Corona YLYL thread go!
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Picture of Greta.
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Fuck you faggots I have a job to go to, as well.
Ah shit I didn't even notice the nog
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Oi m8 Where's me butta knoyf you bloody wanka
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I keked my sides
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Literally this, learn to code you fucking neets and get an e-job
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Wagie wagie it’s ok
Slave all day to your dismay
While I sit at home with tendies and play all day
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Lol. I can't believe you actually posted this. Holy fucking fuck fuck
Erm. Brutal. But many keks were also had
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literally how could you not
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Spells humour wrong, what a fucking retard.
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American board American spelling, faggot!
Go to British Yas Forums and shut the fuck up, jolly good pip pip
Animal abuse isnt funny, even if sex toys are involved, you sick fuck
Chink board actually sperg
I want it to happen so that white women after theyll get raped six time in a row and beaten to death will pray for white men to come back