Why don't you own a gun Yas Forums?
Why don't you own a gun Yas Forums?
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No money, time, or interest in it.
I don't need guns. I own people who own guns.
Because weapons are like God. If no one had told you that you needed them, you wouldn't have missed anything.
why would I need a gun? if something bad is happening i can just call 911 and the cops can deal with the shit
Lived in NYC for five years for work. Have since corrected that mistake but have not had time to rearm.
I have switchblade. Fight me faggot.
can't afford it yet. But as soon as I get my trumpbux, I have one picked out, just under 1200 bucks so its perfect.
I do, only for hunting and bear defense tho
illegal where i live since 2006
but don't you want to feel the rush of ending someone's life? Knowing they effectively no longer exist because of you?
Why let the cops have all that fun?
Why would you put a modern scope on that, are you completely fucking autistic?
I can't afford once since Trump ruined the economy. Maybe after the election I'll be able to
I loled at these posts.
because i dont want to have to deal with listening to the whiny niggers protesting outside my house at 3 am. they can do that at the police department
Mr. ATF agent, does your boss know that you are browsing an anime image board while you're supposed to be out harassing law abiding citizens?
any actual gun fags: is 45 long colt powerful enough to put down a raging nig? Do I need something more powerful?
I do, I just dont feel the need to go on and on about it.
I do.
What gun is that?
why wouldn't you? do you know anything about hunting rifles?
Because I've studied the blade
I own one. custom built AR15
I love going shooting
no user, im not a psychopath
everyone ive talked to says there's not that much difference between the calibers in term of putting people down
a .45 would be just as good as a 9mm
i personally would perfer to put down nigs with a .40 caliber hi point
A .22 works if you’re a good enough shot.
Any centerfire will kill someone, aim for the middle of the person, no need to overcomplicate it
shot placement is more important than caliber.
Keep it simple. Hollow point 9mm is sufficient for any human
When seconds count, they're only minutes away. They'll arrive just in time to draw the chalk outline of the body.
Let's see you cut a bullet.
honestly I have pretty bad aim. Hands are shaky as fuck on account of years of alcohol abuse. but thanks for the advice.
if you have a switchblade you don't fight anyone, you sneak up on them and stab them before they realize what's happening
that statistic is only relevant if you're black or live in a shitty poor neighborhood. try being white and living in an affluent neighborhood, its pretty fucking great. cops are here in a minute tops
LoL you should consider getting one of those high capacity glocks then or something.
If you can’t stop a negro saxon in 16 rounds you may as well save that last bullet for yourself
I do . Pic related is one of several.
Then you need to practice with whatever firearm you choose to use for self defense, and hone your shooting fundamentals to improve your accuracy.
Sight Picture, sight alignment, breathing, trigger squeeze, follow through
bullshit. I live in a good, white area and have had to call 911 before. Didn't show up for a good 6 or 7 minutes.
You don't think you can be killed in less than a minute?
> good white area
> 6 or 7 minutes
not good enough it seems you fucking poor bitch
dont need a gun to knock a cunt out
those fucking quads
You a trained fighter?
if it's a good area, it won't have a huge police force, because tehre won't be much crime. If there's not a huge police force, they are not going to have an officer nearby every area. It takes time to drive across town retard.
my guns
let me borrow that usp
kind of have my heart set on this thing. Very expensive for what it is, but it just looks/is so cool.
What’s that one to the left of the AK? Really liking it
Don't want to perform a mass murder in a school, so don't need any weapons
I think its a mosoin nangant or something like that
mosin nagant
>bolt action
Are you a faggot or something?
found the actual retard
Yeh that’s probably it. Nice gun
So? Get one anyway. Fuck em.
Had a 6.5x55 and a 222 remington and a caliber 12 shotgun.
Then i stood before a moose with my brother, moose in my sight right in front of my 6.5x55 loaded with vulcan ammo and i thought, what the hell, i can't kill this mighty animal, i can not.
Sold the shit (6.5x55, 222 remington and a cal 12) for twice what i gave. I fish and leave my brother and uncles to do the hunting. We got a good exchange i trade fish for moose :D
Here you go, not sure how to translate but maybe a "salmon trout" :D
looks kind of like my dick
It kind of looks like your dick
I live in Sweden and getting a license here is a bit of a hassle, I would like to own one tho.
You’re probably a lazy guy
What the fucks up with that porn ad with the football and the giggling cunt anyway
own a few glowy, but wont brag and make myself an ez target. stay safe in the coming economic freakout.
Why all that faggot jewelery on such a fine rifle OP?
Thing is, I want a handgun and to qualify for a license you have to have been a member of a shooting club for a year, and there isn't any clubs for handguns where I live only hunting rifles and shotguns which I'm not really interested in.
I have considered getting a collectors license since I'm kind of interested in pre-ww2 guns, but i guess I'll just keep watching Forgotten Weapons to satisfy my gun nerdery
I have 12. 6 rifles, 5 pistols, and one shotgun. I have had 25 lbs of ammo since I got the guns. I'm ready for this blow out but I still want more.
that one gay ass looking gun
Had to trade it for toilet paper and canned anchovies.
Toilet paper? Use a hose like normal people you cunt
My man... is that a Brown Bess muzzleloader?
You got all the 2A bases covered.