Why the fuck don't people just wear masks wash their hands and go back to work. Are you really gonna let a virus shut down 2000 years of progress? Common people its not rocket surgery.
Why the fuck don't people just wear masks wash their hands and go back to work...
we can't get masks retard
limiting social interaction for a few weeks isn't going to "shut down 2000 years of progress" you mouthbreather
Its just the flu for young people. Only old people need social distancing.
The fuck you talking about you can literally buy them on Amazon or make them yourself.
Weak troll is weak.
For most people, masks are nothing more than a placebo. You really think even close to a majority are going to make sure they're wearing/using them properly?
Some young people still need ventilators and to be intubated. If enough people get sick and require that and there's not enough beds and machines to facilitate their recovery you're going to start seeing lots of young "it's just the flu bro" people dying.
I agree. I don't get it either. Acquire masks, give them to the students, and open up the schools again. The virus is not spreading through static shocks jumping from on person onto another, is it?
>buy them on Amazon
Yea buddy good luck with that. Also most people don't have the materials or skill to whip up a mask on the spot.
>!!!Life Hack!!!
Chicks can just wear a Bra on their face and then just wash it.
Don't be retarded a mask will always help when protecting against a respiratory virus.
OK, i'll just ignore the medical experts that say standard surgical masks don't do shit for this virus, and N95 masks require far more effort than most people are going to take to be effective.
>trusting a bunch of kids to keep their masks on, not touch their face, and rub their infected hands all over everything
Also who do you think these kids just go home to an empty house where they can't infect anyone else?
I swear to god Yas Forums is full of sheltered neets and armchair experts who fundamentally don't understand anything about how the world actually works.
B-but, user! If you're filtering 0.0001% or whatever of pathogens in a fucking cloud of tiny saliva droplets you're that much less likely to get infected from that particular interaction! Until, of course, the droplets that have landed on your mask with GAPING FUCKING HOLES are absorbed by the material or evaporate, leaving the lipid capsules perfectly free to be pulled inside by respiration.
Says the neet lol
If masks weren't effective on some level then why are doctors bothering wearing them?
because they fucking know how to use them properly. They are trained to. Regular people are not. Pay attention.
Most people don't wear masks or wash their hands properly.
>Are you really gonna let a virus shut down 2000 years of progress?
The fuck does this even mean?
That's when dealing directly with the infected. Masks will protect things like products in supermarkets and allow you to talk to someone without getting a stream of viral spit spray in your face. Also act as a barrier from hand to mouth masks will work 100 times better than nothing.
Listen here Jack, let me set you straight. This thing isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it covid whatever; we called it the "Shanghai Shivers". I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. Here's the deal, fat: if Cornflake Jackson says the Shanghai Shivers, "Ain't no thang" you can take that to the bank, buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit. I'd punch your daughter straight in the mouth.
How many times does one needs to get hit in the head to be as stupid as you?
Speak properly u cuckoldoo
Because we're stupid cattle. Next question.
Wearing a mask isn't rocket science user. I know getting a good seal is important. Even if everyone was wearing masks but they were inappropriately worn you would still have less viral load out in the air and less people touching their faces.
>and allow you to talk to someone without getting a stream of viral spit spray in your face
Wow! Which enchantment are the surgical masks imbued with to protect nasolacrimal duct? Is that school of magic hard to study?
How fucking hard would it be to get 5 masks put one on each morning and leave it on until you return home wash the mask with alcohol and hand it to dry? You have just been trained to use a mask. Here is your certificate.
I say every man for themselves and if the virus kills a bunch of boomers and weaklings then so be it.
Bro, it's not that simple. It took me 8 years of mask school and I still struggle with it.
hey wagies, get back to your cagies
you cant get infected in there, now get back to work and make me some neetbucks!!!
Absolutely. Can you imagine how the global economy would soar if we just got rid of all that dead weight?
