How do you explain the Trump phenomenon?
How did we end up here?
How do you explain the Trump phenomenon?
How did we end up here?
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Ross Perot
>Ross Perot
You'll have to explain that one to me.
He basically did the same thing.
He made a conservative party.
His party was almost as popular as the GOP candidate.
GOP lost 1992 election because of Perot..
Fast forward.
Made his own conservative party.
GOP decides to allow him in instead of having another Perot.
GOP wins election
Noam Chomsky’s analysis of the Tea Party from ten years ago can be applied to the Trump movement.
Basically, America is filled with greedy assholes.
New York is filled with assholes.
New York created the greediest asshole of them all.
Trump is standard American old racist man. Many Americans want to take the country back from liberals and what it has turned into. They're willing to go to any means to get it. They voted for Trump.
Voila. Trump.
Is that guy dead yet?
Every time I listen to him, I feel like I'm listening to a corpse releasing its last gases.
Nice to see Chomsky here, he is legit one the most important intellectuals alive
He's intellectual but doesn't see the historical parallel/evolution from Perot>tea party>trump.
If this guy is dead he must've slept during the 90's.
Trump IS Obama's legacy.
Tapped into peoples frustration with the government and politics.
Played on the right's base, irrational emotions.
Says crazy, bombastic shit to grab attention, good or bad.
Boasts about things he had little to nothing to do with, or has yet to happen.
Makes zero apologies for anything he says. Either doubling down, or making new crazy claims to distract.
His crowd think he's a strong, assertive leader getting things done.
Republicans are spineless bitches more interested in self-preservation.
1. It's very rare for the incumbent party to win a 3rd term in a row
2. Obama's approval ratings weren't high enough to overcome #1
3. Hillary was a deeply flawed candidate. She's unlikeable, dishonest, and was being investigated by the FBI up until 3 days before the election (not that Trump isn't unlikeable and dishonest. It's just that Hillary stood more to lose given 1 and 2)
4. Moral posturing on the left. Conservatives were tired of all the virtue signalling, and Donald Trump served as an epic "fuck you" to all of the liberals who are obsessed with diversity and constantly demonizing white people while pushing for diversity in a cult-like fashion.
5. Conservatives have become the conspiracy theory party. They'll believe just about anything, as long as it makes the left look bad. The average conservative shares Alex Jones-tier conspiracies on Facebook like it's nothing, and then cry "witch hunt" or "deep state conspiracy" or various other terms they like to toss around whenever their cult is under attack. There's no limit to their intellectual dishonesty. If they valued truth more, obviously there's no way they would have elected a compulsive liar.
6. The electoral college happened to work in their favor. Trump only won by about 70,000 votes in key districts.
7. As to why they still support him so fervently, I think it's mainly motivated by hatred of the left and the fact that admitting they made a mistake would mean admitting that they were conned by an obvious con man. They're basically digging in their heels at this point. And I think legit brainwashing is also a factor in many cases.
The End
What about Biden though...? There's no way anyone is going to go out and vote for this incompetent idiot. Trump is going to win again for sure. I thought people would see that Bernie is almost a necessity. I guess they need another 4 years of Trump to finally understand...
>There's no way anyone is going to go out and vote for this incompetent idiot
This is wishful thinking on your part, buddy.
Biden may be a bit of a bumbling fool, but Trump makes him look brilliant by comparison. Here are a few key factors to take into consideration:
1. Over 80% of all new wealth has gone to the top 1% since Trump took office. There may be more jobs (or at least that was the case before chingchong-19), but most of those jobs were garbage, which brings me to...
2. Wages have barely budged. They're not even close to being adjusted for inflation or worker productivity. The average worker is still living paycheck to paycheck.
3. The healthcare system is still fucked. We're not getting better healthcare at a cheaper cost like Lyin' Donnie promised. In fact, 8 million people lost their coverage under Trump.
4. He has been bungling the coronavirus response from the very beginning. Not only has it opened some people's eyes to the fact that he cannot be trusted, his poor handling of the crisis is ultimately going to cost thousands, if not millions, of lives.
He's a con man. SURPRISE! And I think enough people have finally realized that for Biden to have the edge.
