"Would you die for me so my economy can live?"

"Would you die for me so my economy can live?"

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holy shit nigga lets grab a shovel

A small sacrifice for our God Emperor.

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trump is the laughing stock of the world

Fuvk off with your TDS back to /pol.

>A small sacrifice for our Plague Emperor.



Only parasites that live of neetbux inside their parent's basement would want to economy to tank due to some flu.


Yes, sensei.

This, and still 10x the president that inept kenyan muslim was.

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Did the check clear?
if true(
"Hail no"
"yes dollar daddy"

>Yes. 60% of the world and all of the world leaders of every first world country - they all have Trump Derangement System. They are the problem. Not me.

Corona virus much more deadly in older people.

Conservative voters are on average older than liberal voters.

Dying for Trump's economy = Joe Biden presidency

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>literally worshipping a deranged retard that can barely speak isnt derranged but criticizing him is

>The TV told me so
TDS confirmed

Fool, Coronavirus IS your Emperor.

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Reminder: every single US intelligence organization (CIA, NSA, DNI, DIA, FBI, DHS, etc) - ALL of them - reported that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump become president.

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2 capital i's, totally retarded

The russian spammers are putting in OT for trump damage control. The same people trying to push the NPC meme are back at it

Capitalism is a pandemic. Fuck America's government. I wouldn't die for the interests of the rich and politicians. I am surprised that these rich cocksuckers haven't been killed yet.

Except the virus is mainly hitting liberal cities, wiping out the leftist communists. Maybe when it is over we conservatives will finally have our country back.

Be honest now. They all reported that Russia attempted to interfere in the election and were ineffectual. They also defined 'interfere' as some loosely organized group of trolls buying buying facebook ads.

I think Bolsonaro is even funnier than the Orangeclown these days

>I heard it on CNN

And ended up screwing themselves. Trump has been harder on Russia than any President since Regan.

You first.

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There would be no human life without the economy.

Kek good luck with that shit.

This. The contagion will spread like wildfire in densely populated cities (where niggers, liberals and spics live packed together like cockroaches) and will probably see half of them dead.

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Wow I didnt known the economy evolved before humans did

Hello deep state globalist

You do realize that most wars are fought for economic reasons?
Hitler invades North Africa for oil.
Syria is all about building a gas pipeline from Russia to Europe.
North/South Korea was about the spread of an economic system (communism).
on and on it goes.

Smoll Brain
>Coronas going to kill us all.
>Shut everything down so boomers with shit immune systems don't die, cripple our economy so we have no choice but to lol to the Chinese to bail us out.

Big brain
>This is the exact reaction China expected
>Sending the global economy back to the stone age will have far longer lasting negative effects on your life than losing a portion of the greediest generation 65+ and creating the largest generational wealth transfer ever seen.

Smoll Brain
>Trump bad for getting rid of Federal pandenic response team
>Govt should have 100% control over the people in situation like this

Big brain
>There should be no Federal pandemic response team. Period.
>Fact we don't have one is the only reason we aren't under Federally ordered Marshall Law right now.

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It has already effectively taken out Jew York City and Commiefornia.

>will spread like wildfire

And it will spread even faster in places with high level of trump dementia syndrome who don't do social distancing because their plague emperor called it a hoax

>and will probably see half of them dead.
Nothing of value was lost

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>>There should be no Federal pandemic response team. Period.
>>Fact we don't have one is the only reason we aren't under Federally ordered Marshall Law right now.

Holy shit. I never really thought about it like that. Wether it was by accident or plan things coyld be a hell of a lot worse right now if the feds were running the entire show.

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no, we must make normies endure neet life to appreciate their shit tier existence!

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Nope but we'll vote for you so the economy can live.

Dems showed exactly what sort of shit they would be pushing through if they get any more power.


>holy quads

Fuck m8. I guess we realky did luck out.

ivanposting detected


Hell, I live smack in the middle of the reddest area and we have only 6 cases in the whole region. Most of us live outside the cities, and being preppers we're not drawn into the panic hoarding that probably help spread it quicker than anything else. So most Trump supporters are in good shape really.

Holy trips of truth right there

Seeding events happen at different times. My area only had 6 cases a couple of weeks ago; now up over 250.

Posting like this is typical of someone with mental issues. You feel lost in society, and you are lashing out where you feel like you might trigger someone or a group to engage with you. You need counseling, get some help, do yourself a favor and society a favor and get some help.


Screenshot this. Say it loud.

Tell everyone.

Without a doubt they will try to instill a federal pandemic response team after this. That is a terrifying thing.

As it stands all decisions have been left to each State. That is freedom. Small government working with the feds, not under their orders.

Yes we already know that Trump is deranged.


Trump has made it very clear that individual states are in charge of their approach. If they need national guard assistance, they can request it but there is no one size fits all method being implemented.

There's no reason Montana should adhere to the same strategies or limitations as a a place like New York.

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Were tanking the economy almost exclusively for the old conservative boomers who voted for him. This isn’t for basement dwellers or millennials or zoomers. We’d all be fine.

Checked but that is LITERALLY retarded. Having Trump and Pence run the show during a global contagion pandemic? Or having experts who dedicate their lives to this type of event run the show? Trolls of course will say Trump, but holy fuck get your brains out of your intestines.

>TDS in full view

"my economy"
it's everybody's economy and if it's shut off and not functioning lots more people will die than from corona
people who are immunocompromised or old or both should quarantine
everybody else will most likely be fine
keep reminding everybody what the severe symptoms are, only go to the hospital for actual health emergencies or if you are experiencing SEVERE symptoms of Corona to prevent overload
panic only destroys
build build build

Trump and Pence aren't running the show you nitwit. That's the entire point of thst post. This is not a Federal response.

No one man or agency should be in charge of a pandemic. That leaves the door wide open for a complete loss of freedom and totalitarian government.

Handling a situation like this in a state by state basis, limits the power of the President, military and all the alphabet agencies.

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They're called preemptive measures retard. It's better to be on isolation before the virus gets there so it doesn't spiral out of control

>Oy Vey
>Trust da expoits
>I promise dey got ya best intwist

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*Obama's economy, all's trump did was cut taxes for companies , they bought back stock to pump the prices and earn millions, workers got shit.

Yea a non uniform response is perfect for a pandemic. Kek!

SO WAIT is it Obama's Economy that's making dems bitch about the 1 trillion deficit then?
You don't get to have it both ways
also TDS

You realize a fucked economy fucks us all, right? It's not about Trump.

Lol no Obama's college education is more than trumps ever accomplished. Playing with daddies money all his life

Please fuck my wife while I'm dead, Sir!

Within weeks of being President Obama crashed the world economy just to distract us from the next 8 years of his failures.