ITT we pray to god to make the virus go away.
ITT we pray to god to make the virus go away
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Dude, the gods control everything. These fuckers are the ones who brought it upon mankind in the first place. Praying just makes them stronger.
double nigga
Called it nigga
Almighty J. Robert Oppenheimer, please unleash your wrath on China. Amen.
God is the one responsible for this virus.... hes being vengeful, too many sinners out there... thats why hes unleashed this bubonic plague upon us....we are destined for at least another 2 years of this virus, so get used it.
But I don't want it to go away. I like the virus.
Please god have mercy upon us. We are not perfect and we are still learning. We might be stupid and greedy but we are not evil. Give us a 2nd chance god and forgive us our sins. We promise to do better. Amen
We have been given SOOOOOO many chances at this point...Like seriously if you think we deserve an infinite amount of chances what kind of a cuck god do you think we have? Fire and brimstone please lord, these fags have been ASKING for it.
Still learning? Who is making the extra effort to go to church? Or read their bible more? Or hell even pray?
Aren't evil? How many times does the bible have to say homosexuality is a sin before you believe it?
You'll do better? Gimme a break
Jesus, please grant us courage and clarity during this age of panic and disinformation
God made evil
God made me
Why would I ask for forgiveness?
Dear god im sorry that i failed miserably in my life and that i didnt attend church mess at sunday for over 2 years. My bad i will do better as soon you spare us from the chinavirus. God i assume you are white so why dont you do something and prevent the virus in white countries like italy and the usa? Punish the chinks not us. Amen
Dear user, you are all chinks to me.
>Love, God
And a amen from me too. Thanks fellow friend, good speech.
Im not worried at all
Pray all you want fuckers, God says suck his dick.
Oh my Lord, my nigga, please eradicate the beer virus
god answers all prayers with a silent 'no'
take my skeleton sacrifice dear fag lord make my dick pink oh lord
Bunch of atheists motherfuckers in here. God! Kill em all!
O Lord (lordy, lordy)
deliver yo poor servants
from the chong pestilence
and smite them slopes
that infecteth us so cruelly
amen, and so on.
>Sorry God
>my bad
>save whites
>kill chinks
Prayer 2020
So many chances? What are u talking about this is literally the first threat to our existence and its caused by people with a savage culture
Dear Lord i am a sinner a fornicator a furious masturbator and an occasional liar and an addict but i plead for and have faith in your providence. have mercy on me and our friends and the fellow user bretheren and do not smite us with your wrath please send your blessed mothers protection upon us and the whole world that we may once again be your just children and servants of the one holy triune God whose essence is still unknown to all. please spare us from the corona virus and unjust leadership and bring us a new age of prosperity. please let thy wrath turn to kindness as our loving father. hail mary full of grace take me back to outerspace. Amen
I pray everyday to make it go away. So far my family hasnt been infected. Its working and i encourage everyone to show your beliefs to god. When if not now?
Dear Allah,
Thank you for this virus.
Your's truly,
Muhammad Moot Bin Abdullah
Dear ever absent father figure. Would you please rejigger whatever macroscopic plans you had for the entirety of reality because this virus presents an inconvenience for us, your ever irreverent creations. Although you gave us this planet to care for and we have not done so in any significant way, in fact we've done our absolute best to pollute and exterminate every other being you created, can you find it in your heart to eradicate one of your creations for the sake of another. We promise to follow your word hereafter, as long as you understand that following your word will be limited to thinking "there might be a god after all" if you do remove the virus. Also, could you perhaps update the divine rules you have made for us. Most of us don't follow them anyway, and when we do we follow them in order to hurt others in your name.
Thanks and all.
God, we pray for your forgiveness, and your mercy. Please drive away this sickness. Amen
>ITT we pray to god to make the virus go away.
And who do you think created it ?
Our holy father overseeing us all in your infinite wisdom.
Do your will with us so we can show the world your greatness.
We are your Cybermonks™ and pledge to you a endless love.
Make this virus go away so our flesh prison may continue serving the endless pits of knowledge.
The flesh is weak, it must be punished.
But spare us and we will tell of how terrible can be your wrath.
It is not about us oh lord, it's about them.
Today we sacrifice our identity, we become one.
We are legion
we do not forgive
we do not forget.
Eternity lies ahead of us.
We’ll die of starvation before 2 years goes by. Positive thought though.
"Their commodity is fear. They blackmail their parishioners with threats of hell and damnation. These poor deluded people give them their hard earned money to save them from a hell that does not exist, and from eternal torment that was invented by the corrupt minds of priests to rob the living and in addition, they are exempt from taxation! Insult to injury!
Let me tell you that religion is the cruelest fraud ever perpetrated upon the human race. It is the last of the great scheme of thievery that man must legally prohibit so as to protect himself from the charlatans who prey upon the ignorance and fears of the people.The penalty for this type of extortion should be as severe as it is of other forms of fraud and theft."
You are a clever man, you should have been a priest.
A delusion is a firm and fixed belief based on inadequate grounds not amenable to rational argument or evidence.
keep us all in touch with your knowledge
I'm just saying religion is delusion so gtfo
It's a quote from Joseph Lewis. user didn't make it.
God's finger just got closer to the DELETE button kek.
Had a stupid customer at work try to tell me that the cor(common cold)vid was a punishment from god for our sin, and I was all no, god doesn’t do that anymore since Jesus and the second covenant all punishment is reserved for the afterlife when the end has happened and asked is she’s ever actually read a bible or just listened to some dumbass preacher who uses her fear of god to manipulate her? She was all I’m a god fearing Christian. And I said but a good Christian shouldn’t fear god, only a sinner.
The problem is seldom God, it's always his fucking fanclub.
It’s still just a story-book written thousands of years ago that people are dumb enough to believe to this day. Wicked burn though. Gotta read those stories and get em right! Especially the magical parts. Can’t forget all the magic shit.
you obviously are protestant or not catholic or orthodox.
without his fanclub to be martyred where would you ever hear of him?
Good question. Nowhere I suppose, unless God ignites a bush and starts talking to me. My point is: God has done fuck nothing ever since Jesus got nailed to a cross for thinking everyone could be nice to one another for once. All atrocities since then is all us, humanity.
the tax free thing for churches in the US is in exchange for churches not being to lobby the government (directly). or interfere with elections (directly). the mixing of religion and government corrupts both.
God will punish you for your tongue
for stating truth? the "christianity" that wants to interfere with government is mostly that prosperity gospel heresy and evangelical/penecostal heresy. the gospel of "i got yours fuck you" basically. is that god?
7And when the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!”
8Then I looked and saw a pale horse. Its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed close behind. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill by sword, by famine, by plague, and by the beasts of the earth.
What could possibly go wrong
Lockdown day 5. Question of today. Where do i get sex?
I pray that it gets worse
I've been doing nothing but masturbating to gay porn and praising Satan, my family isn't infected either! Turns out both methods have equal merit, I recommend mine.
More death pls
Soul of Christ, sanctify us.
Body of Christ, save us.
Blood of Christ, inebriate us.
Water from the side of Christ, wash us.
Passion of Christ, strengthen us.
Oh good Jesus, hear us.
Within your wounds, hide us.
Separated from you, let us never be.
From the Evil One, protect us, at the hour of our death, call us, and close to you bid us so that with your saints we may praise you forever and ever. Amen.
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of good will.
We praise you,
we bless you,
we adore you,
we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord God, Heavenly King,
O God, almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
You take away the sin of the world,
have mercy on us;
You take away the sin of the world,
receive our prayer;
You are seated at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us.
For you alone are the Holy One;
you alone are the Lord.
You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God, the Father.