But yeah, I know, "4 more years, libtard" and all that. Whatever helps you sleep at night, magatard.
Dude throwing some real sense around. Trumptards can’t cope
Yeah, but with all that reasoning, don't you think Sanders would have been a better solution?
Biden looks still pretty much corrupt as fuck.
My gf and I are both super liberals and voted for Bernie. But now that we see it's going to be Biden. We're going to sit the General election out.
1. Putin and the Web Brigades, which are insanely effective propagandists he's been using for many years now. Look up how long they've been operating and what they do. They also recently expanded into additional countries. Just paying uneducated NEETs to sit on the Internet and post scripted propaganda, fake news articles and lies all day on major sites, image boards and news blogs. They are an unchecked menace and they're now cyber terrorists who have illegally installed a criminal Manchurian Candidate owned by Russia into our White House.
2. FOX being allowed airtime to spew pure bullshit on public airwaves.
3. In the south, AM radio shows are even broadcast on FM and they're the worst, most disgusting vile shit you've ever heard in your life.
2+3 together need to be addressed by an immediately reinstatement of the FCC Fairness Doctrine, which Ronnie Raygun, the now third worst president in US history, removed and allowed lying to be presented as "news" for the first time since Television's inception.
4. Retarded far-right madmen who get ordained to push politics from seats of religious authority. Before the 1970s, religion stayed far away from politics. Now they can't wait to steal a little more influence and start their insane "retaking" of the land. It's already happened in some places were Christianity is given a sort of "master race" status in consideration over all other religions.
5. Standardized homeschooling. There are entire generations with large numbers of evangelicals, baptists and other retards raising their kids on pure lies and bullshit to be "Christ warriors" and to hate liberals, gays, pro-choice, etc., not to mention distrust and hate science, education and evolution. This is no different from the brainwashed children in African countries who become the foot soldiers of despots.
Sounds like you’re probably not a liberal then. Start dipping your toe in lefty circles. True Liberals are absolute trash on tier with conservatives.
Respect dem quads but you do realize that your vote doesn't count during a presidential election anyway.
No, they aren't. That's an imbecilic argumentum ad moderatum and it's that kind of dangerous thinking that has allowed the insane subhuman right wing to become the plutofascist authoritarians they are today.
What makes you say that?
I don't care who you fuck. That's the true meaning of freedom.
I don't care what gender you identify as. That's also freedom.
Why are liberals really so bad?
Why not?
I'm not an American but i would vote for his incompetent ass just to spite you further.
The Democrats tried to force Hillary on the American people and it backfired massively, they miscalculated how unlikable she was. Liberals in general pushed too hard and the pendulum swung back and hit them in the nose.
Good concise and accurate analysis.
Liberals have "Peggy Hill" syndrome
>Yeah, but with all that reasoning, don't you think Sanders would have been a better solution?
Definitely. But beggars can't be choosers.
>Biden looks still pretty much corrupt as fuck
Lemme guess... Burisma? Talk about a nothing burger. At least the Russia investigation produced 5 guilty pleas, 20 indictments and basically proved that the Trump campaign was at least ATTEMPTING to collude with the Russians (see: Trump tower meeting). As for Burisma, there was simply no hard evidence that the Bidens were doing anything illegal -- there was, however, evidence that Ukraine's lead prosecutor was corrupt and wasn't pursuing corruption cases that he should have been pursuing.
"Act like a dumbshit and they'll treat you like an equal."
- J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
Konstantin Rykov
no true scotsman fallacy
I haven't been impressed with your commie ramblings
Its finally a good choice being made after 8 years of nigger.
Technically, she's a fine person and would have made a good president. She's battling billions of dollars in smear campaigns and fake investigations by the rotten, enemy GOP going all the way back to the mid 1990s when she first tried to push for universal healthcare.
Everything about Hillary you THINK you hate is bullshit made up by the right wing hate engine.
Go ahead and sit out if you want Trump 4 more years.
Yeah. I don't care. It's been a shitshow on the news.
I'm not interested in having a fully fucking retarded president instead of just a half retarded president.
