Why haven't you surrendered your seed to the Black Queen yet, user?

Why haven't you surrendered your seed to the Black Queen yet, user?

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no blacks where I live

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I have. A little guy appeared out of nowhere.
Its awesome.

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I want to impregnate and then worship Black Queen

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Are you Jewish

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My little white pee-pee could never satisfy a real ebony woman.

Because I hate stinky, shit skinned niggers

If a black queen claimed me of course I would submit user. As should any pathetic white boy

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>buttmad, underage amerifat detected

I think you mean, why hasn't the black queen surrendered to my seed yet? Probably because your ugly and uncreative

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>Why haven't you surrendered your seed to the Black Queen yet, user?
Not my thing. Carry on tho, for those of you who are into it, enjoy.

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i haet black peopol, black peopol reek, black peopol stink, black peopol aer unatractiev

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Because there are to many annoying Ratchet Niggers and not enough intelligent Black Women

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I predict a surge of breeding porn interest period, as more and more people get quarantined.

I wish more black women were this attractive

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Would creampie if she was clean, can’t get her pregnant at that point

Essentially what you're saying by this is that you wish more black women adapted to a racially white attractiveness scale. The black queens I like embrace their natural hair and looks, and don't try to appeal to the white male fantasy of straight hair and exotic styles.



Different user. I'm not particular on black women looks and behavior. I like variety.

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I think the vast majority of people on this website don't live where there are varied cultures, because sure there are the Cardi B's of the world, and they are definitely a cancer, but there are also intelligent attractive black women that don't have to talk loud and ghetto. Generally its a class divide.

Nice try rabbi

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Cardi B types are just baby-factories. Vapid but easily horned up.

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Shame she fuck not a white guy

One can dream. Nikki, her main rival, might as well be Baby-Factory Barbie (due to all that plastic).

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I don't want a low IQ offspring

im a bit on the autistic side i guess, i dont have a lot of friends and surely no gf. Id love to have a nice ebony mistress but such is life

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Need more like these
Kik 20190416

Hey bud


Thats the navy not the army.

Nikki and Cardi B are baby-factories.

Lupita is wife tier.

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i got this on /hc/ beyond that idk, but if i come across the info i will pass it on
i didnt know that thanks for the heads up user

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I agree with this. Niggers in my eyes are the degenerative black population, not necessarily all black people. I've met and work with some black people that are chill as hell, and I've also had customers who were the uppity niggerest. Depends how they were raised probably. If they had a dad, if their parents ever decided to teach them manners etc.

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Because i want my child to be human.

Black women and white men make human babies. 2 blacks don't.

When you got a black kid mixed with white genes they're more likely to be successful (and have a father)

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user you seem to be mad that my kid with my black wife is going to get the best of both races and be genetically superior to whatever you shit out.

They told me they don't want me.

There is no best to niggers.

Because skin color isn't what attracts me.

Wrong. If you breed a throughbred with a donkey you get a stupid mule. Same with whites and niggers.

Why haven't you surrendered your seed to the Black Queen yet, user?

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Explain why the vast majority of pro athletes at the highest levels are black?


whites bred their ancestors for physical labor instead of intelligence

So they have better genes for athleticism, by your own admittance.

In theory black women have a higher resistance to Coronavirus. Cases in Africa are pretty low, and athleticism lends itself to healthiness.

It's easy to produce a trained chimp.

So an african body mixed with a white brain makes the best kids. Obviously.

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