Trump Derangement Syndrome is very real...

Trump Derangement Syndrome is very real. Give it a few more years and you will start seeing people diagnosed with TDS under a different name; technically it already has a category in the DSM V all on its own
read this article:

There is a scientific, based-in-biology basis to all of this. Your brains are literally going haywire from being constantly reminded of someone you don't like. It's akin to constantly being in close confines with someone that greatly annoys you to the point that it festers into pure hatred except that it's almost irrational given that you don't actually know cheetoman at all.
People who like him or have no preference for him one way or the other don't have this problem; only you. The sooner you accept it for yourselves the better off you'll be.

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I like to think I contribute to this, hopefully push a few to the rope. Libtards are such fucking little pussies. Always so soft and quick to cry.


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They make you so mad haha



wake up trumpists


Even more devastating, Trump Retardation Syndrome. Acquired by listening to his bullshit, symptoms are vastly lowered IQ, to the point where you believe Q before 99.9% of the worlds scientists.

This is TDS.

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You sound like a delusional cultist

double dubs: checkd
based info: checkd
Yas Forums: checkd

we're back in the old days

Anyone with the time and energy to complain for or against anyone for such long periods of time with not a budge from the other side is waistline thier breath 99% of the time. Most of the political banter isn’t real concern. It’s trolling. You couldn’t change someone’s beliefs if you typed in caps hard proven facts all day. Some might be stubborn cultists, but it makes more sense that most are just looking for a reaction.

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>hur dur muh science
>worship black science man
>I'm with her

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And thus, you prove my point.

He's trolling you
He's taking advantage of your vulnerable emotional state and your TDS

Anti-Trump vermin are in a constant state of rage, it's glorious to behold :^)

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>Trump Derangement Syndrome

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Doesn't like Trump = TDS
Says something mean about Trump = TDS
Criticize anything Trump does = TDS
Well thought out and researched comment that disagrees with Trump = TDS
Any science that Trump doesn't like = TDS
Responding against to OPs post = TDS
Worship Trump no matter how he fucks up, bow down, eat his turds, Trump is the final word even before God, brain unnecessary = Healthy person

Yes as in the mere mention of Donald Trump illicits an immediate, deranged emotionally charged response without fail
That is TDS.

I think you must be sufferering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. While there is currently no cure for TDS, doctors suggest that turning off your computer, phone and TV may help. If left untreated, TDS may lead to lost friends, lost elections, and potentially suicide. Please seek help before it's too late.

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This is some TDS

Trump's followers are retarded cultists, what a suprise

You're the emotional one here, friend

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how meaningless
shouldn't I be telling you to dilate your fake vagina? i bet you think about trump while you dilate lel

>Please seek help before it's too late.
Don't give advice like that, let them suffer, we can hope the suicides that inevitably follow Trump's reelection in 2020 will unburden the country of some of its useless dead weight

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am i?
are you sure you aren't projecting a bit?

It's more about when people obsess about the guy, find a way to make everything about him, blame him for everything, immediately consider bad anything that comes from him. The whole "if trump came out in favor of oxygen, they'd hold their breath" thing.
Then such people often take it to the point where they destroy their own mental health over it.
Criticise away, I'm not a fan of the guy either. Some folks really do have an obsession tho.

If Americans would simply tell the truth and be polite, Trump's support would be GONE.

He survives on lies (like yours) and nastiness.

lol look at this angry TDS sufferer projecting so hard
trying to imply he's baiting anybody and not LITERALLY shaking RN

>It's more about when people obsess about the guy, find a way to make everything about him, blame him for everything, immediately consider bad anything that comes from him. The whole "if trump came out in favor of oxygen, they'd hold their breath" thing.
>Then such people often take it to the point where they destroy their own mental health over it.
>Criticise away, I'm not a fan of the guy either. Some folks really do have an obsession tho.
This guy says what I was too lazy to

>mfw mentioning Trump is always followed with butthurt snowflake replies anywhere on the internet

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Seething lamo

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you could work in a theater with all that projecting you're doing newfriend

Trump does have his flaws, but for all those he's still 10x the president Obama ever was.

Another example of TDS

>You have TDS

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>You have TDS Lamo, suck Trumps cock like the rest of us goy

>Trump is a compulsive liar
Trump has grossly mishandled the pandemic
Donnie's policies haven't done much for the working class
Lyin' Don Don acts like a petulant child
Trump hasn't done shit to fix our healthcare system

These are some bad cases of TDS>lamo

so triggered

cry more

>t. CNN viewer

to be fair a dog turd would have made a better president than obama, so that's not much of an accolade

That's been true of every president. The Obama obsession was just as insane. Trump has a serious case of ODS.
In the meantime, TDS may have once referred to a small group. But it's now used whenever a trump supporter has no real response. It's joined responses like 'sure kid', meaning "you won the argument, so I'll resort to being an annoying prick".

still projecting
is it like some script in your head?
if (emotional.state) == (choose.random)
projection == (emotional.state);

It's been getting a little worse with every successive one IMHO, but yeah. Whoever succeeds Trump will probably be even more divisive, regardless of which side they're from.
It's a fundamental problem in US politics.

>ITT: asshurt libitchs & numale cucks bawling their eyes out over Trump lol

#Trump2020 :^)

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that's because nobody is trying to argue with you
it's one sided
nobody cares about what you say
it is funny watching you rant like a loon though

>>Trump has grossly mishandled the pandemic
tbf, this is mostly on your Governor, which is why New York has half the cases in the US, meanwhile in Ohio we have like 500 cases... (because our mayor "over reacted")

This is the most autistic thread I've ever seen.

TDS is real

>Trump 2020

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Read George Orwell's 1984. There is a character called Emmanuel Goldstein and he opposes "The Party" and every day they are reminded of how horribly evil he is and they foam at the mouth shouting hate at a screen called the "Two-Minutes Hate" that reaffirms their brainwashing. TDS (Orange Man Bad) is just the Two Minutes Hate.

>Give it a few more years
And his apotheosis as the Depends poster-boy of golf will be complete.

Autism is realer

people with tds often also have autism
you should get checked

George Orwell was a Democratic Socialist.

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Why are you trying to reason with them? They obviously have nothing better to do but suck Trumps dick

I can't wait until America fucking dies so I don't have to read you fucking retards trying to cover for a retarded man child.



No, it's not mostly due to any governor.

Trump knew about this in January and chose to do nothing. He didn't put in place a pandemic response team or order tests. He did nothing. Then when it started to spread like wildfire all over the world, he started calling it a Democrat Hoax and continued to ignore the advice of the infectious disease experts. Then once it reached the US and started spreading here, he decides to seal off the borders to China and Iran weeks later. Not South Korea or Italy... only Iran and China. Finally, after we started to experience significant outbreaks, he decided to seal off the borders to South Korea and Italy -- and by then the damage had already been done.

Stop blaming everyone but your dear leader, cultist.

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Dude, Clinton was a long time ago. Get up to date

> George Orwell was a Democratic Socialist.
Sadly, very few people in the US are aware of what Democratic Socialism actually IS, particularly what it meant in Orwell's day.
In the US, it's effectively a dead movement. The modern DemSocs are basically an entirely new thing under the same banner.

yes that is probably what you looked like when Trump won

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wow, you sure owned him dude

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