Dick rate thread?

Dick rate thread?
Should I Get circumcised?

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Also am I average or small I always wondered

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You're average. And dont get circumcised guy.

Not worth it?

Don't see a reason to unless you can't pull it back. And as the other user said probably around average

Circumcision is evil

Smaller than average.
Search for tight foreskin stretching on Google. You stretch it gradually until it becomes loose enough to pull back normally.

Interesting it’s actually really hard to pull back I’ll give that a try

you should pull your fuckin foreskin back for starters

grip it at the base with all 5

anyone willing to send me their cock on snapchat?
i'll only respond to over 5/10 ones

pic slightly related

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Also since it's a dick rate thread ig

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Did you never pull it back previously? How does it not pull back with sex? Are you a virgin?

I highly recommend getting cut as an adult. Pic related, ~8 months after my circumcision.

You look like you have a lot of foreskin to work with, which means you could get a high and tight cut like me and leave lots of delicious inner foreskin and still have a tight shaft.

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I have before and no not a virgin slight pain once or twice but nothing to serious my concern lies more cosmetically

What’s the pain like? Also recovery time and scaring?

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It looks like a churro that went up someone’s asshole ten times.

That looks ridiculous

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Does that retract? If not you’re gonna need circumcision. A snip of the banjo string at the very least.

>that tan line

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why the fuck does your dick look like it's made of plastic?

Look out for stretching the foreskin my dude,

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Rate me?

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Check em bump

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anybody wanna compare cocks on ig? drop urs

Too lazy to get hard

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>removing one of the most sensitive parts of the dick for cosmetics

Maybe remove the balls instead so you wont reproduce?


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whoevers got a bigger dick gets to shame the other lmao

8/10 how long is it?

Yes I'm circumcised. Don't crucify me over something I had no choice over

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8 inches

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i wouldn't recommend anyone to try to have a dick that look like this monstrosity

4/10 i can respect the effort

I think this ones a bit better

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Yeah having a tight foreskin that doesn’t retract when hard sucks but chopping it off isn’t worth it :/ also this me

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That looks awful holy shit

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Is it the lighting?

Gotta work with what I've got.

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Cute dicklet. Post discord so I can feminize you.

Dont have discord, sorry

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Morning quarantinkle

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What kind of faggot doesn't have discord? How will you drink cocks?

5 inches*

I just go on a grindr

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Fuck no. They cut off your frenum dude

When I'm hard I almost look cut, this shit weirds me out



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heres mine rate pls

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Imagine being cut lol