Doctors wear surgical masks to stop detritus from themselves (breath, sweat, etc) dripping in to a patients gaping wounds during surgery. They are NOT removing particles from the air they breathe. Surgical masks will do nothing to protect u from an airborne virus so wearing one out and about town is retarded.
Gooks wear them because it can lessen the pollution u inhale and they are super cheap.
A respirator is the only thing that will help u.
That said, This thing cannot be quarantined so just man up, get sick and come through the other end. The only reason governments are giving social distancing orders is because if too many cripples get sick at once, then the health services get overloaded with these dead weights.
>just man up
Yea yea bet you're out there shaking hands and kissing babies huh? Everyone's a real tough guy on the internet. Are you aware of what a tool you sound like?
Yep. And I still have to brush up on my maskology every few months.
Kys cuckitalist
Surgical masks can still offer some amount of protection against the virus. They're just not nearly as effective as the N95
>Common people
It's about reducing viral load. The reason healthy people and doctors are dying is because they are getting a massive dose of this shit and their bodies can't handle it versus if they got a brush of it. Masks aren't perfect we get it sperg.
People with illnesses. There healthy old people who dont get further than being sick.
Besides the viruis isnt deadly. It is only deadly if you get it in your lungs and that stops your blood from getting oxygen.
Grug no belief! If doc wear cloth on mouth cloth be good! Doc lie Grug no need cloth! Doc try keep cloth to doc! Doc has secret! Grug no dumb! Grug smart!
i'll be dropping a massive viral load down your mother's throat tonight
And we already have confirmed cases of young healthy people dying without preexisting conditions.
Again otherwise healthy people have had to go onto ventilators and there's only so many to go around. If you can get treatment odds are very much in your favor you'll be fine but if there's not enough treatment to go around which is looking to be around the corner you should worry.
Improperly worn masks increase the risk of contracting coronavirus.
>“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” - George Carlin
this is why
U teL dem Yas Forumsrotherrr Grug!?11
that would be the median, though, not average.
>And we already have confirmed cases of young healthy people dying without preexisting conditions.
Source? If there were kids or teenagers that would be mentioned or shown.
The only possibility for a young healthy person is that he inhaled the virus too deep. Than they will be in their lung and create a inflamed lung. But that is so rare.
Besides i dont believe without preexisting conditions. That is only unknown conditions.
he wasn't a statistician
>The only possibility for a young healthy person is that he inhaled the virus too deep
kek... when faggots pretend they actually have the smallest clue about whatever happens outside their bedroom
bro, shits lit like weed, fucking deep inhale to get the hit, monica
>he inhaled the virus too deep
Got a real fuckin doctor here, everyone knows you just have to take shallow breaths and you can't get it. Also you have to shove your fingers into your eye sockets to get it that way, anything else is fine
would gas masks be sufficient protection? I never thought I would need to stock up on surgical masks.
Only when filter hose is connected to anus
The problem with deep breaths is that you expose too much of your lunge's surface to the air. Deep breath = using 80-90% of your lunges, shallow breath = only using the top, say, 15% of your lunge. So if you get infected in those part of your lunge, you still have 85% of healthy tissue. 85% of healthy tissue will in 99% of cases result in health.
The corvid 19 normally is your throat and nasal oriffices. Just like every flu it only get dangerous if the virus is in your lungs. Than the lung gets inflammed and cant get the oxygen from the lungs into your bloodsystem.
That is why tey need respirators, to push enough oxygen into your lungs that your body canabsorb it better.
To get it, but it is known that many dont even show symptoms. But we talk about how deadly it is.
> he inhaled the virus too deep
please wake up fully before posting on Yas Forums
Filters aren't good enough. You can make makeshift shit that might work to some extent but you really want a pressurized air tank. Assuming your whole body is covered and the coveralls are properly decontaminated before you enter your home, of course.
It's ylyl thread now
Just because you think it sounds right doesn't mean it is, i genuinely can't tell if you're trolling or not nothing you have said is in any way truthful. Even those who were in perfect health showed symptoms, it's way more deadly if youre young, old, and immuno deficient much more so than the regular flu.