I'm a moderate, but I don't see many of them around, usually one extreme or the other.
Trump thanks you for your contribution, you whiny, worthless spoiled cunts. FUCK YOU both. You are dismissed.
Do I really need to spoon feed you the myriad liberal policies that have subjugated POC, supported baseless wars, cozied up to corporate interests, and incentivized outsourcing which doomed the American middle class? You’re on Yas Forums dude. Throwing around Latin ain’t impressing anyone here especially when you’re demonstrably unable to see how conservative and liberal policies are largely put in place to benefit elites. The only real policy difference between the two are centered on social and identify issues.
no it's not
this is some top tier damage control though
>It was the other guys not her!
Just stay in your shit hole 3rd world country.
American here. We’re in one fam
Kill yourself.
Well, he is a centrist kinda liberal from New York who is a little bit playful.
He won due too promising things for the working class, like most republicans, they are mostly poor working class and the republicans are big welfare spenders.
He is also attractive and cutesy amusing, sometimes, when he does his little schtick
However, he is a nerd, all politicians are nerds and those into politics and watch cable news, go to Yas Forums post shit on Yas Forums they are the 5% of the population who are nerds.
95% of the population don't follow politics because they know both sides are the same and its all a show, likewise 95% of the population don't watch fox, CNN or whatever becuase...its for nerds.
As for Trump, he used to be cool till he ran for President making him a nerd for life.
Excuse me while I bang this pussy.
It absolutely is.
The GOP is completely responsible for the constant attacks and smears on Hillary. Are you one of those retards who believed in the Comet Pizza thing or something? Well I've got news for you, fucktard. It's all lies pushed by 20+ years of FOX News and Republican trash heaps.
Lol fuck that. That’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that the system we have is fundamentally flawed and neither liberal nor conservative policies will change that. The system, including the two party system, desperately needs an overhaul. I’m tired of having to choose between two shit options.
>The only real policy difference between the two are centered on social and identify issues
This is such a crock of shit.
Liberals want to tax corporations and the wealthy at significantly higher rates
>Environmental regulations
Liberals want more, conservatives want less
Every liberal wants some form of universal healthcare, most leaning towards some form of Medicare for all. Conservatives want to go the """free market""" route.
That's just off the top of my head.
Trust me, it doesn't make you seem enlightened by saying they're basically the same.
you're delusional or intentionally spreading misinformation
she is never getting a turn, you can stop correcting the record now goy
All those things you attribute to liberals are being championed by the lefty’s of the party.
Can we maybe put the party that acknowledge facts and science back in charge before you start nitpicking their minor shortcomings though?
I mean, we are in the biggest amount of danger from an enemy we have ever been in right now. Trump isn't just a retarded imbecile. He's an unthinking, unfeeling narcissistic criminal who is owned wholly by the Russians. This is the ENEMY in our White House.
>he's one of those retards who thinks Comet Pizza was real
literally not an argument
not based in reality
like everything else you've said
>he does it for free
I wouldn't go so far as to call her a "fine person", but you're right about the fact that most of the "scandals" aren't scandalous at all or are simply the result of Republicans making mountains out if molehills.
It's hard to compete with such intellectual dishonesty. This is ultimately why Republicans are winning. They couldn't care less about truth; they're only concern is "winning".
Kiddo, YOU right retards are the ONLY ones who care about and talk about Hillary these days.
Yes, she "lost"* and won't be back in politics. We understand that. The problem is the ENEMY she "lost"* to. We need to deal with that worthless THING first.
hahahahahahaha holy shit this level of delusion
I totally agree which is why despite how much it pisses me off, I’ll vote against orange man.
But lefty values as championed by the likes of AOC and sanders are the future of the party. Lefty’s are the ones proposing policies that will actually benefit someone other than the usual suspects.
It's championed by most of them. It's just a fact.
she is never getting a turn
cry about it
Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahagagagahagahhahahahaha pizzagate
Which is why we need to eradicate them and replace the GOP with a sane party to counter the Dems. The Republicans must be abolished outright and FOX needs to be stripped of its right to broadcast. This is the only way forward for this country.
