time was the most popular person on Youtube. He was basically the first PewDiePie. I don't think zoomers would recognize him. The man was on top.

>now a bunch of fucking poor people can be allowed to skip out on the rent if they want too.
and it will certainly be abused by people as these things always are. I'm just saying be smarter than your tenant in regard to this, I've got one rent coming in too. Kicking his couch-locked ass to the curb now could end up costing you more in legal fees later.

You do have a point, and it is sad they are getting screwed over. But again, how long should they be allowed to skip the rent? 2 months? Not every landlord is a rich fat cat sitting on piles of cash. If people are going to be allowed to skip rent then the government tells to pay people who own rental property, because that's bullshit.

It will 100% be abused, and far longer than this virus bullshit goes on. If these people are not gonna pay rent then I'm sorry, the government tells to give those landlords more money. That is not fair at all. And if these people end up defaulting on the mortgage those poor people are gonna end up homeless anyway.

How do you not understand this mutual relationship?
Regardless of this propaganda aids shit, this relationship is in every aspect of capitalism. Even if your tenant moves out and your property is empty for 6 months you just lost more money than if you had halved the rent.
Stop being a retard.

"No one" = media
The media doesn't give a shit. Therefore, how would we know if we don't see anything about him? It's not hard, retard

Ever think that may have been two different people?

There has to be another argument to the rent freeze. While those people mentioned do probably need it. The fact that the landlord provides a service in exchange for money cannot be overlooked. The government should at least pay the minimum rent on the property if rent is frozen.

Yes because the average person has the knowledge and funds to just build a house, or buy one for 3x the amount it cost to make it

>That is not fair at all.
I 100% agree.
The same eviction moratoriums will apply to mortgages and foreclosures, have a look here

You know the funny thing is that there is a federal forebearance on mortgage payments for properties for, what, the next year? So if you have mortgages on rental properties, you can scoot by for a couple months without running your tenants into the ground.

what a defeatist of yourself. House building, with all knowledge and information you have access to, is relativity easy. The problem you mean to face is the inability of accessing ground to own or possibility of changing what is set around you.

That's what I mean, people who own those rentals are getting completely screwed. Same with business owners that are being forced to close. How are those people suppose to make any money? But the media only wants to focus on some slut who works at Starbucks or the nigger who doesn't even fucking work at all.

It's not just that though. What about the people who depend on that money for income?

Why? Bernies a commie and his cultists are complete weak faggots. I mean, how fucking retarded does one have to be to actually think Bernie Sanders and his faggy commie ideas were any good? I mean, c'mon!

He’s still a thing? I thought he would have hung himself by now

Trying a bit too hard there mate

It would obviously include a pause on mortgages with renters in them you dumb fuck

This nigger right here, i rent and pay 40k in taxes from my salary. Its not special literally anyone who uses money pays them