Because lefty’s are pulling them that way. They’re not doing it out of a moral obligation. They’re doing it to secure reelection.
good to see you have no argument and are just a retarded loser suffering from bouts of impotent rage because of TDS
Rent free
Your newfaggotry and shillhood is showing, retard.
not an argument sweetie
TDS isn't a thing. Never has been. Never will be.
Their motivations are beside the point
Are you retarded? She litterly said she would start a war against russia if they involved themself in Syria, that is not being "a fine person". That is being a pshycopath.
it clearly is or you would be able to stop thinking about him all the time
clearly trump is on your mind 24/7
i bet you think about his cock too
You have been called out, Kiddo. Sorry, no Rubles for you for this thread. Better luck next time. PROTIP: if you're going to invoke memes here, make sure you know what they correspond to. We're experts here and you will be IMMEDIATELY seen for what you are if you continue to fail as hard as you just did.
Your callout is completely meaningless bullshit, the bell that tolls for someone who is raging angry with no logical leg to stand on.
She is never getting another turn.
Cry about it lel
>How do you explain the Trump phenomenon?
Left-wing teachers became obsesses with "equality" and trained a generation to think that their opinions were "equal" to every other opinion. The result was people who don't feel the need to shed their illusions and live in the real world. Therefore Trump's lies had wings in the USA where they would fall flat in more cynical countries.
The USA is descended from people who decided to emigrate and to kill the natives. They are "J" and they are harsh. Their law enforcers like to shoot a lot. A nation loaded with horrid assholes was bound to elect an asshole at some point.
Schools again! Americans learn very little about the rest of the world and when they graduate they stop learning. They don't recognise fascism when they see it.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is real
TDS is when you defend Trump on just about everything. TDS is saying "orange man bad" every time someone makes a valid criticism of your Dear Leader. TDS is being so brainwashed as to think Trump is an honest person who cares about the working class. TDS is when you aren't living any more comfortably than you were under Obama, yet you still think you're "winning".
Stay cucked, magaturd
Well then I have nothing else to say to you. If you’re ok with our politicians lying and deciding us and changing stances to whatever will re-elect then, opposed to exhibiting intellectual rigor in their convictions and moral consistency, then by all means, keep voting for your oppressors.
That would be called global politics and a devotion to the allies we USED to have over there, mainly the Kurds, who were BETRAYED by the ENEMY trump. We're supposed to just let Russia stick their fat asses into any country they want to? Turkey, Syria, Israel, Ukraine? Where does it fucking end? They are all over the place where they DON'T BELONG. We USED to be the main force keeping them from doing that. But for SOME reason the Russia-owned retarded clown in our White House has let them do whatever they want and has even run Kremlin-sourced propaganda interference for them. Gee, I WONDER why that could be?
If they're in favor of certain policies that I'm in favor of and follow through on them, then their motivations don't matter to me.
Are you saying the moderates wouldn't actually follow through? If that's the case, you're merely speculating, and I really couldn't give a fuck less about your opinion
You look all the more retarded when you try to claim TDS is real. All the real disorders are tracked, studied and cataloged in the DSM-4 and DSM-5. You aren't allowed to just pull a fake disorder out of your asshole to try to shut down debate with people who are your intellectual superiors. It doesn't work that way.
Go eat some borscht. It'll make you feel better. Poor widdle retarded plant.
no i just realized it was real after just talking about trump in anyway that some retard like yourself could see as "positive", even the SMALLEST little detail
I could call him cheetoman and tell you I don't like him much (but it could be worse than Trump)
for going on 4 years now
non stop
so I started trolling people pretending to be pro trump
every single response is rage filled delusional vitriol reminiscent of the tea partiers who fucking HATED Obama
you're a hypocrite with below average IQ, a useful idiot whose emotions get played like a fiddle
>Trump derangement syndrome isn't real!!!!!
He shouted holding back tears
>Drumpf is a worthless piece of shit he hasn't done anything right EVERYTHING is ALL HIS FAULT
>He's an idiot!
>He's masterminding the death of America!
TDS is real and you suffer from it
continue on in your delusions now sweetie
This is you coping with the fact that you have no real argument
You'll continue on in your delusions as if nothing happened
Take a look at what is posted on this board, and then make it nationwide. People voting for trump is the result.
Like this for instance.
I love the talk about not reckoning fascism, yet I bet this poster would never mention how anti-fa runs parallel to the proto Nazi regime.
I didn't vote for trump but if I could go back knowing what I know now, having witnessed what I have now.
Love trumps hate was a lie.
I Would have!
I'm not going to bicker about your anecdotal bullshit, magaweenie.
OK so basically you are living in delusion
that's cool, just stop getting mad when people like me point it out to you and then laugh at you when you get mad
>No real argument
Lol this is nothing but empty, hyperbolic sperging.
Not user btw
TDS is not a thing and will never be a thing. Learn to debate properly so you don't need a worthless, knee-jerk crutch like implying your opponent has a non-existence affliction.
Facts and science and logic still matter even though a man like tRump is the fake president. You don't get a pass on having to make sense just because he does.
I wish the two of you had enough self-awareness to realize you are proving my point right now, in front of a small audience of readers.
Realize I'm laughing at you. Realize I am playing with you like a toy and you are reacting exactly as I want you to.
TDS is not real. No medical journal mentions it. That's a fact.
So you're telling us a lie, right there, and you don't even care that it's a lie. You want to believe it, so you believe it.
You are literally item 1 on my list.
>OK so basically you are living in delusion
Of course that's what you'd believe. You're quite literally brainwashed.
I know you're going to vote for him again. I'm not going to try to convince you not to.
yeah it is pretty clearly a thing
why are you in denial about a readily observable phenomenon?
>vote for him again
I didn't vote for him the first time
See the more words you spew, the more worked up you show us you are
you're worked up over... Trump
You are acting deranged over... Trump
> TDS is saying "orange man bad"
No, THAT is "criticism" or "persecution" or a few other well known things.
Calling it a "syndrome" is a lie - it's not a medical problem.
And by pretending Trump's critics are insane, you are undermining their credibility. You're destroying Free Speech.
>their motivations don’t matter to me
Fucking hell dude. You’re ok with morally vapid people seizing power with empty words and enriching themselves in the process? How do you not see a connection between a lack of true moral standings in Washington and the absolute corrupt fuckery that happens there?
And yeah I am saying that because moderates clearly can’t get fucking elected to even try to follow through with their plans. Look at downballot races, and house freshmen. Notice a trend? It’s not the moderate liberals that are garnering excitement. The lefty’s are the ones pulling the party into meaningful legislation.
The only thing observable about TDS is the fact that those who invoke it have zero facts in their assertions and use it only as a childish means of ending conversations with their intellectual superiors.
We're not pretending anything. There's genuine criticism and then there's the shit that gets spewed about cheetoman on the daily that is pretty much deranged ramblings written by basement dwelling communists seething with impotent rage
Your minds are on Trump 24/7
rent free
>See the more words you spew, the more worked up you show us you are
The irony
Anything else you'd like to get out of your system, user?
Nothing you just said holds any accuracy or validity.
Perfect storm. We just got off a relatively peaceful presidency. No major sex scandals or 9-11 events to go to war about. Obama was boring and as efficient as he could have been with the other branches they way they were. For the media this does not get views.
“President has straightforward diplomatic meeting with foreign leader” gets lower ratings then “President calls foreign leader a real piece of shit and now we might be closer to WW3”.
The media likes to talk about something and they have the venue to promote the candidate that is the most interesting to talk about. What do you think the late night hosts would do if you stripped them of half of what they talk about everyday?
Add that Russia had business dealings in progress with Trump and were more then willing to disrupt an election. Add that the people with real power feared losing it to Bernie so they pissed off all the young people that actually wanted to vote for him. “You want Bernie? Na, but how about you just vote for Hillary”. That gets a big fuck you from the young opinionated voter that would rather not participate then be told what to do. With Democrats fractured between Sanders and Clinton, Trump stood to sweep.
>Zero facts
>entire thread filled with impotent rage regarding Trump
This is what delusion looks like.
That's not ironic though. Everything I'm saying is easily observed by somebody not suffering from TDS.